The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-11-21, Page 17Y, NOVEMBER 21, MI THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW ONTARIO: PAGE SEVENTEEN SEE OUR AD ON' PAGE 24 ASHTON'S LADIES' AND MEN'S WEAR • ED FROM PAGE 1 base, A recess in the • sand holds the door and ramp is stepped on to bottoM of the door to the end of the ramp. eimFoves safety and at congested points. tith is now negotiating kepi licensing of his to interested manufactur- the assistance and guid .lawrence P'eska Associates, Muni which specializes in pment and introductiOn ism various industries. -ate no ideas which are uential for develop - the view of Mr. Peska. our company is locat- Avenue in New York many well-known mul-: rums nearby , our fac *eh across the United 'Canada to aid inventors BRIAN KEITH • in their creative efforts ," says Mr. Peska. "We are confident, many ideas exist which could result in profitable new,products if their. inventors would make them known. Our company is sincerely interest- ed in the discovery' of these ideas and in their commercial develop- ment." Brian. who is 20 years of age , is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Evan Keith of Kinloss and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Graham of LucknOw and Mrs. Duncan Keith of Culross. He first created the idea about• six, years ago. ' The / firm of Lawrence Peska is. acting on his behalf in securing patents and the necessary purchaser to put • the idea into practice. Brian is a graduate of F. E. Madill Secondary School and is presently attending Humber Col- lege in Toronto where he is in his second year in '.a irblic relations course. We discussed judging and reasons Nancy de Boer read a paper about this. We decided On our book cover order and began it. The ' meeting adjourned at 3.30. Clover Valley . Lazy Marys The last meeting of the Clover Valley Lazy Marys was held 'on' Friday, November 16 at 7.00 at the home of Donna Elphick. The . president, Annette Elphick opened the meeting with the 4-H pledge. All the meribers answered' the roll call which was "How I Improved my Bedrooin". Wendy Hamilton read the minutes of the last meet- ing which were correct as read. Achievement Day was discussed by Mrs. Hamilton and Mrs. El- phick. Mrs. Elphick also discus- sed How to Judge Accessories. We did a Colour Quiz and arranged a bedroom. We judged all of our accessories. We closed the meet- ing with the 4-H. Creed . • Buried Monday At South Kiriloss SOUTH KINLOSS NEWS Funeral service for Miss Grace Macintosh of foronto was held at Lucknow on Monday with inter- ment in South Kinloss Cemetery. She was one of nine daughters of the late Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mac- intosh of the 4th concession, Kin- loss. Frank MacKenzie is undergoing treatment at the Massachusetts 'Hospital , Boston U.S.A. Miss Connie MacKenzie of Toronto is spending a few d'ays ,at home. Mr. and Mrs. Evan Keith, Sandra'and Murray and Mrs. War- ren Zinn and Terry attended the Open House at Humber College on Sunday. Brian Keith is a second year student'there. Congratula- tions to Brian on his invention which was publicized on radio, Friday' and in the newspaper on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Maclntyre and family visited over the week .end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vic Fenton in Corunna. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd MacDoug- all were dinner guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pollock of Kincardine. Mrs. John Needham is a, patient in University Hospital, London. Week end guests with Mrs. Alvin Schmidt were. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Schmidt and family'of Wat- erloo. Ka.irshea WI The Kinloss Karishea W. met on Thursday afternoon. November 15th at the home of Mrs. Farish 'Moffat . Wingham, Mrs. • Clarence Ritchie presided and the meeting opened with the Ode and the Mary Stewart Collect: - Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall read the minutes and financial state- ment in the absence of the sec- retary Mrs. Gordon Wall. Seven- Steen members answered the roll call `IA Canadian woman who 'left her footprints on 'The sands of time' ." A donation of $1.00 per member was voted to 'support the Bruce County Tartan promo- tion. The, "Baked in a pie course" with Mrs. Jim Burt and Mrs. Ira DiCkie as leaders will be held • November 21 at 1 p.m. - place Mrs. Ira Dickie's. Mrs. Steer reported on the Rally held in Chesley and Mrs. Clarence Rit- chie reported on the Grey-Bruce Area Convention at Chatsworth, The Achievement Day for the course "Bedroom /Accessories" will be held in Kincardine Dec- ember 8th at 1 p.m. Mrs. Harvey Houston gave the motto "Every privilege carries responsibility" , 'reading words of wisdom from a poem of Ethel Chapman.' She concluded 'by say- ing Take responsiblity. many, many things are most rewarding. Mrs. Steer sang a solo "0 Can- ada" with the members joining in the chorus. Mrs. Gilbert Hamil- ton had a quizz "Know Canada". This was followed with a Front Page Challenge type of quizz by. Mrs.. Frank. MacKenzie, using well known people who have left their footprints on the "Sands of Time". This was most amusing and inter- esting. Mrs. Ted Collyer gave the cour- tesy remarks and the meeting clos- ed with the Queen and Grace. Refreshments were served by the hostess and directors Mrs. Frank MacKenzie and Mrs. Ted Collyer. • The Christmas meeting will be held December 20th at 1.30 p.m., at the home of Mrs. Clarence • Ritchie. !gm S•0 Chamber .Charmers The eighth meeting of the Chamber Charmers took place on Saturday, November 17th at the home of Mrs, Haldenby. Nancy de Boer called the meeting to order at 1.30 p.m. We then stood and repeated the 4-H Pledge, Anne Colwell took roll call "How I improved my bedroom". She then read the minutes of the list meeting which were adopted as read. for the 11 Ashfield Native Died In London C. FRANKLIN FINNIGAN The death occurred at Park- wood Hospital, London, Ontario On Thursday, November 1, of ,a former well-known resident of the Seaforth area , Charles Franklin. Finnigan, following a lengthy ill• ness. He was in his 84th year. Born in Ashfield Township, he was the youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Finnigan of Ashfield Township. In the year, 1915 he was united 'in marriage to E. Pearl Saunders of Ashfield , who survives along with 'a family of three daughters, Mrs. Gerald (Mur• iel) Neil of London, Mrs. William (Alma) Irwin Of Oakville and 'Mrs. Lois Storey of ScarborOugh. He is also survived by one sister Mrs. Violet. Elgie of Seaforth , and four grandchildren and two great-grand children. He was predeceased by two brothers and two sisters: Since moving to London, he was an active member of Empress Av- enue United Church. A largely attended funeral service was con- ducted by his minister, Rev. Dar- well A., WeLsh from the A. Mil- lard George Funeral.Chapel on Sat' urday, November 3 at 11 a Interment followed in Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens, London. Property keeps Increasing in value Think back! How many homes sell for* less today than they did ten or twenty years ago? Be smart today. Profit tomorrow. Get , that property you want right 'now. Come direct to us for a mortgage loan custom built to fit yourneeds. Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation' VG GREY TRUST COMPANY siNcr '88,9 Lyle R. Zu'rbrigg Manager Elgin and Kingston Streets Goderich 524.7381