The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-11-21, Page 8WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER I May We Suggest A FAMILY TREE RING OR PIN EACH RING OR PEN CUSTOM MADE DON'T BE DISAPPOINTED Order Now To Be Sure Of 'Christmas Delivery. •‘"Wae .--*(NNAokt* SCHMID'S • JEWELLERY AND CHINA .Owners W. Jos. and .Dean E. Agnew PHONE 528.3532 I.UCKNOW,. ONTARIO,. .WW1104- Ripley Curling Gets Underway The season's curling gets under- way this week, after many weeks of preparation under the direction of Presidents Sandy MacCharles and Joyce Counney. Howard Hodge gave the compressor a corn. plete overhaul and Gordon Roul- ston's ice committee had the lee ready on time, with a great many hours of labour being provided by the members. Murray Thompson and his draw committee have the Men's draw prepared with the start being made last Monday evening. There is room for more curlers so. the committee' have made allowance for this, by adding to the present. rinks. The men will be curling on Monday, yednesday and Friday evenings; the ladies club on Tuesday evenings and certain afternoons. Thur§days will have the mixed draw which we hope to have completely filled for, the post-Christmas event. President Joyce Courtney informs us that the ladies have organized a pot-luck supper for tomorrow evening, Thursday , November 22nd to complete their plans for the season and to introduce. new curlers to the sport. '74 ModeLs . . . We're 'got 'ern ... Conte in and see RO,L.L:0-FLEK Top performance sled of '/13 . . greater than ever for '74 ... now at ... AN M cCOSH SHOPSALES SERVICE 395-5263 R.R. 3, Ripley, OM. Beautiful, bold, our '74 "Wi One" by ROLL-0-FLEX,w patented superflexion suspe ,ion, is indeed the ultimate Supersleds. Parts Repairs PRE-SEA SON CHECKUPS By Experienced Mechanics PAO' 11111.011T 'THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUC.KNOW, ONTARIO, Although the snow has not yet settled on th&ground the Amber- ;ley-Huron SnOwm4ile Club has already begun the season. To start off the year a Masquer ade Party was held on October 27th at Reid's Corners Hall. Sev- eral prizes were given for costum- es. It surely must have been a difficult task for the judges as the costumes were sensational. • On November 18th a delicious pot-luck dinner headed a general Meeting in which an election of a new executive was conducted as follows: Clarke' Ferguson, Pres- ident; Rick Elliott, Vice Presid- ent; Shirley Blewett , Secretary; Eileen Baier , Treasurer; and ' five Directors, Brian Bates, Ken Wilson, Carol' Bell, Doug Blewett Gary MacDonald. Clarke Ferguson Is Club President WE. HAVE SNOW TIRES BY IPAINPTON AND. ATLAS iwwwwwwwwwwwvwwwwwwwwwwwwww, • LuCknomi MacDONALD Town & Country Beatrice Adams bowled the high single for, the ladies with a score of 156 , Pearl Bell taking the high double at 271. For the men it was. Les Purvis taking the high single at 219. Harry Lavis took the high double with a 376. Team points: Les Purvis' Greens 5 , 'Margaret MacDonald's Violets 0; Harry Lavis' Reds 5 Bill Ross' Oranges 0; Veta, Purvis' Yellows 3, Henry Carter's Blues 2. Standings: Blues 25, Yellows 22, Reds 22, Violets , Greens '15 , Oranges 5. Men s 7 p.m. Ron Stanley had high single and triple of the evening with scores of 278 single. and 727 triple Games over 225,, Ron Stanley 278 , 225; Don Johnstone 252, 242; Evans Helm 243 , 228; Rick Irwin , 245, George Moffat 241, Ray Cranston 239, Lloyd MacDougall 227. Team points: Owls 7, Cardinals 0, Vultures 5 ,••Hawks 2. Team standings: Ron Stanley's Hawks 32', George Humphrey's Vultures 28, Wayne Cranston's' Owls 20 , Lynn Hodgin's Cardinals 18. Lucknow Dungannon Irene Blake took the high single this week with 241 and Marie Stewart's triple of 584 was high for, the ladies' section. Ladies over 225 were Irene Blake 241, Becky Culbert 285, Dean Agnew 232 and Marina Park 226.. For the men Lloyd Humphrey • had a nice Single of 322 and Grant Chisholm had a triple of 701. Men over 25-0 were Lloyd Humph- rey 322: Grant Chisholrn 298 , 252; Bill Searle 298 , Gerry Priestap 285, Bob Irwin 282, Bill. Stewart 253. Team points: Kangaroos 5 , Zebras 2; Coons 5, Squirrels 2; Cubs 4 ', Chipmunks 3; Foxes 0, Polecats 7; Wolverines 7, Gophers 0; Tigers 3, Lions 4. Team standings: Tigers 45 , Coons 41, Cubs 38., Polecats /38 , Wolverines 37', Zebras 37., Squir- rels 31, Kangaroos 29, Chipmunks 25 , Gophers 21, Foxes 19, Lions 17. In order for us 'to have the tournament sponsored 'by Carlings , we need, your signatures by this week' in order fora an entry to be sent in by November 24th. • Be a good sport , join' in and make it possible for' everyone who wish- Lucknow Are News THURSDAY, NOVEMBE 4:30 - 7:30 p.m. Figure S Lessons Town and Country Ho 1st Game 7:30' p.m, 2nd Game 9:00 p.m. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7:00' - 8:00 p.m. Pee Wee Lucknow 'and Wingh II SATURDAY, 'NOVEMBE 10:06 a.m. - 1:00 p.m House League Roche 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Flea G SUNDAY, NOVEMBER • 1:00 - 3:15 p.m. Public S 3:30 'p.m. Juvenile g 8:30 p.m. Intermediate • Lucknow vs Harrist MONDAY, 'NOVEMBE 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. Figure 7:00 p.m. Atom Gain 8:30 p.m. Bantam G TUESDAY, NOVEMBE 8:30 p.m. Midget Ga WEDNESDAY, NOVEMB 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Public Ladies 9 p. High single , Barb Whitb High triple , Kay Crawfo Games over 200: Barb 279 , Kay Crawford 267, Barb. Sanderson 240, Olive holm 218 , 218, Bertha Whi 217 , Janet Barger 216, 218 ie Fisher 210. Team points: Lynn Wall Corn 7 Barb Helm's Carro Janet Barger's Potatoes 2, Carter's Onions 5; Irene N Peppers 4 , Anne Wisser's ishes. 3. Team standings: Potatoe Carrots 43, Peppers 40 1/2 ishes 38 , Onions 33 1/2, C All ladies interested in' Carling Classic; must sign 529-793'9 before Novembe Ladies 6:30 p.m. Jean Phillips rolled the high single of 233 and the high triple of 618. Good bowling Jean. Games of 200 and over: Jean Phillips 214, 233, Mildred Cam- eron 224: Marion Mackinnon' 227. Team points: Marion MacKin- non's Poodles 5, Wilma Clarke's ' Spaniels 2; Mildred Bushell's Collies 5 Mildred Cameron's Terriers 2. Team standings: Corgis 43, Collies 40 , Terriers 37 , Redievers 37, Poodles 34, Spaniels 33. Men's 9 p.m. This week Ron Stanley rolled 801 for theligh triple and Rick' Jardine's 725 was in second spot. Other nice triples were Bill But- ton's 722, Clarence Greer's .713 and' Wayne Rhody's 694. Wayne Rhody rolled 309 for high single and runner-up wai• Rick Jardine with 294. - Other over 250 games Ron Stan- ley 294260, 259, Roger Panna- becker 281, Clarence Greer 261, Bill Sutton- 261, Fr. Dentinger 256. Team points: Chas. McQuil- lin's Pontiacs 5 , Bob.Greer's Olds 2; Herb Barger's Mustangs 0, Harvey. Houston's Fords 1; Bill Button's Buic.ks 5 , Clarence Greer's. Dodges 2. , Team standing: Buicks 36, , Mustangs 30 , Fords 29, Pontiacs 28 , Dodges 25, Olds 20. Kinloss Gerald Rhody `was high for the • men with a single of 245. Lloyd MacDougall had the high triple with 629. Marilyn Rhody was high for the ladies with a single of 222 and a -triple of 557. Men over 290, Gerald Rhody 245 , Lloyd 1\6cDougall 218, 216; Murray Keith 208, Jack Henderson 212. Ladies over 200 , 'Marilyn Rhody 222, 205. Team points: Doris MacKin- . • non's Wealthys 5 , Mary Lavis' Spys 2; Merle Rhody's Pippins 4, Ann MacDougall's Macs 3. Team standings: Wealthys 23, Spys 31, Macs 15 , Pippins 29. Cliff Em'merton's bonspiel com- mittee have been working and have most preparations made'for the season's spiels. The first one • will be this week end when the annual . Emmertoft Beach spiel will be held. The building committee , under • the chairmanship of Jack Scott, has made plans for certain small improvements to be carried out during the year. With the departure of Treas9ter , John'Loomis to Listo- wel , 'Walter Lock has agreed to look after these duties for the' time being , as well as convening the committee in charge of High School curling. It gives every indication of another successful season of 'curl- ing for the members. es to.compete. Remember &lance is as good as the ne because your, handicap, is gi according to your average. Sign upi week, because next week too late