The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-11-21, Page 7SHUR-GAIN Swine Supplenient 200 A 38% SWine Supplement used at 2001b. per ton—to make 15% Dry Sow Ration and a 14% Hog Grower. SHUR-GAIN Swine Supplement .300 A40% Swine Supplement used at 300 lb. per ton to make a 16% Hog Grower and a 16% Nursing Sow Ration. ' SHUR-GAIN Swine Supplement 400 A 42% Swine Supplement for use ' with corn. To be used at 400 lb. per ton to make a 16% Hog Grower and a 16% Nursing Sow Ration. Three new supplements to keep feed quality high and feeding simple. Ask about SHUR-GA1N Swine Supple- ment 200-300 and 400. LOWER INTEREST RAT NOW, •.AVAOLABLE ON 1 St and 2nd .Mortgages' anywhere in Ontario on , RESIDENTIAL - INDUSTRIAL. •, COMMERCIAL. and FARM PROPERTIES, interim financing on new construction or land development ' FOR REPRESENTATIVES IN 'YOUR AREA'. PHONE , SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS AND, • CONSULTANTS, LIMITED (519) 744.4535 Collect . Head Office —56 Weber, St. E., Kitchener, Ontario' WE BUY EXISTING MORTGAGES FOR INSTANT cast! ' • Relative Shower For Linda Elliott HOLYROOD NEWS . The 'home of Mrs. Ellwood Elliott was the scene of, a. happy gathering on 'Tuesday evening' when relatives honoured Miss Linda Elliott , bride elect , with a :mis- cellaneous shower. Pink and white streamers and balloons decorated ,the bridal chair. To the strains of the wedding march played by Mrs. Allan Mil- ler, the bride and her attendants took their places. The hostess gave everyone a cordial welcome and was chairlady for the program. Miss May Boyle began the pro- gram with a "Musical Romance" in song.. Mrs. Jack Ackert gave,a humorous reading entitled "Linda's Shower" . A musical elimination game was won by Mrs. Lois Hack- ett and "The Perfect Husband" was given by Mrs. Bryce klliott. Mrs,. Wilma Elliott gave a humorous reading "Linda's First Cake". MI'S. • Goldie Harris won the, guessing game. A contest ; "Things a bride would like to get at her shower" , kept the ladies guessing. A reading "The eye rester" was given by Mrs. Joyce Courtney. Miss Karen Elliott read an , address of good wishes anti, assist- ing the bride were Debbie Elliott and Barbara Stanley., Linda received many lovely gifts and in her reply'thanked all who helped with the shower and extended an invitation to her trousseau tea at her home next Wednesday afternoon. For she's .a jolly-good fellow was sung. • Assisting with placing the gifts were Lori Miller, Karen Elliott, Gail. Whytock. , Delicious refresh- ments were served and a social time enjoyed. CRAWFORD MOTORS CHRYSLER DODGE PLYMOUTH WINGHAM ONTARIO PHONE. 357-3862 1973 DODGE MONOCO 4 door hardtop, fully equipped 197Z PLYMOUTH Satellite' custom, 4 door sedan, 6' automatic with radio 1969 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass, 4 door sedan, V8 automatic with radio 1969 CHRYSLER 2 door hardtop 1969 FORD 4 door' sedan, power steering and brakes and radio 1969 METEOR 2 door hardtop, power equipped and radio 1968 METEOR Rideau 500, 2 door hardtop, 8 automatic power brakes and steering 1970 model snowmobile 01111111101 EsPAYI-NOVEMBER 21 1913 THE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL weKNow,. ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN:- +7. KI LOUGH Allan Pope of Glen Orch - at the week end with Mr, Frank Ivlaulden and mpathy is extended to the familydu the death pf father, the late James , who had been in failing for sometime, Mrs, passedaway in May. and Mrs. Arthur • es(Jr.)have taken up res- at the north end of our Se,, We Welcome the bride community. gitotswitlyMrs. Gertrude were Mr. and Mrs. Ed of Goderich , Mr. anti Mrs. Currie of Waterloo, Mr. Nits, Carson Laughran of Lis - Mr. and Mrs. Scott and family of Millarton , and Mrs. George Gallo- f Mellon, Sask. The Gal- ysleft on their return trip . lathe West, this week. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson were dinner guests Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Farrell and. family. Mr. and Mrs.. Ron Duncan of Kitchener visited with. Mr. and Mrs. George-Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Stewart of Millarton spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson., Lois Nicholson spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs, Jerry Col- lison and family at Georgetown. Mr. and Mrs. Bill MacPherson of Holyropd attended the annual meeting and Rally of the. Clan MacPherson Association, held at the Lord Simcoe Hotel in'Toronto on Thursday of last week.. They visited also with Mrs. MacPher- son's relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Busby and family at Port Credit. Win Honours At Achievement Day DUNGANNON NEWS 4-H Achievement Day for this agSianrdtlusrtdhfreaoiymr, ioeNauxocive area was held in Wingham on leromsc awb leerrt hel r7ie.ne a6Atltluel bntsdh e.. ance and each received her • stirling silver teaspoon. Mrs. Linda..(Young) Culbert received a pie server for having completed 18 clubs. .A few W.I. members from here attended the afternoOd program. Mrs. Maribelle Cran- stone received County Honours for the completion 'of 12 clubs. 'She is a member at St. Helens. Jim Little and Wm. Wiggins are in Wingham •and District General Hospital, where they are having X-rays and tests. It is hoped they will soon be well enough to re- turn home. Mrs. 'Wilbur BroWn, Lucknow, is in University Hospital in London, where' she is to have hip surgery for arthritis. Friends here will be thinking of her during the 'next three weeks in'hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eedy, Mich- ael and Laurel from Strathroy visited .this ,week end with the fOrmer's parents Mr. and Mrs. H'. J'. L. Eedy, Harold Campbell from Kamloops; British Columbia, en- joyed a two-week holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dynes . Campbell. He.returned by plane from London on Saturday. Mr. and. Mrs. Bill Blake and - Becky.from..Cambridge (Galt) spent the week end at their respective, homes here and in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. liyine Eedy mot- ored to Mississauga. Saturday to visit Mr, and Mrs. Bob Eedy and twins, Megan' and Jennifer. Being our baker, Irvine doesn't have the opportunity to stay very long away from his work and hOme: On their return, on Sunday they visited Mx. and Mrs. Don Aubin and five children in Campbellville, also Mr. and Mrs, Bob Ott and • Matthew in Kitchener. Mr.' and Mrs. lohn Linton and Alisa from EdMonton are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. K. Daw- son 'and other members of the family here During the week John is in Toronto attending a ten-day computer course. On Sunday Mt. and Mrs. K. K. Dawson had a family dinner,at which all members of their family were present, including the Lin , tons., Mr. and Mrs. David. Daw- son , Jatquelyn and Paul, Mr. and Mrs. George Dawson, Kim, Kathy , and Laurie from Godericli and Mrs. Olive Straughan, from Goderich. Alvin, Sherwood recently fleW to Calgary, Alberta to a Shan- born Dispersal Sale, where he purchased a valuable. champion 'female cow , to add to his fine herd at Carnation Stock Farms , - Dungannon. The Royal Winter Faire which is in •progress in Toronto has .attracted quite a number from this area, Friends from this community send congratulatiOns and best wishes to Mr, and ic1rs.',Wm. Petrie 'of Goderich , who. are cele- brating ,their 50th anniversary on Wednesday , November -21. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pannabecker on the birth .of their baby•daughter , Krista Lyn, a sister. for Terry, born Nevenlber 1, 1973, in Wing-, ham. and District Hospital'. Mrs .. Paul Henderson, acorn,- pa nied by her three daughters , Heather, Jennifer and 411 and • their friend, Darlene Taylor, all of Mississauga , viisited with the former's parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Alton and other relatives Friday to Sunday. Sports' night for parents in Ash- field and West Wawanosh is held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at 8.30 p.m. in Brookside School. As an added attraction there will be Progressive Euchre in the library ion these nights. For the more athletic there is a chance to play Volleyball or Table Tennis or do gymnastics. Come out and enjoy yourself. The next Sports' • Night is to be November-27. During my vacation Mrs. Mary Bere kept the Dungannon News ° reported and 'appreciated her time and work ,,and all readers would also. Again you may phone 529-7965 to keep our Dungannon News active. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Naylor from Sarnia spent the week end with the laiter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Park. Dinner guests on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs . Eric McNee and Brenda were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Boechler and daiighters of Goderich. Mrs. Murray Oke from Scarbor - ough spent several days recently at her parental home with Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Higgins, and with Mr. and Mrs.' Leonard, Chis- holm here ,' and Mr. arid Mrs., Raymond Chisholm in. Goderich. Mrs. John Ryan has returned to Georgetown after spending the summer in her home in Dungan- non. "She will accompany her 'daughter and son-in-law , Mr. .and Mrs. Gordon Kidd to Florida for the winter months. Leonard Payne , student from. Laurier University in Waterloo , Spent the week end with' his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Chisholm and family and also visited his grandmother Mrs. Payne in Walton.