The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-11-21, Page 6sine ss of Farming CANADA MANPOWER AND THE ONTARIO MINISTRY 0 AGRICULTURE AND FOOD ARE SPONSORING a 5 week course on the Business of Farming THE. COURSE , WILL START ON JANUARY.21st, 1974 IN AYTON This course is strongly recommended to any farm operator wishes to improve his management ability. Subjects covered deal mainly with Farm Management, Livestock Managem and Soils and Crops Management. Approved 'students will 'receive a Canada Manpower retrl'i allowance. For further' information and application forms contact. the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Box 1 Walkerton or MaTikdale. • ' t viE4avonagiwoow GU' YOUR xWI A TH adAd Hospitalized Aftei7 _Car Accident.. • • RIPLEY ABM= Custom Butchering - Curing and Smoking Cutting and Wrapping - Sausage Making - Fast Freezing sioNhe."••••,..fte.."0+6","4."0."."60ww. HOGS AND CATTLE ON MONDAYS CATTLE ONLY ON FRIDAYS Have cattle in. on Thursday for Friday's kill With Two Big Coolers, We Are Able To Hang Your Beef From 1 To '3 Weeks - Whatever Your Requirements Are For Home Freezers •We Sell Choice Home Killed Beef, Pork and Lamb In Any Quantity At Lowest Marketing Prices ALL MEATS ARE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FOR YOUR PROTECTION CHAS. HOOISMA, PROP. ABATTOIR 395-2905 STORE 395-2961 lune STILL AVAILABLE Before The Age of Miracles M,troits of a CounfcyDoctpr BY DR. W. VICTOR JOHNSTO • $6.95 Dr. Johnston was born in West Wawanes Township and was a general practitioner in Lucknow for thirty years. His book reflects life and practice in this community. MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED AT SAME PRICE • AVAILABLE AT THE LUCKNOW SENTIN a '•'". • '.' PAO* SI*, • Pat O'Hagan, Prop.. ESTABLISHED OVER SIXTY YEARS #LICIERTON • PHONE 11814234 ONTARIO variety of Injuries Treated At The. VI/Ingham and District Hospital THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL 1,4...CKNOK; ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY „ NOVEMBER Peter cook, Lucknow received internal 'injuries on November 13 When he fell from a ladder at the• home of Robert Farrish, R. R. 3 Lucknotv: •Ile was transferred via ' ambulance to University Hospital, London. Mrs. Rachel Kuepfer, R. R. 3 WIpgliarn, caught her left first finger in;tlie •hydraulic Of a trac- tor at her home farm Noyeniber 13' and arnputated.the finger. She was admitted to hospital. Kathleen-Taylor , R. R..3 Luck- now ,,age12; was mauled by a dog at her.lioine on November 13 and received multi-lacerations to her face. Wingham O.P.P. Mc- Kittrick inveatigated. Roy Schneller, R. R. 2 Holy- rood , fell iii the barn of Harvey Beitz on'NOvember 14 and fractur- ed his right hip. He was treated ' and transferred to St. Mary's Hos- pital. Kitchener, via ambulance. Norman, Stuart , R. R. 5 Luck- now ,' fellin'the barn of Lloyd Mc-, Nall and lacerated his head. He was treated and later released. ' Alvin Alton, Winghani, fell off a roof in Belgrave and fractured his ribs. William R. Purdon, R. R. 2 Lucknow , received a compound fracture of his left thumb when he struck it with a sledge hammer while erecting a snow fence at his honie. Leslie Fortune ,r R. R. 1. Wing- ham, Was admitted to hospital with partial amputation of his right first , second and third fingers when he caught his hand in a v-' belt pulley on a power feed cart on Douglas Fortune's farm. Mrs. Margaret Rutledge, Brus- sels, fell on the street in, Brussels and fractured her right wrist. Robert Suong , age 7 , Wingham received a lacerated left eyelid playing hockey at the •Wingham arena. Susan Irvin, age 14, R. R. 7 Lucknow ., fractured his left second finger playing basketball. Colinlones, -age 15 months, was admitted to hospital with first and second degree burns to chest and left arm when he accidently pulled a cup of coffee over hifn- self. James Seli, Wingharn, fell and fractured his left arm. William Willie , age 22, R. R. 3 Wingham , was bitten by, a dog on the' farm of Carl Weber. In- vestigated by Wingham O.P.P. McKittrick. Murray Nichol, Brussels , was apparently riding on the side of a garbage track and he struck his head on a road sign in Brussels, which was apparently leaning into the traffic lane'. He received a lacerated scalp. Investigated by ,Wingham O.P.P. Balzer. 'Kevin O'MalleY, age 16, R, R. 2 Teeswater , was travelling on a slippery road on County Road 12, approximately 1 1/2 miles from Wroxeter when the car went out of control and-struck a hydro) pole . He suffered an injury over the right eye. Invest.; -igated by Wingham-O.P.P. Foul- Nicholas Blok, age 17, R. R. 2 Auburn, had the prongs of 'a man- ure fork puncture his right , knee while he was, doing the chores. He was treated' and transferred via ambulance to University Hos- pital, London. An 18-year-old Wingham girl. Shirley Elizabeth (Betty) Josling, was taken to London's Victoria Hospital following a two-car Colli- sion on Highway 86 , west of the Zetland Bridge, on Saturday' night November 10. , Miss losling was a passenger in a car' driven by. James B. Cleland of R. R. 1 Lucknow , which was in collision with a car driven by Clifford E. Davidson of Hamilton. She was brought to the emergency department of the Wingham and District Hospital where she was treated for a laceration over her right eye and a contusion to her right leg.' She was later transfer- red via ambulance to the London Hospital. Damages were estimated at $2,200. • Prov . Const. George Foulon of the Wirigham detach- ment of the Ontario Provincial Police investigated. Kinloss Township.. Council Minutes The regular meeting of Kinloss Township council was held on November 5th at '7.30 , Councillor Donald, Bell absent. After the minutes were. adopted it was decided to advertise for a. part time grader operator. Maitland Valley Conservation Authority was to be contacted to attend the November 14th meet- ing. Ruelene will be available to Kinloss ratepayers at 6.00 per can. The following accounts were. ordered paid. GENERAL: Daco Laboratories Ltd. , ruelene , 1070.00; Prov. Treas. Deb # 1 - 1971,, 283.59; Mrs. Mary Jacobs, callers fees, 175.00; Ed Wise, dance.instructor 24.00; B.P..0i1 Ltd. oil twp. hall, 30.15; Ont. Hydro street' light , installation Whitechurch 785.90; Maciafari Gabions Ltd.',. Murray Drain, 393.67; Wayne Bushell, bulldozing waste site , 45.00; Wayne Bushell, Murray. Drain, 36.00, McLeod Imp. , 96.00; Fraser MacKinnon, part salary, 293.70; Xmas Seal Fund 15.00; Daymaeed Ltd. , pipe Black Creek, 96.32; Fraser Mc- Kinnon, postage , 8.'76; Out Met- al Products , c.m.p. McLeod Imp. , 45.50; Lucknow Sentinel, envelopes, etc. , 11.76; H. M. Gibson Ltd. superintendence Cauley Drain, .135.00; Fraser MacKinnon, clerk's fees, 85.00; Bruce County Plowmen's Assoc. , share prizes, 29.50; Wm. Evans, waste site and building permits, 151:63; Don Chadbourne , fox bounty, 4.00; Murray's 'Gen. • • Store, recreation supplies, 4.30; Jack Scott ,_const. Black Creek New Section, 318.00;. Hanna, and Hamilton Const payment in full. Conley. Drain, 1800.00; Andy Wadel, 3 -fox boun- ties, 12.00; Dick McQuillin, 1 fox bounty, 4.00. • HIGHWAYS: Frank Schumacher, Pay less deductions, 369.33; Harold 'Smith, pay less deduc- tions , 377.90; David ,MacKinnon, pay less deductions, 232.80; Rec. Gen. for Canada , employees share Un. Ins. , 18.97; Rec. Gen. for Canada , employ- ees share C .P .P , 22.98; Rec. Gen. for Canada,`Income tax , 169.45; Northern Paints and. Var- nish Co. ‘, paint patch etc. , 238436; Dominion Roads Mach. Sales, grader repair, 25.12; Bannerman Const. Ltd. , sand , 70.00; McCutcheon Motors Ltd. , truck service, 42.91; Pro Hard ware, paint brushes, 2.35; B.P. Oil Ltd. oil grease , etc. , 146.58; Ron Stanley Farm Sup- plies, chain saw. repairs , 24.35; Hodgins McDonald Lumber Ltd. shingles , 14.45; Dorntar. Salt Ltd salt 180.68; Owen King Ltd. , 9.00; Frank Schumacher,'tele- phone etc. , 9.95; Durham Hardware & Equipment Ltd. , 'welding supplies. 14.11; Case Power & Equipment Ltd. , tractor service 61,19; Einployers share Un. Ins:, 20.51; Employers share C :P.P.22.98; Ray Stanley, crush. and haul gravel, 137.40; Lucknow Sentinel, adv't. , 7.11; F. Schumacher, advance • pay to Nov. 15, 1973, 175.00; H. Smith , advance pay to 'Nov. 15 , 1913 ; 175.00; David 'McKinnon, a'dvance pay to Nov. 15, 1973, 175.00. The meeting adjourned 'to meet on November 14th at 8.3 0, FRASER MacKINNON, Clerk, ur sound: counsel and a fair price on a monument rrectly designed .from quality material, rely on. ° ST. HELENS NEWS SHOWER FOR CAROL MARTIN On Monday , November 12 Miss Carol Martin was guest of honour at community shower in the St. Helen's Hall. Barbara Aitchison played several piano melodies while the ladies gathered. Mrs. 'Ross Errington was chair' lady. Readings were given by .lvIrs. Jim litChison and Mrs. Bob Aitch- ison. Contests were conducted by Mrs. Wim de Boer, Mrs. Jim Errington and Mrs. Alex Purvis. Musical numbers were given by Mrs. Tom Pritchard and a group of girls, Assisting the bride in opening her gifts were Mrs. Janet Klei- hauer of Rostock and Mrs. Eliza- beth Irwin of Wingham. Dayle McDonald , Bonnie Humphrey , Gail MacPherson and Valerie -and Debbie Errington also assisted in arranging the gifts. Carol thanked the ladies and lunch was served at the cOnclusion of the evening. . Honoured With Bridal Showers . , SHOWER FOR LOIS STRUTH On Saturday, NOvemberl Miss Lois Struthers, bride-el was guest of honour at a co ity shower in the St. Helen' Mrs. 'Tom Pritchard played eral selections on the piano ladies arfived. Mrs. •Ernest Gaunt was chairlady for a s program. Musical. numbers were giv Mrs; Toni. Pritchard', Stephe David; Gail MacPherson pla a/piano solo and Janice Gau Mrs Pritchard played a pia duet. A reading was given Mrs. Jim Aitchison arid cont were conducted by Mrs, Ro Garninie Flarold Coo Mrs. TOrn Pritchard, , An address of good wishes read to the bride-eleet by Ernest Gaunt Assisting DAS opening her gifts were Lynd Lyons and Carol Wattam. assisting were Karen Gatint,; ion Raynard and sail Pritch Lois expressed her thanks the gifts and invited the lad her trousseau. tea on Decem er 1st . • Lunch was served by the bour ladieS at. the Conclusio the evening.