The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-11-07, Page 22RD RAC; STORE WELL WORTH LOOKING FOR EFFECTIVE MON, NOV. 5 TO SAT., NOV. 10 WATCH FOR THESE ADS — THEY'LL SAVE YOU MONEY Madeans TOOTHPASTE est We.Fo $. • • t• • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • .• • .• • %.••••• • .• • .• .• • „, ••• ••• • • •• • • • • „ • • • • • • • „ • • • • • • • .• • • • • • • • • . • • • • • ••••:: • • • • • • • • • I • • • .. .• • • if • • • , • • • • • • y • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • „ • • • • • • • • , • • •.• • • • •••••••••••••• • • 00 • •••".••• • ••••••• . • • ••••••••••••••••-•,••••••::•:.••••• •••••••• • • • • • •• • • • • .•,...••••• ti •••••••. • "• • • • •••• • • ••••••• ••••• • • •••••••••,.. • : . • • ." • •••••••••:. , • • . •:•:. • . ••••,:•.••••••••••••••••••••••••,,,,• , • • •:•:: • • • • • •••••••• • • •••••••• • • • • • •••••• • • • • •:..• • • • • • • • • • • ••••,,,:•:•:.•:•••,:•••••:•••:•:•:••••-:.::•:•••:•••••••••••;;;.••••••,••••••••• • • • • • • • • • 2., • ••• • • • . • • ••.••••,,,,,,,, • • " • • • •••:::: • • . • , • • • • • • • . . • - • • • • • • • • • • • .... • • • • • • • • . • • • . • • • • • • • . • • .• . • • • • • • • • • • • • • , •• • ••• „ • ••••• •• ••• • • • • • . • • •• • ••• • ••• , • ,,,,••••• • •••••••••••••• •••••• 00..... 1.0% ....I. • • • • •—•••••••••••:. ..„..,..,.....,,,,.........0,1,,,,,,........0.0.00.,.....• .,... 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Its object is to do everything pos- sible to bring back bluebirds to the. Bayfield area , including the townships of Goderich and Stanley. Bluebirds have teen. practically extinct in this aria. In 1970 a , pair was discovered by Philip' and Greta Du Boulay of Bayfield , nest- ing in an old cedar post on the 20th sideroad of Stanley. Harvey MacDougall put out nesting boxes in the fall of 1969 and he,has continued with this work. Results have been gratify- ing,. He had 15 boxes out in 197.0 and 1971, with no nestings. Last year with 60 boxes out he had three nesting; this year with 150 boxes along concession lines he had. 17 nestings from which 49 young bluebirds were fledged. Bill Wisser of Goderich has had some success, too , working most - ly in the Dungannon area. The Bayfield group applied to the NeW Horizons program for assistance in organizing the retir , ed in building a great number of boxes, • getting these put up in suitable locations; checking these periodically. and keeping records on nestings. From the work done so far it seems certain that the bluebird can be brought back to something like their old numbers provided there is careful planning and continuing work over the years The .Bayfield group have plans to work with the schools and young people generally. Word has just come through that the Bayfield group's, application for $5000 to underwrite this work has 'been approved under New Horizons auspices. This will en-• able the purchase of lumber., steel posts (where necessary) and other supplies. No remuneration, is allowed the retired persons work:, ing on the project. The Bayfield council has set • aside a room in the Town Hall • • for box building work this coming winter, - The officers of the society are; Harvey MacDougall, president; Philip Du Boulay , vice . - president; Mrs. Frank Burch, sec- retary; and Brig.' Morgan Smith, treasurer. Directors in addition to the above are; Mrs,. Gwen Pemberton, Miss Jessie Metcalf, Mrs. Robert Blair , Miss Dorothy Reinke, Dick Moore and Reg York. When these directors were young the bluebird was quite com- mon throughout this area. It was particularly welcome as the harb- inger of spring', with males tom- ing north in: Marchand the females 'following in April. With its cheery song , its lovely light blue back and rusty red breast , it has often been called the contin- ent's most-loved bird. The name "Bluebird of Happiness" has been well applied to it. The Bayfield group feel that many things of their youth which have gone cannot be, brought back back not so the bluebirds. The, starlings ,' the loss' of the old rail fences, pesticides, many things have made it difficult for the bluebirds to survive. But if they are given "a leg up" with the building of nesting boxes to take the place of the woodpecker holes 'in the old cedar fence posts, the . bluebird can be brought back. The Bayfield group was greatly encouraged last summer by the gift of 100 boxes by the SWEEP organization working out from Exeter. These young people put up these boxes in the south part of Stanley Township. A number of these boxes' should have blue- birds nesting in them ' ' next summer. \II 1 II \I , . . Don Pullen Spoke To St. Helens W.I. The November Meeting of the St. Helen's W.I. was held in the hall with a good attendance of both men and women. President Mrs. Allan Miller presided for the meeting, which opened with the Ode followed by the Mary. Stewart Collect. The roll call "A country sound I like to hear" brought many varied answers.. V Minutes of October meeting, treasurer's report and assistant treasurer's reports were read. Business period' followed . The Blind Canvass netted $109.25 in this area. The London Conference will be held. Novem- ber 7-8. Group 5 is to look after the Martin wedding November 24 and GroUp 6: the Struther's wed- ding December 8. Slips for the Lodge Banquet November 5 were "given out. It was decided to start the Winter Shoot Parties in the hall Thursday, November 8 at 8.30 p.m.., admission to be raised to 75¢ from 500. Some dishes are to be purchased for catering in, our own hall. Wing- ham Achievement Day is Saturday, 'November 17 for 4-H girls. Following the Lutknow Armist- I Helen's Cenotaph by Mrs.-4A, • ice 'Church ServIce the lusk, Wreath is to be placed at'f'',* ll Miller and Mrs. Ross Gain'- A - Community Shower for4si Carol Martin is being pla wa November 12 and Lois SwthS November '17. s The motto '!A farmer lit to go to work, he•jui: wakes up and it is there" prepared and given by Mrsik, Cook. An excellent poeid,1 Pa and Ma Retire f0 to the ,cold the story well. Mrs* Phillips presided for the,pt' and gave a good fall poeiti,, The guest speaker, MO Pullen of Clinton, inti by Mrs. Robt. Aitchison aikil presented with a gift !AO tion by Mrs. Ross Frrington., show ed interesting slides of H County and other slides shoi Land Use Problems and spoke about Developing Naming,' S. Helen's Journal 0,, prepared by Mrs. Ernest Gau l and read by Mrs. Jim Aitchis liu oNor1frosu:h.sa Peter in gee at edrgi a ndler ga e a social a ic n rn t. as e hour reiadif Phillips,, swSihm rt gfEa:ift' • i'hcri 'it IRITe b e APlel ajcoei n" ai ll meeting close, d with the Ciae followed by Inititute Grace,' son , Mrs. George Webster an Mrs. Peter 'Chandler as hostel Freshmint or Spearmint 100 ml. size oi4 I • • Receives Degree At VVaterloo KINGSBRIDGE NEWS, John Van Osch of Waterloo re- ceived his Bachelor of Arts degree at the Autumn Convocation held at Sir Wilfred Laurier University in Waterloo on Sunday, Novem- ber 2. He had majored in sociology. Ian is a physical education consultant with the 'Waterloo Sep- arate School Board. He is, mar- ried to the former Sally Knohl of Clifford. They have two children, `Michael and Lisa. Attending the convocation from here were his parents, Mr. and. Mrs: Jack Van Osch, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Peters-gagel of Goder- ich, and Mr. and Mrs, Frank Knohl and Michael of Clifford. MITCHUM ANTI-PERSPIRANI SPRAY 4 5 ounce SUGGAIST $3.50 V ICKS , FORMULA 44 COUGH REMEDY • 5 oz SUGG. LIST S1.99 ELMER UMBACH I.D.A. DISCOUNT PHARMACY LIJCKNOW PHONE 528-3004 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES ADORN ..SELF STYLING HAIR SPRAY 6 3 ounce SLIM LIST S'1,89 BERGEN'S LOTION Richer, creamer, never sticky. 15' oz with dispenser SUE LIST 5179 JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LTD. Lucknow, Ontario • Pack power