The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-11-07, Page 21• THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO IDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 197; PAGE' TWENTY-ONE $2495 1971 PONTIAC CATALINA TWO-DOOR HARDTOP = 350 V-8, automatic,, power steering, power disc brakes, whitewalls, wheel discs. 24,000 miles. One owner. Nice light blue finish with, white pp. DHE - 674 $6300 oviing is an excerpt from • Ich given in the House of ions on. Oct, 22 by Ross ler, Liberal MP for Bruce, /debate op a bill dealing inancing of the CNR. Speaker, I do not par- .ly relish speaking this af- on this bill dealing he financing of the CNR because, frankly, I look at it with a feeling of hoPelessness and complete frustration. I look oh it• with frustration because, ever since coming here ' in 1968, I have heard members on both sides of the House in- telligently criticizing the operations of Canadian National Railways, yet nothing has 'happened as a result of those criticisms. , The minister of transport has• said, under repeated questioning by many hon. mem- bers, that he does not have the power to 'restore the train ser- vice, and that the Canadian Transport . Commission, established by an act of Parliament, runs the whole show. May I remind you of something that happened several months ago., When Bell Telephone came before the. Canadian Transport Com- mission for a rate increatie, the government, for reason's unknown -to me—and I am ' speaking as a private member and giving my, peirsonal view—rolled back the rate in- Crease' awarded to Bell Telephone. If the government can do this with respect to telephone rates, it can do something with rest to' the railways. If ths-Minister of Transport wi9aet to reinstate the train service in southwestern 'On- tario, he can do it. If he thinks he cannot do it, all he hat to do is come before Parliament with a bill. I suggest, although I can- not speak for my friends in the opposition, that, we, on my side of the House, would give the minister Any pciwers which are necessary for restoring' this train service. , We should look •into the whole question of 'passenger service, not just • in south- western Ontario,- but in the whole of Canada. It is suggested that in the foreseeable future the price of gasoline may be $1 a gallon, There is a great problem of pollution in our cities. Surely, this is not the time when railway passenger service should be finished, 'especially when 100 percent of the com- mittee members recommended that train service be re- initiated in the, area from which I come. I. am' sure members will not be shocked to learn that, in- stead of re-initiating service, the railway stations in this area are being torn down. One could . very well ask what we, as mem- bers of parliament, are doing here today or any other day discussing the question of CNR financing. Give us train serykekINhicheiv 1973 DATSUN 510 DAN • This is the deluxe model. stores top economy and 4 speed tran- issiori. 13000 miles. HCF 722' TWO-DOOR HARDTOP - 25,000 miles. This as new car has V-8 automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, tin- ted windshield,• rear defogger and extra snow tires. DDM 174 2995 FOUR-DOOR HARDTOP - 350 V-8 automatic, power steering, power disc brakes, radio, rear defogger, new' belted whitewalls., DHH 828. PANNABECKER - Ross and Glenna (towing) Pannabecker of R. R. 1 , Dungannon are pleased to an- nounce the arrival of Krista Lyn on November 1st , 1973 in Wing- • ham and District Hospital, a baby* sister for Terry. 1968 VOLVO 2203 STATION WAGON Four speed transmission, custom radio', bucket' seats,, very clean condition. DHE 151. $1095 1:97 2. CADILLAC SEDAN De VILL.E" All the\ power options plus. automatic air conditioning, tinted glass, vinyl top and new.tiros. Just 24,000 miles., $10,000 new. DHL 792 • •-•••••••••:.y.;:::::0:::,.*•,,k 1969 MONTEGO TWO-DOOR. HARDTOP - V-8, automatic, radio. Nice condition. DEW 392. $1495, OPERIC ow BUICK 1969 FORD CUSTOM - SEDAN - V-8, automatic, radio, rear speaker, power steering, top condition. CNN 334. $1295 524-8391 cGEVS PONT! 1969 PONTIAC PARISIENNE SOAR! STATION WAGON 350 V-8, automatic, power steering, Power tailgate, whitOwalls, wheel discs, cOmpletely reconditioned. FICH :149 VOISIN - John and Susan Voisin (nee Yahbee) are proud to an- nounce the birth of their son, Michael John , born on October 27 , 1973 at Wingham and Distridt Hospital (8 lbs. 10 oz.). First grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Art Yahbee and second grandson for Mr. and Mts. Mac Voisin.' Honoured On 80th Birthday yilliam A. Humphrey of St. Helens observed his 80th birthday on Novetnber 5th. In honour of the occasion Open House was held on Sunday, Nov- ember 4th 'in the St. Helens 'Hall during the' afternoon, when over one hundred friends called to extend congratulations and best wishes. A family dinner Was held follow- ing -the Open House. Present were his three datighters'and four sons, Mrs. Ernest (Caroline) Snow- den and Mrs. George (Greta) Web- ster , both of R. R. 2' Lucknow Mrs. Roy (Mary) Robinson 'of R. R.' 1 Belgrave ,' Bill and Harold of ,Lucknow , Lloyd of R. R. 2 Luck-. now , Lorne of Cambridge , mem-. bers of their families and ,Mr. Humphreys sister Mrs. George Walker and Mr. Walker of 8e1... grave. . " ••••• • • '' • V/01-00OR HARDTOP.- This' one owner Ir has 350' V-8, automatic, power leering, power brakes; custom radio nd is in above average Condition. FKD 969 PONTIAC PARISIENNE Hamilton St. Mrs. Humphrey passel away in• 1964.. Mr.' Humphrey has twenty-six grandchildren and nine great grandchildren.