The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-11-07, Page 15AMBERLEY On Sunday, November 11th is Holy Communion at Pine River Church. Pine River United Church Supper will be held on Friday, November 9th at 7 p.m. Rev. J. Hill will be showing _slides on Middle East trip. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mazur. of Toronto. spent the.week end with Mr. and Mrs. Art Srneltzer. Mr. and Mrs.. Elmer.Smeltzer and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Irwin spent the - week end in Detroit with Eugene Blue. Bill Danforth is building a new home at. Point Clark, and Robert MacNay is. building a new home in Amberley. Mr. and Mrs. Masterson and son of Kitchener spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Deb Wil- son, Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Irwin were .Mr. and Mrs. Perrin Lowry, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Gibson and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Smeltzer, Mary Pace R.N.A. of Wingham spent the week end with Mr. and • Mrs, Wm. M. Pace. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Campbell of Amberley. were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shouldice and family of Shallow Lake , Mr. and Mrs. Ken Farrell and family and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Lowry and family. hoose from our• large selection' of INDOOR - OUTDOOR - SHAGS - KITCHEN CARPETS - HARD TWISTS, ETC. ;and Mrs.' Ed MacGilliVray andMrs. Randy o.,ald.enjoyed a week's holi- ti sk Lake, While they away little Tammy and Kim Donald visited with their paonts Mr. and Mrs. Harvey wand visited with Mrs.* Thompson and Vicki Dore. and Mrs. Don Robertson Saturday in London , where were the guests of Mr. and R. A. Blackwell and family mr, and Mrs. Albert Black- nide Dore was an overnight of Brent Coiling on Wednes- and Vicki Dore was with Joan Esp," NOVE MBER 14,. 1973 .E GROVE Henderson. On Sunday evening Mr, and Mrs. Wib Ernmerton visited Mr. and Mrs. Burton Collins. Mrs. Burton Collins and Sandra McGillivray visited last week with Mrs. Martha Patterson of Walker- ton. Visitors on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs, Don Robertson, were Misses. Annie McLeod and Margar- et Robertson of Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thompson and Robbie report an enjoyable trip to the West. Mr. and Mrs. Don Robertson visited recently 'with relatives in Guelph. • Mrs,. Bolte of Toronto is visiting with her son Glenn and grandchild- ren. THE INCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAIih FIFTEEN. WHITECHURCH Lillian Soloman of Barrie and Elmer Parker were united in marriage on. Thursday, November 1st by Rev. Parry Passmore-at Wingham United Church. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Carman Whytock. The corn munity extends ,their congratula- tions to Mr. and Mrs. Parker. The November meeting of Whitechurch Women's Institute will be held November 12 in the ,Community Memorial Hall at 8.30 with hostess Mrs. Bill Rin- toul. Roll call - an article .made in Canada and where. ° Motto - success`consists of a ser- ies of little daily victories , Mrs. V. Emerson. 'Topic -. In charge of Mrs. John Currie. Contests, report of Area Convention at .Chatsworth by delegate Mrs. Bill Rintoul. Lunch - Mrs. Rus- sel Gaunt , Mrs. Bill Gibson, Mrs. Jas. Wilson. Mrs. Ruby Cranston and Mrs. Peter Harrison of Goderich were, Sunday visitors with Miss Annie, Kennedy of Wingham. This community is Sorry to learn that Mrs. Gordon Wall of Wingharn, formerly of Langside is a patient at Victoria Hospital, London. The community wish her a speedy recovery. On Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson . were at. Blyth ,• where Victor visit- ed with Calvert Falconer and Mrs.. Emerson attended Blyth Woinen's Institute to talk on Tweedsmuir History, Book making and do honor to the Grandmothers at their meeting.. Whitechurch W.I. received word that Bruce County Council have granted Bruce County Worn- , en's.Institutes the exclusive right, and privilege to promote the Ecuce County Tartan. As a result each W.I. member of Bruce Coun' ty is being asked to contribute $1.00 as an investment in the Tar• tan, to be repaid from profits. The surplus stock of Tartan, ties and giftware , decals, will be pur- chased from the former promoter Anna Meyer. We are sorry to report that Rus- sel Ritchie was admitted to Wing- ham and District Hospital on Friday. 'We wish him a speedy recovery. Recent visitors with Mrs. Robert Ross were her sister Mrs. Bill Craig (formerly Pearl Mirehouse) of Toronto and Misses,Jean and Barbara Campbell of London. . Mi., and Mrs. 'Eldon'Emerson , Darlene , Sharon and Brenda Of St. Catharines' spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Vic- tor Emerson and on Saturday even- ing artended the reception at 'Bel grave W.I. Hall in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Don Vincent (nee Carol Webster). Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott and family were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Elliott of Arkona., Miss Ruth Elliott of Centralia spent the week end with • her parents. . . 'Congratulations to Miss Colleen Farrier A .R.C.T. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carman Farrier of Long Branch, for obtaining the highest marks in her Teachers Associate of Music Degree with the Western Ontario Conservatory of Music. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Farrier of Wingham and Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Farrier of White- church attended the Convocation at the University ,pf,Western Ont- ario, London on Saturday, lgov- einber 3. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Farrier and Kirnberley,of Guelph were recent week end visitors with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Far- rier.