The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-11-07, Page 14Joey Hodgins °, with mernbers of the Ripley Cubs, held a "camt out"- last Saturday evening return- ing to their homes by Sunday noon THE IrO,WIOW SIENTIN.ar .k.K.KNOTIfor ONTARIO _ WEDNESDAY, _NOVE1434 SOUTH KINLOSS Mrs. Harvey Houston and Mrs. Clarence Ritchie from Kairshea "Wornen'sInstitute attended the Area Convention held •in, Chats- worth last week. Mr. and'Mrs. Harvey MacDoug- all of Bayfield visited on Tues- 'day with Mr. and Mrs. John Need- ham. Mrs. S. MacDougall of Toronto visited last week with her brother Ross L: MacDonald.. Mr. and Mrs ''Ira Dickie and William were din- ner guests with them Thursday evening. John MacKinnon returned home last week from his trip to Western Canada. Mr. Sherwood White and. Mrs. E. H. Chapelle of Ypsilanti, Michigan visited. Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Dickie. Mr. Fred Gilchrist is a., patient in Wingham and District Hospital and, Danny Gilchrist has been ill with pneumonia. 'We wish both a speedy recovery. • Guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.. Don. Bell, Wayne and Beverly were: Mrs. Irene Bell and Douglas of Toronto , Mrs. . Xnne Pritchard of North Bay, Mrs. Edna Bell of COrrie and Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Hanna and family of 10th concession. The family gathering and dinner were in hon- our of Mrs.•Irene Bell's birthday. Nancy Burt of ,London was home for the week end'. Other guests on Saturday were Mr. and. Mrs. Bob Small of Hanover. Mrs. Jas. Barton of Fergus is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Allan Graham , Mr. Graham, Ruth and Martha. 90th BIRTHDAY Congratulations to Mrs. Chas. Butt , who, on November 6th Cele- brated her 90th birthday. Knox College student , Mr. Dennis Freeman, was guest speak- er at South Kinloss Presbyterian Church on Sunday. For November 11, the service it South Kinloss will be at 1 p.m. as the service in Lucknow will be later than usual. • This Friday , November 9, the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair opens-in.the coliseum building in the danadian National Exhibition Park in Toronto. It will be open to the,public this Friday and Saturday and then all next week, closing on Sanirday evening, Nov- ember 17. It is understood buses from Lucknow and Kincardine will be making trips down with various groups. One group going from here is , the Ripley and Dist- rict Horticultural Society with Mrs. Marion McCharles and Mrs. Bette MacLeod in charge of arrangements. This trip will be on Thursday, November 16. Ripley District Arena manager and ice maker I?onnie Peter- baugh has started making daily trips down to the Ripley rink. In Ripley ftirnished 'the music for a "hard times" dance held in the auditor- ium of the Ripley District High SchoOl. PrOceeds go for the building of the Ripley-Huron and Area Recreation Complex. • • Herb Clayton's farm sale,, east. of the former Olivet Church on the econd concession, is slated fool* coming SaturdAy. Details are in the classified ad section. Last Friday , Norman Schmidt of Walkerton, Fran* and myself made the trip down to the Coliseum. in Toronto to take field crop exhibits to the Royal , Winter Fair. The weather for the trip down was nice but -the heavy downpour of rain made the return one rather hazardous. This week Jim Richardson and Norman ex- pect to take down e?chibits in turn- ips or rutabagas. Last yearJim won the championship trophy , the silver tray and one hundred dollars all-donated by Dominion Stores for his entry in turnips,. Back in 1962 and 1963 he had this honour and again Jim hoPes to make it two consecutive wins. Both men were judges at the Ripley-Huron Fall Fair this past September. Home last week is Mrs. Niels Frederiksen after being hospital- ized for the past couple of weeks in Toronto. CRAWFORD MOTORS CHRYSLER DODGE - PLYMOUTH PHONE 357-3862 1973 DODGE B.ioisToqco 4 door hardtop, fully equipped 1973 CHRYSLER. NEWPORT Custom, 4 door hardtop, fully •poWered with air conditioning 1969 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass, 4 door sedan, V8 automatic with radio 1969 CHRYSLER 2 door hardtop 1969 FALCON 2 door, automatic with radio 1969 FORD 4 door sedan, power steering and brakes and r 1969 METEOR 2 !loor hardtop, power equipped and radio 1968 mETEOR Rideau 500, 2 Aoor .hardtop, 8 auto, power brakes and steering 1968 PLYMOUTE! Satellite 2 door hardtop, 8 automatic with' 1959 FARGO 1 ton stake 1970model snowmobile ber . Canvasses will recei chures and receipt books:, Canadian Bible Society fie, funds to continue its work lie ation , translation and d tion of Sciiptures, the de which , is the greatest in The executiye of Ripley Dist- $2.00 will provide a Bible' rict. Bible Society met-at the someone of our less fortu home of the local secretarY-treas- lowmeri. urer on October 31st. The chair- man), Cameron McAuley was in 'charge. The financial statement as' given by Wm. Atnold was as ' folio*: Balance from Oct. 1972 - $19.07; Canvas $409.90; Other sources 41.34. Sent to Upper Canada Bible Society $420.00 and' in Bank $50.11`.. , The local canvas was discussed and it was decided to hold- it this ,• ear during the month of Novem- long rates The present high, high interest on long term savings — how long can ,it iast!?Equally important is how• much are you ,'profiting. from.it? Smart People are putting all the money they can spare into Victoria and Grey Guaranteed investment Certificates, paying a truly exception41 high rate Of interest. How about you — today — at Victoria and ',Grey. Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation VG TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1999 Lyle R. Zurbrigg. Manager ,Elgin and Kingston. Streets Goderich 524-7381 his'' Wee BY AB `YIDS' At the time of writing this col umn all is cadet through the vil- lage on this Sunday morning. There 3 is a definite chill, on the fall air and it. is comfortable to be indoors, So far the area has, escaped a snowfall, but with skies overcast every day xhere,is the threat of approaching winter. Here and there young boys and girls take a ride on their bicycles and now and then a car , hustles across the main intersection. Now with morning service, church rnusiefrom Knox is heard. On Friday evening, Norm' Duns-r. moor's Orchesira from Kincardine PURCHASED UNTIL SATURDAY, NOYEMBER 10' THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE PHOTO OR PERSONALIZED CARDS