The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-10-31, Page 11n/tINP1‘ !\1 w is the time to order Available in many different designs and styles, in black and white or colour. Bring In We'll . Your Negative Do The Rest , THE LUCKNOW $ENTINgL- Phon e . ISTMAS CAR OLIVET Mr. and Mrs. David: King of Goderich visited on Sunday even- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mc- Guire and family.' Robbie and Marilyn Engel• of Dublin visited for the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Black and, fainily, Miss JOanne Hamilton returned to London on Sunday after spend- • ing-the past two weeks practice teaching at the Listowel District High School. This week she is 'teaching at the A.B. Lucas High "School:in London. Bill Black of London was home for the week ,end with his parents. Mr. ,and Mrs. Walter ,Black. This community is sorry to. hear that Austin Martin has not been feeling as well as he could be and was in the Hospital recent- ly. We wish him, improved health. How long can high rates last The present. high, high interest on long term . savings — how long can it last? Equally. important is how much aile.you . profiting from 'it? Smart people are putting all the money they can spare into. Victoria and Grey ' ,Guaranteed Investment Certificates; paying a truly exceptional high rate of interest.. How about You — today 7- at Victoria"and Grey. Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation VG TRUST COMPANY. 'SINCE 1889, • GR RIA and Ey SKATES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY e County•Womenfs Institute was held in the Unitetd ch in Chesley. The chair- Mrs.Wm. Arnold of Bruce District presided. Capp, president of the' ey branch welcomed the members. For Bruce East Gillies Hill was in charge Jegistration. secretary-treasurer Mrs. McKinnon of 'Bruce Centre et gave the financial state- reporting 'a balance of ,37. anions were in charge of the Arkwright branch, Bruce Centre. Entertainment during the day included musical numbers by the Whitechurch and Zion branches. Skits were given by West Arran and Walkerton Evening branChes and the Assembly singing was con- ducted by the Malcolm branch. Miss Barbara De Visscher the home economist reported on 4-H club work and Senior Training Schools.. Ladies day at. Farmers week in Hanover will be January' 10th. There will be a rood forum On Poultry Please on April 2nd , 1974. Mrs. D. Cameron gave the museum report and said attend- ance was down this year. Mr. . Ken Goar is the new curator. Mrs 'Hurley of Owen Sound gave an interesting aetount of her work and involvement with S,PERO. Mrs. Urstadt, 'Provincial Board Director brought greetings and spoke briefly. Mrs., Emke , Board Director , who was unable to attend , sent greetings. Mrs. Arnold in her address spoke on the theme "To-day is the Day" leaving with us worthwhile thoughts. Mrs. J. Coyne, President of Bruce North, Mrs. M. Gow,n- lock of Bruce Centre , Mrs. Osten- dorf 'of Bruce East , Mrs. J. Kirk- patrick of "Bruce South, brought greeting from their districts•and intxodu,ced their secretaries. The tartan committee report was giv- en by Mrs. Earl Busch. A coma mittee was• appointed to meet with the, county council re the Bruce Tartan. Miss Jane Ahrens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. Ahrens of Elm- wood was .the winner of the Bruce Co. Scholarship and as She is attending University bf Guelph and unable to attend Mrs. Cecil Hol- lands made the presentation to her aunt , who accepted it on her be- half. Mrs. George Woeifle , chairman of the Grey Bruce Area , brought greetings and reminded all of the convention in Chatsworth. Mrs. Urstadt, Provincial Board member , conducted the election of.officers as follows: Past chair- ,man , Mrs. Wm. Arnold , Ripley; Chairman, Mrs. Harry Kennedy, Tara R. R. 3; 1st vice, Mrs. A. G. Teasdale, Port Elgin; 2nd vice , Mrs. James Coyne , Wiarton, R. R. 6; 3rd vice, Mrs. Kirkpatrick., Ripley; Secretary-treasurer , Mrs. Ken McKinnon, Port Elgin,, R. R. 1; P.R.O. , 'Miss Eva 'McKelvey, •Paisley; Auditors, Mrs. Philip 'Ford; Mrs. B., Underwood, Port Elgin; Scholarship Committee, Mrs. Arnold , Mrs. E. Busch, Mrs. Middleton and Mrs. J. Urbshott. Conducted tours of the Bruce Co. Educational building was the highlight of the afternoon, when the members saw through the building and were able to view the special projects and see films. Bruce Co. Cancer Society Hold Annual Meeting The Annual Meeting of the Bruce County Unit of the Canad- ian Cancer Society was held At the ,Hartley House , Walkerton, on October 17th. Branch repres- entatives attended from Ayton; Chesley , Hanover , Kincardine, Mildmay ,l(Ieustadt , Paisley, Port Elgin, Teeswater. The minutes of the preVious Annual Meeting were read by the Unit Secretary. Mrs. Weinert moved the, minutes be adopted as read; seconded by Mrs. Shirley Schmalz. Mrs. Helen Weicker gave the financial report for the period from October 1,. 1972 to peptem- bet 30, 1973. She reported the total funds received. for campaign and commemoration from the Various Municipalities as folloio: Ayton - $215.81; Chesley - $3630.00; Hanover - $5083.94; KinCardine - $6855.16; Lucknow. - $1759.00; Mildmay - $489.50; FormOsa $189.75; Neustadt - $795.65; Paisley. -'$1769.85; ,Port Elgin - $5673.73; Teeswat- er - $1569.25; Walkerton - $4374.88 making'a total of contd.. butions of $33',250.52. Our objective for this period was $18 ,500. 00' and this report would show a fine effort being put forth by the volunteer workers and people of these communities. Miss Patricia Knechtel moved that this report be adopted as read; seconded by Mrs. Beth Ben . Mrs. Anne Bolton was not pres- PAGE ELEVEN HARD TIME DANCE RIPLEY — FRI., NOV. 2 PROCEEDS FOR RIPLEY INRON DISTRICT RECREATION COMPLEX - ent to give the report of the Education and. Publicity Chairman, and this was given by. Mrs. Carol Ben. Mrs. Lola Tinims gave the re- port of the, Service to Patients, Chairman,' Ron Gibson , • Planning, Develop- ment and Nominating Chairman, presented a slate of officers for 1973-74 as follows; Past President, Reg Armstrong; President William VanDam; Staff Secretary, Mrs. Carol Bell; Treasurer , Mrs. Helen Weicker; Service to Patients Chair man, Mrs. Shirley Schmalz; Unit Secretary, John Ellis; Medical Advisor Dr.' T. Lazaar. The offices of Education and Publicity Chairman and Campaign Chairman are still vacant. It was moved by Ken Shelling- ton than a flip chart be purchased, seconded by Miss Patricia Knech- tel - carried. NEVAY, OCTOBER 31.:..1973, THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • BrixeCo. W...1,Roity Held At Chesley Mrs, Harry. Kennedy, New. Chairman. 4 FETTER . SHO LORNE -RElq, SHOE REPAIR 'Lyle R. Zurbrigg Managei „ Elgin and Kingston Streets Goderich 524-7381