The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-10-24, Page 18_Issesesoonnin c G ENE STORE RR. 7 • Lucknow —Lanes — Phone 529.7248 CHUNKY VEGETABLE SOUP, 19 oz. ..... 381 MEWS, CANNED, PUMPKIN, 28 oz. _ ........32 NABISCO,SHREDDED WHEAT, 15 oz. pkg. ' Commencing November 1st store will be closed at 9 p.m. .. . .. .511 Couple Celebrate 25th Anniversary KINTAIL NEWS • CongratUlations to Mr. and 'Mrs. Jack MacKenzie of the 12th of Ashfield' who were married twenty-five years on the 23rd of October. To celebrate the happy occa- sion a• dinner was held at Sutton Park Inn, Kincardine , for the immediate family. Those present were Mr. and Mrs: MacKenzl Gary , Diane , Ian, and Gayle Mrs. Neil J. MacKenzie of I, now , Mr. and Mrs. Ray Myer of Ottawa , Mr. and Mrs, Geo MacGregor of Copetcwn.. Later in the eVening friends neighbours gathered at the li,14 Kenzie home for-a surPrise,pa The evening was spent with nJ is and a delicious s'morgashou lunch. A clock and coffee in were presented to Jack and Ile as' well as lovely individual g Their oldest son Douglai, viho resides at Red Deer, Alberta unable to be present. Plywood ALL WATERPROOF GLUE LINE. IN ALL THICKNESSES Vic" -- Ni" — 1/2" — %" — 3/4" .95 THE LA/4W* sENTINEI,;..kUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER IV runs south from. the Bluewate bridge at Sarnia along Lake St. Clair has illustrated in six years what can be accomplished in the development of regional recrea- tion resources. A$1.11904.1kEEVE COMMITTEE MEMBER • QMISttee Recommend Feasibility •StWIV, etrOOSed.take Huron. Potway 'The commitee from the count - ies of Huron and Lambton and, the city of Sarnia , appointed to in- yestigate the values and possibility of creating. a "Lake Iluron Parkway" from Sarnia north to Amberley have approved the concept and, will present their proposal to the municipalities in- volved asking' for a feasibility study by the nuinicipalities and ▪ the province. • • 'The committee endorsed the proposal•at a meeting in Grand Bend on Thursday of last week.., The Parkway is designed, to link up:with'the present St. Ciair Park- way at. Sarnia. • Committee members from Huron CountY are Girvin Reed., . Reeve of Ashfield Township; An- son McKinley, Reeve of Stanley Township; Deb Shewfelt Reeve of GOderich; 'Roy Pattison,*Ward- 'en and Reeve of East WaWanosh; R.' •Spence Cummings, Huron . Development Officer. Aal ' tIURONVI, CANATARA ight's.Grove CENTENNIAL PAR Plans for the Parkway stem from local enthusiasm for the project. The committee recog- nize the, need `fora long range concept for tourism and the need for an, agency to organize co ,ordinate and implement a planned tourist industry. The St. Clair Parkway, which Amberley Goderich yfield rand Bend orest L A KE HU12.ON POINT FARMS PROY.PARK PINERY PROV.PARK IPPERWASH PROV.PARK • manna. PARKWAY' GOLF COURSE ourtright LAMBTON-EaTillICCAKRTPX1Vii bra am bton BRAN' R PAR LAKE Wallaceburg ST. CLAI FISHERMAN'S COVE DOVER TWP. PAR mites 16. • • 24 VALUES TAMPICO 26"-COLOR TV Mediterianean styling, at its best Featul'es include: • Autumn .oak cabinet • 114 active circuit functions • Super arbor NI-IF tuner • Electrolok •,Electrotint • Electrocolor • Turn set on • select challnel • adjust vol- ume • Instavu $549.95 Greer T.11, And Electric Phone 528-3112 PROPOSED HURON PARKWAY. ST. ,CLAIR PARKWAY EASTERN STAR , CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Gordon Hamilton, P.D.D.G.M. Atwood; Past Matrons, Mrs. Allan MacIntyre , Mrs. Jack Fisher , -Mrs. Wm. 'Wharry, Mrs. John Gnay, Mrs. Ronald Forster; Past Patrons, br, Jack McKim and George Guest. The following officers were 'installed , Worthy Matron, Mrs. Jack MacDonald; Worthy Patron, Jack MacDonald; Associate Mat- ron, Mrs. Scott Reid , P.M.; Associate Patron, Scott Reid , P. P.; Secretary, Mrs.. Farish Mof- fat, P.D.D.G.M.; Treasurer, Mrs. Alex Robertson, P.M.; Conductress, Mrs. James Inglis; Associate Conductress, Mrs. ,Ronald Forster, P.M.; Chaplain., Wallace Conn; Organist, Mrs. Robert MacKenzie. StarPoints, Adah , Miss Maudie Fisher; Ruth, Mrs, Gordon Brooks; Esther , Mrs. Bob Finlay; Electa , Mrs. James Armstrong; Warder, Jamei Inglis; Sentinel, Jack lteavie , P.P. The Marshall, Mrs. Clarence Bell; was unable' to be present and will be installed later. Dr.. and Mrs. Jack McKim re- ceived Past Matron and Past Patron Jewels and Certificates from Hur- on , Chaper..Guests were present from Fergus Kincardine., Blyth, Clinton, Goderich, Clifford, Chesley and Listowel'. — FOR — CABINETS WORK BENCHES TRUCK RACKS -1, FLOOR UNDERLP WALL PANELLIN ALSO SHEATHING PLYWOOD In 5/16" — %11 1/2 '1 %" — 3/4" SAKRETE Ready Tp Use Cement Mix (JUST ADD WATER) Mortar Mix 80 lb. $1.98 Sand Mix 801b. $1.98 Concrete Mix 80 lb. $1.98 ALSO IN STOCK 45 lb. and 25 ib. bags SANTIAGO STEREO Spanish luitury solid state AM/FM/FM stereo • Feature include: • 100 watt chassis • 4 channel sound • • dual 1211 automatic Ispeed changer ' with diamond needle ' • • finished in autumn oak with easy roll ball • castors . • tape input-output jacks • record storage • automatic amp. shut off . • pitch control., cueing device • lacks for remote sphere notawwwwwwwWWWwwwwwwiwwwwwwvo JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LTD. LUCKNOW PHONE 528-3118