The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-10-24, Page 161973 MUSTANG 3 LE MANS 4 door, V8, fully equipped 1973. OLDSMOBILE Cutlass 4 door sedan 1973 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass 2 door hardtop 1973 PONTIAC Catalina 2 door hardtop 1973 FORIZ Galaxie 500 4 door hardtop, automatic, power steering and brakes 1973 BUICIC. CENTURY 2 door hardtop 1973 OLDSMOBILE Ornega 2 door 1973. NOVA 4 door, 6 automatic, power steering 1973 FORD LTD, 4 door hardtop • 1972 CHEV Impala 4 door hardtop 1970 FORD custom 4 door, V8 automatic 1972 HONDA Motor bike, low mileage nmmmmmnlmnmaananu 1974 POLARIS SNOWMOBILES ON DISPLAY .SEVERAL USED SNOWMOBILES IN STOCK • imminomminwommiHnomumumummumminnimmonliBminonunimOimiummumiummui. CAR ....SALES.. BLYTH PHONE '523-4342 15 •p THE FORMER ROHRER'S COUNTRY MARKET HIGHWAY, 86 — 3 MILES EAST.OF LUCKNOI aturday, ctober 27 — TO 10 P.M. 8:30 Alt • COFFEE AND DONUTS. WILL' BE SERVED Come, in and meet the new Proprietors Edythe and Ross Cayley uprorLT KRAFT:0.. r--- —No w Peanut • i Butter 1 . . . 16 OZ. re '.i. 63c I IN week ' , 10)))11Issi!lffro ' JACK'S 4, 't.Potato' Chips0 fats REG. 69c 49c SILVERWOODS I ice Cream RY2 99c.4 LIBBY'S DEEP BROWN Beans with Pork 2 for '53c t in/mu '4 CAMPBELL'S • • Tomato Soup ri loot ,can s Sic, Delsey Toilet Tissue 2 — 2' ROLL PAKS for 73c FREE PUMPKIN FOR HALLOWE'EN WITH EACH ORDER $5.00 ND OVER WHILE THEY LAST KING SIZE Tide $1.96 WJAW t w .7: MAXWELL HOUSE ' • • Instant Coffee , 10 oz. j NA $1.911( Db.. ...an PAGIOYSIXTE EN, , - eiNO.11111100W.W.11..pimmirinenumilliv ' • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW ONTARIO Miss Sarah MacDonald , R. R. 1 Kincardine , slipped on the floor. at a cottage at Point 'Clark OCtOb- er 16 and fractured her left leg, She was admitted' to hospital via ambulance. • Allan• Cranston, • R. R. 2 Luck- now , fell from the roof of his home October 16' and dislocated his left shoulder. .He was admit- ted to hospital. ' 'Ricky Thacker , age 17 , R. R. 2 Iquevale, received severe lac- erations to his right leg while using a skill saw. Carl Ricker, Wingham, was treated for dog bite on his left leg while at the Killand farm near Londesboro. Investfgated by • Goderich 0.P.P. Cameron Ross, age 12, Bluevale1 lacerated his knee when he fell off his bicycle onto gravel. , Vincent DeBruyn, R. R. 5 Luck- now , age 8, received a lacerated face while skating at the Wing- ham arena. Gerald •Skinn, Wingharn, frac- tured his right fourth finger play- ing fOotball at the Wingham Ball Park. Mrs. Marjorie 6.0ley of Toronto _visited this week with Mr. and Mrs. Art Haidenby. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Walsh of Haddenfield , tigW Jersey, were luncheon guests of their aunt Mrs. Gertrude. Walsh on Wednesday and also visited with their cousin Mrs, Harold Bannerman at Kinloss and other cousins in the district. Mrs. Frank Maulden and Miss. Edna. Boyle attended the Bruce County Women's Institute Rally at Chesley on Thursday. Mrs. JackScott will be hostess for the meeting of the Holyrood Women's Institute on Thursday evening, November 1st. Roll call- Name a Canadian personality or singer. Topic' - R. C. M. R. 100th Anniversary. Motto - Why I'm proud to be a Canadian., Contest-, Canadian places, sing song. Canadian songs. _Directors - Mrs. Gerald Rhody , Mrs. Morgan John- ston. Mr . and Mrs. William J. Mac- Pherson of Holyrood visited over the week end' with his brother and family in Stratford, and other relatives in Woodstock: Mr. and Mrs. Art Haldenby and WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, ifj hspeernstisTtebrurWirsds' ay a t Marjorie DundalkuallnedY in Saturday Mrs. Culley returned to• berThh.e°1314g e i lnicTa°n Service on Sun- day next , October 28th will be cancelled in favour of the Presby tetian Anniversary Service at 11W aosme. vril. eenraai'ttoefndtheed'AthnegliFeaallnDCellatirenet Meeting at Clinton on Monday, Mi. and Mrs. William E, Olaetnebyclaatrteenncde MoultonedthfurieartalKionfethart. dine on Friday afternoon. -The late Mrs. Moulton was a cousin° Mri. Halderiby. • Mrs. Edna Whytock of Tees. water and Mrs. Isla Elliott of Hamilton visited Tuesday with Edna and May Boyle. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hamilton and family of Winnipeg, Mr. and Mrs . Bruce Hamilton and • family of LucknoW Mr. and Mt! Gilbert Hamilton concession4 Kinloss Township were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Jack. Barr and -family.. ' Mr. and Mrs. Howard White- side and boys of Toronto visited: with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur enby over the week end, Treat Injuries At Hospital KINIQUOH ...CALE:TS: STOP: AND SHOP Whitechurch WI, WHITECHURCH NEWS Whitechurch W.I. Citizenship meeting was held Monday evening at 8.30 in Whitechurch Commun- ity Memorial Hall, with the first Vice President Mrs. Ge9rge'Fish-• er presiding in the absence of. President Miss Merle Wilson. - The meeting opened with Mrs. Fisher extending 'a warm wel- come to members and visitors, singing of Ode' and repeating the Creed in unison. Mrs. V. Emer- son gave a financial siatement. Voting delegates appointed to attend Bruce County Rally at Ches.. ley October 18 were Mrs. Bill Evans, Mrs. Russel -McGuire and alternate Miss Merle Wilson. it was decided to buy tickets for the Convention Banquet at Chatsworth for 3 attending from the branch. Mrs. Bill Evans is to provide an article or articles to the value of '$3 for craft table at Convention. The Pot Luck Sup- per is to be held November 2 in the hall with the Wingham mem- bers supervisors. It was decided to haVe, a Bake Sale at Wingham . Plans were made for an afternoon euchre, 'committee in charge Mrs. Evans , Mrs. Rintoul, Mrs. Fred Tiffin, Mrs. Dave Gibb. The ad- mission is 500„, all members to bring a table and 'be responsible for a able of players.. Current Events were given by Mrs . Dave Gibb. It was decided not to take part in the Senior Training School. Thanksgiving Hymns sung were We plough the field and Come ye thankful PeOple with Mrs. Garnet Farrier pianist. The roll call name an Ontario Cabinet Minister and his' portfolio was well answered by 16 members, • Mrs, Thos. Metcalfe, leader, introduced the panel Mrs. Elgin Johnston and Mrs. Dave Eadie who discussed "Should Women Take More Active Part in Many from this area attended Ripley High School Commence- ment on Friday evening. Con- gratulations to those young people who graduated and those who won Special awards. Graduates from this community were Bonnie Boyle , Joyce Elliott, Gary Far;• • rell, Mark Smith, Dianne MacKay and Jim Dore. Mr. and Mrs. Don McCosh - spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs., Wm. McInnes and family and Mr. and Mrs. Brian King and Stephanie, all of Teeswater. Some from here attended St. Andrews United Church bazaar on Saturday in Ripley. Week end guests with Mr. and. Mrs. Don Dore and family were Mrs. William Wood , David and Ian of Durham ambOrillia and Jim Dore of Borden. Politics?" To the question: Do you fefel a woman could be a b'et , ter member of parliament than a man'- 'It was decided a woman would' be more honest and enthus- iastic than a man e.g. was Miss • Agnes McPhail. The reason " women do not take an active part was they lack confidence, have the idea woman's place is ' in the home, women fail to sup- port their own sex.' The W. I. can assist women to take part in politics by giving training in publib speaking, working with others, understanding people, edncating them by studying .gov - erntnents. It was decided mem- bers of parliament are paid enough money that they should be in their ,seats at: all times, whenr parliament is insession. If you get into politics you won't be a dishwasher all your life. • The meeting closed with'the singing of the -Queen and W.I. Grace. Lunch was served by . Mrs. Metcalfe , Mrs. Russel McGuire, Mrs, Elgin Johnston, PURPLE GROVE