The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-10-24, Page 11otiEspAy. OCTOBER 24, 1913 .MORE '.FOR YOUR .MONEY •.. PERCENT INTEREST ON GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTI FICATES TRUST CITY SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY 9 5 YONGE ST., TORONTO • TELEPHONE 416 864-1090 MEMBER CANADA DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Married In Port Albert Ceremony MR. AND MRS. D.A. CULBERT r. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,•ONTARIO PAGE ELEVEN. • nest Speaker Was rs Rolland Rice . • ONLOUGH NEWS on Wednesday afternoon the ough Presbyterian W. M. S. id their annual Thankoffering hag with Mrs. Jack Barr siding. A welcome was ex- nded to South Kinloss W. M.S. , ieswater W.M.S. , Kinlough Iglican Church Women and the ptecostal Women. Mowing the call to Worship hymn "We thank thee all our od" was sung and the Purpose asrepeated. Mrs. Don Reid ad the corrimUnications. The null was answered with the ord "Thanksgiving" . • ,Mrs, Ruth Wilson read the scrip- and Mrs. Glen Haldenby' tiered the prayer. Mrs. Don Mc an Mrs. Don Bushell reCeiv the offering and the prayer and reading was given by Mrs. Jack A film on Paul "Mission Europe" was shown by Mrs. Dan bertson. Mrs, Lyman Sutton introduced guest speaker Mrs. Rolland e a Missionary from China , ho is on furlough here. She. described the jacket that was:wearing which was made China of fine silk with dainty embroidered design. She ssed her pleasure in being ent to speak to this, group and • her inspitatibnal address stressed need of thankfullnessi and thin what God is doink in our at all times and said' "Count many blessings' and name scone by one". Prayer been a power in her life and it ges things. She closed her ss with a poem and prayer. Mts, Don Robertson on behalf all of the ladies expressed Otiation to Mrs. Rice for her Held Reunion For 3rd Year Students Of Knox College WIHTECHURCI1 NEWS On Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Murdock, student min• ister at the Manse , held a reunion for 3rd year students at Knox Col- lege , Toronto. Present for the occasion were Mr., and Mrs. Don- ald McInnis, Counsellors at Arm- agh House , Clarkson, who while here had charge of the services at Ripley and Ashfield churches; Mr. and Mrs. Hank Riuter and two children, student minister at Sutton; Mr. and Mrs, Ron Archer, student minister at Orillia; Mr. Gordon TiMbers; student minister at Dufferin Street Church ,. Torch-. to; Mr. Calvin Brown, assistant student minister at,Trinity Church York Mills Toronto; Miss Nan ' Flindall,student supply. for Knox College; Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Freeman, student minister at. Bel- more and. Bluevale; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Penny and three children of TorOnto, guest preaCher on Sunday at Chaliners and •Langside Presbyr terian Churches , Misses Nancy de *Boer and Helen Wietsma; Capt. Ruth King and Capt.. Margie • LawrenCeson of SalvationHead- . • worthwhile address and also thank- ed Mrs. Sparks for arranging for her visit 'here. Mrs. William McPherson was organist. The hymn "For the beauty of the earth" was sung and the, Lord's prayer closed the meeting. .A•fellowship hour fol lowed and delicious refreshments were served. A member from each society gave courtesy remarks. quarters , Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson. During the even- ing a lively sing song was held with Miss Nan Rill:Jail and Ron Archer accompaning on guitars. Hank Riuter showed slides of liis homeland Holland and Lloyd Mur- dock showed slides. Mrs. Rhssel McGuire , Mrs. Helen Lewis, Mrs. George Fisher and Mrs. Victor Emerson attended Bruce County Rally held on Thuts- day at Chesley church, Mrs. Mc— Guire assisted in the In Memoriam and Mrs: Fisher sang a solo. Mrs. George. Fisher of Wingharn' accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Ron- ald Forster of Lucknow to Owen SOund to the funeral home where the late Mr. George Thompson of Bognor rested. Mr„ and Mrs. Walter Elliott, Paul , Ruth , Barry , David and Karen recently visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Perrot and family, of Goderich. / . Mr: and Mrs.' Alan Falconer and Tony visited Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wallace! Milligan and family of Streets- ville . Mr. and Mrs.' Relison Falconer and family of Sarnia visited Sun- day with. Mt. and Mrs,. Robert Mow bra y and Mrs. A. E. Purdon. ' Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evans were Sunday visitors with friends at Del aware, Komoka and with Mi. and Mrs. Eric Evans and family of Hyde Park. Week end visitors with Mr. arid Mrs. George Fisher of Wingham were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fisher and family of Guelph and Mr. and Mrs. Machan of Kitchener. - Home for the week end with their parents were Paul LaidlaW of Guelph, Jane Laidlaw of Lon- don, Joann Laidlaw of Goderich, Ruth Elliott of Centralia , Mary Lou Wall of London. Bill Gibson returned home' on • Sunday from a truck trip down to the East Coast , which took a week/ The sacrament of'Holy Com- munion will be celebrated next Sunday, October 28 at the regular service hours at Langside and Chalmer s Presbyterian Churches. The services will be , conducted by Rev. Glenn Noble. .Student preacher Mr. Lloyd Mur- dock will be in charge of Rev., Noble's services. Mrs. Lloyd Murdock is Collect- ing plastic pill bottles and greet- ing cards for Langside W.M.S. These will be sent to India and China by the group. The marriage of Elisabeth Cur- ly, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. R. R Curley, 298 Wright Ave. , Toron- to and Mark Parrish, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Farrish of White- church, Ontario, was performed in Toronto October 4.. The recep- tion followed at the Hyatt Regen- cy Hotel. On October 21 a din- ner party was held 'at the Twin Gables in Listowel in honour of Mr. , and Mrs. Mark Parrish with friends add relatives attending. Whitechurch CoMmunity extends their congratulations to Mr. and Mrs: Parrish. Christ Anglican Church in Port Albert Was decorated with yellow and white daisy chrysantheniums. on the altar, white gladioli in baskets on, the chancel steps and white' and Yellow daisy chrysanthemuMs on wicker 'stands with White ribbons trailing to the floor for the September 15 wedding of Mr: and Mrs.' Donald Arthur Culbert, now residing, on ,the groom's farm at RR. Dungan- non. The bride, the former Linda May Young, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Young' Dungannon. The groom is ' the son of Mr. and MrS. Howard Culbert, RR i Dungannon. Canon G.G. Russell, Goderich, officiated for the double-ring ceremony with Miss Elizabeth Seaman of Goderich as organist and Miss Nancy Andtrson,. Auburn, soloist 'who sang 0 Perfect Love and We've Only Just Begun. Given in marriage by 'her father, the bride wore .a long white polYester satin, gown with white lace ... and _White daisy trim. The gown featured a high-line bodice with bias• rolled collar and long, tucked, seGin sleeves with elastic at the cuff forming frill .•and trim. The:dress was panelled at front and had two rows' of trim over green , ribbon down the back. A long .train 'extended from the gown at back. She wore a shoulder length' veil gathered onto a small headpiece of rosebuds, daisies and . seed pearls and carried a bouquet of yellow and white daisy Chrysanthemums, one dozen yellow sweetheart roses and baby's breath. Matron of honor was Mrs. Sue Vbdden, friend of the bride, Clinton, Bridesmaid was Miss Peggy Young, sister of,the' bride,, Dungannon, and junior bridesmaid was Miss Joanne Culbert, sister of the' groom, Dungannon. They wore coral polyester satin gowns feattiring white daisy trim 'on the bodice fronts, the top of the tucked set-in sleeves and accenting the hemline. They dresses featured HOCKEY AND FIGURE 'SKATING REGISTRATION SAT., OCT. 27 rolled , bias collars and ties at back. Each attendant wore white rosebuds in her hair and carried, a wocidgrain basket of !yellow and white daisy chrysanthemums, baby's breath • and white ribbOns with trailing ribbons ending in yellow daisies. Groomsmag was Patil ! Adams, RR 3 Goderich. Ushers were Ross Young, brother of the bride, Dungannon, and Jack Culbert, 'brother of the groom, Dungannon. The reception' was at the United Church in Dungannon where the bride'S table was centred with yellow tapers and a cake "featuring yellow : sweetheart roses on .top..' The guests' tables were' decorated. with small bouquets of colored asters. „ " The bride's Mother wore a blue, polyester "crepe sleeveless Coat with gold '.buttons and loop buttonholeS over a flowered nylon dress with roll collar, tie at the neck and long gathered, sleeveS with elastic cuffs. Her corsage was of pink carnations. The groom's' mother wore a dress with a' purple polyester crepe skirt and long set-in- sleeves and yoke of beige and purple figured polyester . crepe. She wore a corsage of pink roses: The honeymoon was spent, in Northern Ontario. • Friends..., neighbors and relatives Of the bride honored her with a shoWer in Dungan- . non 'United Church basement prior to her wedding. The Huronview kitchen • staff also feted the bride .at a shower at Htironview. Open House was held at the home of the bride prior to the weddin'g for friends and relatives who were invited, to view the bride's trousseau and 'gifts. GIVE TO UNICEF REMEMBER HELP YOUR RED CROSS TO, HELP • •