The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-10-24, Page 10" • ' • • •'44,••-• • .0" MONUMENTS For sound counsel and a fair price on a monument correctly designed from quality material, rely on SKELTON 'MEMORIALS Pat O'Hagan, Prop. ESTABLISHED OVER SIXTY YEARS' WAL KE RTON PHONE 881-0234' -• ONTARIO ii0149^ 4 riios TEN THEHLUCKNOIAr SENTINEL LAKKNOW ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER: St. Helens liCW 'The October meeting of the St.. Helens United Church Women was held at the home of Mrs. 'Tom Todd on October .16. Mrs. Chas. McDonald was in charge of the worShip service. , Mrs. Allan Miller presided at the piano. "Come, ye thankful people come" ; Was sung. Mrs. Larne Woods gave a Thanksgiving Prayer. Psalm 727 was repeated in unison. - The roll call , "A Thanksgiving Theilght "--Was--answered brele ladies. This was followed by a • reading by Miss Isobel Miller, "1st Format Thanksgiving Service • in North America. Mrs. Chas. McDonald gave two readings, "Harvest Home", and "The World is Mine".. The topic "The Educated Heart" was 'Very capably giVen.by Mrs. Lorne Woods. "We plough the fields and scatter, was sung and Mrs. Gordon MacPherson and 'Mrs. Allan Miller gave readings entitled "Thanks- giving". The hymn, "Now thank.we all our God", was followed by prayer by Mrs. Chas, McDonald. Mrs. Gordon MacPherson was in 'charge of the business., The next meeting will be at the home of Miss Isobel Miller. Mrs. Tom Todd and Mrs. Don Cameron ser- ved the lunch provided by Mrs. B. F. Green and Mrs. Don Camer- • on. Miss Isobel Miller gave the courtesy. remarks'. Cho' Ittier. Hold ,Thankoffering WHITECHURCH NEWS The Thankoffering meeting of Chalmer's W. M. S. was held October 17 in the Sunday' School room. President Mrs. Win. Rin- t041 gaye the call to worship, and the opening hymn "I to the Hills" Mrs-. Rintoul extended a warm welcome t-all. Mrs. Norman Coultes of Calvin-Brick gave eadings "liow-•the--Grea r _Guest Came" and "Peace". Mrs. George Young of Langside W. M. S. sang a solo "Dear to the keart of God". • Mrs. Johnston Conn introduced the guest speaker Mrs. Murdock and Miss Linda Hoffas of Toronto St. Andrews Church 'office, Sec- retary. and Director of Christian Education and Miss Donna Panna - hill, a student at Ewart College.. Mrs. Murdock led in prayer.. • The scripture read was God Ca1"7 ling. The theme of the worship was the Will to Serve God. The colleges are Presbyterian College Montreal', Knox College Toronto.' Ewart College teaches Christian Education and is the only one of its kind in Canada.. There gi•-'e- 3 year programmes and. a' 2 year diploma programme. Ewart College is to help people hear the gospel. To educate peoire,. give specialized education, educates men and women. There are 3 permanent staff members. Mrs ..Murdock showed slides and gave a commentary of her 3 years at Ewart Callege. Mrs. Murdock is a Deaconess. Miss Donna Pannahill showed • second year work with the Indians making slippers ,.beads of differ-. , ent types and necklaces. She ex- plained -church education. Miss Linda Hoffas graduated as a Deaconess in 1969, went to Cape Breton Island and worked with.the Eastern Division and is - now employed by St. Andrews . Church, Toronto. , - They felt that behind every growing church there is an active W.M.S. They handed out a reading "Called to Walk in the Way" given by the 3 leaders with the audience taking part. The offering was received' by Mrs.' Wallace Conn and Mrs. W. R. Purdon and dedicated by Miss .Linda Hoffas. She also gave the closing prayer. Mrs. Dawson Craig and Mts.. Johnston Conn thanked the speak- ers: The W.M.S. ladies then served refreshments. ing at Whitechurch and Mrs. West reported on this. Hymn 140 was sung followed by prayer. Grace was sung and lunch and social time followed,. 'Mrs, Rollod Rice. 'Sectional Meeting. is Speaker At • . Autumn, the blazing climax of the year, with its brilliant display of colour brings with it more than smokey hills and crimson forests to, enrich the soul. Each year' there are. the Sectional Meetings of the Maitland Presbyterial Soc- iety, held' this fall in White- church and Brussels. Guest speaker at both gather-. ings Was the widely experienced , vivaciously enthusiastic Mrs. Rol- land Rice, recently returned from China ,.where she and her hus- band have .been, missionaries for -thirty4ive gears serving in Peking, Korea, Japan, Canton, and Taiwan. Her topic was, 'Where is your heart?' Using as her text Philippians 4: 13 'I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth trie she stressed, the need for each of us to get our hearts in the centre of God's will, and warned I t's to be careful before we say, "I can't do that, I don't have time." She thinks if we're so programmed that the Lord can't get in, our hearts are not in the centre of God's will. After relating many personal examples. Mrs.. Riee said she believes it we give God what he's' asking for, he returns it manifold. We were encouraged to ask Jesus to help Us to see God's will in Situations pertinent to us, to be considerate of the opportunities and the tasks God puts in our way, and what- ever it costs to do what he wants us to do ,.knowing that He will re- ward us with strength, joy and - 'peace. Following the conclusion of her • Mrs Ewan MacLean Was WMS Speaker. The Fall Thankoffering meeting of the Afternoon and Evening Auiciliaries of the W.M.S. of the Lucknow Presbyterian Church was held Wednesday. evening, October 17th in the Sunday, School room of the church, with a good attend- ance. Mrs. Jas. Smith opened the meeting by reading from Psalm 81 and the first chapter of Genesis and,prayer. After singing Psalm 81 "0 come let us sing to' the Lord" Mrs. Glenn Noble gave the Bible" Study using the 100th Psalm. Musical numbers, a trombone solo by Torn' Henderson , a duet by Mrs. Austin Loree and 'Mrs., Frank Hawthorne and a clarinet solo by Robert Henderson accom- panied' by Torn Henderson were enjoyed, Mrs. Robt. Reid led in prayer, and Mrs. Jas. Smith gave the, offertory prayer. A letter from the Presbyterial nominating convener was read asking for nominations for vacant offices in the Presbyterial. Following hymn "Now thank we all our God" „ Miss Sadie Johnston introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Ewan MacLean of Ashfield , who gave an inspiring address on Thanksgiving, stressing ,the bless- ings we receive in giving gener- ously of our talents, and the * double blessings to those who give and those who receive. Jas.. Little thanked the speaker and all who took part in. the program. Following hymn, "Fop the beauty of the' earth" ,, Mrs. Robt. Reid closed the meet- ing with' prayer, after which the Social Committee Arved a our of tea. • LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Rev, Robert Nicholls, B.A. Minister OCTOBER 2841t 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship POINT TO PONDER About the one absolute that the church can demand of a man is a total commitment to live in the world, and not to runaway from it: Mark Gibbs & T. Ralph Morton Lucknow. Presbyterian Church Rev. Glenn Noble, B.A., B.D. Minister Phone 528-2740 1973 IS CENTENNIAL YEAR OF THIS CHURCH OCTOBER 28th 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship The Centennial Book is avail- able at Fisher's Barber Shop and from Mrs. Ena Henderson. address Mrs. Rice showed slides depicting many phases of Chinese life --- the people and their attire, public buildings, Buddhas, street scenes of markets, methods of transportation by bicycles, trains, cars, push carts, etc. The Whitechurch meeting was capably chaired by Mrs. Donald Robertson, Kinlough. Mrs. Wm. Rantoul, Whitechurch, graciously extended words of wekome. In- spiring devotions were conducted by Mrs.. Ralph Nixon, Mrs. Murray Underwood, and Mrs. Robt. 'Mc - Kague of the Wirigham Evening Auxiliary. Mrs. Evan Keith:, South Kinloss, presented an encouraging financial report and stated that all money must be in her hands by Decem- ber 21 to earn credit for the year 1973. Mrs. John MacLean, Rip- ley, supervised a book display and Ilso pronounced the offertory prayer after collection had been :aken by Mrs. Wallace Conn and Mrs., Lloyd Murdock, both of Whitechurch.' The closing prayer by Mrs. J. E. Little; Lucknow, , Ash field Ashfield W.M.S. Thankoffer- ing meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Dick West. Mrs. West Opened the meeting with a call to worship from clad Tidings Thanks= giving service. Hymn 81 was sung followed by roll-call, "A verse on Thanksgiving" answered by 14 members. , Mrs: Lloyd Collins, Mrs. Ewan MacLean and Mrs. Gordon- Robb •tOok the parts ot 1st, 2nd and 3rd readers from Glad Tidings follow- ed by 1st verse of Hymn 147. Mrs. West gave the scripture tak- en from Matthew. Second verse Of Hymn 147 was sung. Respod- sive reading from Glad 'Tidings • ,was next and 3rd verse of Hymn - 147 was sung. Offertory prayer was said in unison. Mrs. Allan MacDonald had a- story about "Daily Bread and Gravy" followed by prayer. Two poems were read, "October Colors" by Mrs. Allan MacDonald and "Thanksgiving" by Mrs. Dick West. Mrs. West closedsthe meeting and business was conducted by Mrs. Jim West. Mrs. Warren • Wylds reminded the members of Glad Tiding renewals. Mrs. Rhoda MacKenzie and Mrs. Jim West attended the sectional meet- .••••0%~0%,0%.0,0*0%.*,,-ogy,oN,' LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN .REFORMED CHURCH J. W. Van Stempvoort Pastor Services: 10:00 a.m. Service 2:30 p.m. Service (Dutch, 1st Sunday of the *nth) VISITOlti;S vggLeon PRESBYTERIA REFORMED CHU AT LOCHAi.SH will hold • MORNING WORSHIP AT-11 throughout the summer m Rev. David Freemen minister announcement of the Annua 'Meeting in Wingham on Jan uary 28, 1974, and courtesy ,marks' by Mrs, Frank Mauld Kinlough ,. brought this part Meeting. to a close, 'Adding to the enjoyment evening were; the rendition beautiful organ music by Mr Don Ross ,. a Vocal duet by Ron FOrster and Mrs. Will.. all of Whitechurch; and the .freshments,provided by the group. • BRUSSELS MEETING At the Brussels meeting Finlay 'MacLeod, Ripley.; pr arid also read Mrs. Glenn'N report on.ihe Weekend reit Kintap. camp in June. The ist was Mrs. Wm. King ,.& Kind words of welcome wet tended by Mrs. Jas. Mair, sels. An interesting*devotional was conducted by a Belmor consisting of .Mrs. Geo. llie Mrs. ,'Don MatAdarn, and Elmer Jeffrey. - A highlight of the iftern Was' the vocal 'duet, 'How Thou Art' ,. from the beaun ,blended .voices of the local Mrs.' ,Winnifted. Edgar and Lulu ,Kerr. Mrs. Geo. Mac aid, Molesworth, dedicate Offering: . ',Mrs. Gordon Wall, Wing conveyed .cottitesies, and a Mrs. Jack McKague, Tees delivered the closing praye sojourn to the basement for brought •a worth-while: afte to a pleasUrable .conclusion :SUBSCRIPTION TO . , .THE 1,UCKNOW SENTINEL When you purchase your wedding invitatio from The Lucknow Sentinel you will receive year's free subscription (value $6,00) to The Lticknow Sentinel