The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-10-24, Page 8ALL 20. PIECE SETS OF CroWn Lynn dinner Ware IN'STQCK SCHMID'S LIERYHANILCHMk--- LOCKNOW OWNERS —.W. JOS. and DEAN E. ACNE High single , Grace I-fog 279; high triple , Grace Hopf 570. Games over 200: Grace Hopf 279, Merle Rhody 216 , Anne Wisser 209, Anne Anderson 228, 201, Hilda Andrew 203 , Barb Sanderson 202, Anna Johnstone 207. Points; Dianne Carter's, Onions 0, Janet. Barger's Potatoes 7; An- ne Wisser's Radishes 2', Irene Nel- son's'Peppers 5; Barb Helm's Car- rots 5 , 'Lynn Wall's Corn 2. • Team standing; Potatoes 38, Carrots 27, Radishes 26 , Peppers 24 1/2, Onions 23 1/2, Corn 8. .Hens'7 p.m. Ron Stanley captured both high, single and triple with scores of 247 single, and 701 triple. Games over 225: Ron Stanley 247, 242, Evans Helm 226. Team points: Owls 2, Cardinals 2, Vultures 5, Hawks 5. , Team Standings: Ron . Stanley's Hawks 15, Wayne Cranston's Owls 14 Lynn Hodgin's Cardinals 9, George Humphrey's Vultures 7. Wedding Invitations .4 4 WITH ,A GIPT KEEPSAKE ' Cop* IN LUXURIOUS GOLD . . , FOR A COM METE SELECTION SEE THE tu(KNow -SENTINEL P.O. Box 345, Lucknow, Ontario 528-3208 or, our representatives. NESBITT, THOMSON AND COMPANY, LIMITED 289 Minks Street, London, Ontario efore Novemberli Invest in your own future with $100.00 can grow to $239.59 in just 12 years,. Compoundinterest -Complete security' Buy for cash or on a monthly Savings PIO' Average animal, yield 7.54%. For safety, savings, income, see our agents: Mrs. Grace Campbell ana a Savings Bonds THE 0,14KNOW- :SENTINEL tAKKNOW.:.,ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER Nina 'Silverstone: -Ntimed President Of Riders Roost ANTI FREEZE HOSES BELT WINDSHIELD WASHER BATTERY The Riders Roost Saddle Clu d n i o r- Ita b Met at the home Of Ralph an Pat Aalders, on. October. 16 for 'their nomination and electio of officers. Holding office for the comng year are: Past President, Car lyn Taylor; President.; Nina Silve stone; First Vice'President , 1ph Aalders;. 2nd .Vice President, Ted White; Membership Secretary , Sheila Gunby;'Recording Secretary Sadie MacMillan; Treasurer, Pat Aalders; Special Events Chairman ., Carolyn Taylor;Public Relations' Chairman, Kerr Ta- IrT-D.Ltecznr.s.,,.1,4se,Clunby-, Linda Messenger, Brenda Taylor and Doreen Hartin. . The next meeting will be ov- ember 13th at Nina Silverston D ei,s. The Christmas Party will be ec ember 11th. Club members w h ill .join at •Nina's for a trail ride .. Saturday , October 20th. Door prizes, a Dandy brus, was won by tarry Aalders. members took prizes. Lise Gunby took a 3rd in English Saddle Class; Ralph Aalders took 5th in Parade Class, 4th Barrel Race , 3rd Flag Race and a 3rd in Pickup Race; David Aalders took a 4th in Pony Running Race and a 5th for Best Pony , 20 miles radius' of Dungan- non. At Owen Sound Brenda Taylor took a 2nd in Open, Hunter Class; Use Gunby took a 3rd, English Hack class; Loria Aalders took a 5fh, Pony Ridden Under 4.41 '. At the Sea forth Fall Fair again 2 members took prizes; Brenda Taylor , 1st English Pleasure; Ralph Aalders, .4th Parade Class. medallions, Lise Gut* Goi medallion winner; she toolr'i, Open Jumping and a 2nd Pole Bending; 2nd Showmanship Halter , 3rd Western Fquitatio'n 4th English Equitation, Ded Gunby , also tried his hand at Halter Class and came up nil 3rd; Brenda Taylor -took a Sik medal froni Junior Class, Bre had a 2nd Junior English Equ ,tion , 3rd Showmanship, 3rd and Spoon Race, 4th Western: ration'. Another winner in t1t¢ Taylor family was Terry. T took a Silver medal, lst lyre Sack Race , 2nd Saddle Class' a 2nd Showmanship, also a Tyke Barrel Race; Carolyn 1) took a 1st English Equitation; Ralph Aalders took a sillier m• He got a. 1st Bundle Race anc( 4th Trail Class, 4th Western ration , 3rd Barrel Race, Aalders took 2nd in Egg and. Race; Lorie Aadlers carneopi a 4th Showmanship at Balm; 2nd Sack Race, 4th Saddled, arid 4th Barrel Race; Nina Siy stone took a Bronze medal,,, up the good work club meg( Men's 9 p.m. This week Jack Caesar rolled the high triple and Al Rhody was runner-up with 653. Al Rhody had the high single 283- with Allan•MacDonald's 274 in second spot. Other over 225 games, Fr. Den-: tinger 257, 234, Jack Caesar 238, 235, Murray Button 233, Ron Stanley 232 and Bill Button 228. Team points: Bob Greer's Olds 7, Clarence' Greer's Dodges 0; Bill Button's Buicks 2, Herb Barg-' er's Mustangs 5', Chas. McQuillin's Pontiacs 2, Harvey Houston's Fords 5. Standing: Mustangs 19, Buicks 18 , DOdges 13, Olds 13, Fords 12, Pontiacs 9. .Kin loss Merle Rhody was high lady with a 288 single and a 725 triple. Muiiay Keith hit. the high for the men with a 292 single and a' 681 triple. Ladies over 200; Merle Rhody 288, 236 , 201. That's showing us, Merle!! Ladies.6:30 p.m.. Ferne MacDonald rolled the high single of 266 and also the high triple of 601. Nice bowling Fermi • , • Games of 200 arid over: Feine MacDonald. 266 , Marie Greer 215 , Margaret Thompson 210, Catherine Andrew 209, Joan Robinson 205. Team points; Marion MacKin-, non's Poodles 5, Mildred Camer- on's Terriers 2;. Marion Campbell's Retrievers 7, Mildred Bushell's •' Collies 0; Grace Elliott's Corgis 5, Wilma Clarke's Spaniels 2. Team standings: Retrieved 28, Terriers 28 , Corgis 27 , Poodles 24, Collies 21, Spaniels 19. • ss, GOOD NEWS Betty Dalton won 2nd prize n in the halter class at Owen Sou d. with her horse Hoe Down Sun who is the daughter of Eternal Sun , a: champion stallion who we 'saw at the Quarterama. Ted White won a halter at the Owen Sound Fair. At our, own, horse show.October 7th, Nina .Silverstone won 2n P d . in the trail class and in juming , also the 'bronze medalion. Carolyn Taylor won fixst in Sen- ior Equitation, other prizes went. to Ralph Aalders and. Doug Camp- bell. At Dungannon Fair , 3 club Lucknow Dungannon High bowler for the ladies this week was Beth Hodges with a Single of 267 and a triple '.of 614. For the men Harold Maize 'had a single of 247 , followed closely by Bob Finlay and Al I3eange, each with 246. Grant Chisholm's triple of 674 was highest. ' Ladies over 225: Beth Hodges 261, Helen Dickson 229, Beck Culbert 227. Team points; Chipmunks 0, Tigers 7; Squirrels 5,:Zebras 2; Lions 2, Wolverines 5; Foxes 5 , Gophers 2;. Cubs 2, Polecats 5; Coons 5 , Kangaroos 2.., Team standings: Tigers 33 , Cubs 23 , Polecats 20, Coons 20 , Wolver- ines 20, Zebras 19, Squirrels 18, kangaroos 18 , Chipmunks 15, Fox - es 12, Lions 6 , Gophers 6. We would like to• remind bow- lers that bowling is to start at 8.30 sharp if at all possible. We , also, would like to stress the jai- portance of having a full team of six bowlers. This is necessary for the financial well-being of the alleys and the club, At Tiverton, October 6 3 • members of the Aalders Family took several prizes home; Ralph' Aalders 5th Senior Showmanship; 4th in 1/2 mile race; David took 2nd Flag. Rape , 3rd Pole Bending , 4th Pony Saddle class; Lode took home a 5th Pony Saddle class , 6th' Junior. Showmanship 3rd Pony Race 44" and under. At the Riders Roost Saddle Club Olympiad 5' members'took home .4•••••• .•7 Men over 200: Murray Keith 292, 216',, Gerald Rhody 249, Lloyd MacDougall 228, Jim Lavis 224, Evan Keith 216 , Jack. Need- ham 202. ' Team points: Doris'MacKinnon's Wealthys 2, Mary Lavis' Spys '5; Anti MacDougall's Macs 2., Merle Rhody's•Pippins 5. Team standings: Pippins 14, Wealthys 12, Spys 12, Macs 4. ladiei 9 p.m., Town & Country Ida Barger bowled the high single. of 230 and also: the. high double of 362. • „Bill Sproule and Les Purvis were tied at 175 for the high single with Howard Barger taking • the high double at 307. Team points: 'Violets 5 „Blues 0; Yellows 5 , 'Reds 0; Greens 5, Oranges 0. Standings: Greens 10, Blues 8, Violets 8. Reds 7, Yellows 7 , Oranges 5.