The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-10-17, Page 14Mil. Cecil Blake.. Was W.I.Speaker Nineteen ladies gathered at St. Helens hall for the October meet- ing of the St. Helens W.I. Mrs. Jim Curran, 2nd Vice President , presided for the meeting: It opened with the. Opening'Ode fol- lowed by the Mary Stewart Col- lect. • The roll call "My Impression . of the new school system" gavb. many varied answers.' The Sept- ember meeting was in the form of a bus trip to the Sarnia area'. Treasurer's and Assistant Treas- urer's reports were given. Ban- quet and Wedding catering busi- ness was dealt with. District Ral- ly expenses to Centralia and 41-H Leaders Training School to Clin- ton were to be paid. NOW AVAILABLE ON st and 2nd mortgages anywhere in Ontario on RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL and FARM PROPERTIES Interim financing on new construction FOR REPRESENTATIVES IN. YOUR-AREA PHONE SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS AND CONSULTANTS LIMITED (519)' 744-6535 Collect Head. Office —16 Weber. St. E., Kitchener, Ontario WE BUY EXISTING MORTGAGES FOR INSTANT CASH RIPkEY DISTRICT SCHOI EDITOR, DIANNE MaelCAY ASSISTANTS, JANICE REEVES AND WAYNE NICHOLSON or land development EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 22, 1973 THE FOLLOWING PRICES WILL BE / IN EFFECT AT MARY 'LOU'S BEAUTY LOUNGE BEATTY'S BEAUTY SALON THE BEAUTY BOUTIQUE Shainpoo & Set $3.00 and up Flak 'Cut R $2.00 Style Cuts , $2.50 and up PERMS Protein Waves Lanolin Waves Creme Wives $15.00 $12.50 $10.00 COLORS Six Week Rinse $ 6.00 Tint $ 7.00 Temporary Rinse $ .75 TREATMENTS Dandruff $ .50 Conditioner $ .50 CRAWFORD MOTORS CHRYSLER - DODGE - PLYMOUTH WINGHAM ONTARIO PHONE 357-3862 — 1973 DODGE MONOCO 4 door hardtops, fully equiPPed 2, 1971 METEOR Rideau 500, 2 door hardtop, 8 automatic, steering and brakes and radio 1969 CHRYSLER 2 door hardtop 1969 FALCON 2 door, 6 automatic with' radio 1968. METEOR Rideau '500, 2 door hardtop, 8 automatic power brakes and steering 1968 PLYMOUTH Satellite 2 door hardtop, 8 automatic wig 1959 FARGO 1 ton stake THE IMCKNOWSENTINI,,, .13*t=OURTEEN .04101N,.. ONTARIO: AGE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11 • .treat Variety 0f Injuries At • Wingham : and.Distict Hospital Intended for last week. Doluglas Lietch, age 18, Wing- ham, fractured. his left collar :bone playing foOtball. Wayne Hopper , age 20, R. R. 5 BrIl$S0t; caught his right leg in the power take off of a tractor. • October 2., He was admitted .to hospital. Clifford. Mann, R. R..2, Tees- water, received painful cuts to . his left hand. Richard Williams, Wingham, fractured his right third finger playing football. Mrs. Joyce Penny, Wingham, fractured her left wrist in, a fall at horne. Dennis 'Adams, age 6, Wing- ' ham, received a deep laCeration to his head in'a fall at home. A car driven by Marjorie Mur- ray, age 18, Holyrood, returning from Teeswater Fair on October 6, failed to negotiate a turn on the road between Teeswater and Holy- rood, spun on loose gravel and struck a pole. Injuries were: 'Mar- /.jorie Murray, shock' and shoulder injuries; Passengers: Ann Ackert , age 18, Holyrood, whiplash injury, lacerated scalp abrasions and con- tusions; Reid Murray , age 9, Holy- rood, contusions to head; IVIarlene Murray, age, 7, contusions and abrasions to legs; Glenda Blake, age 17, R,. R. 2, Clinton,. lacera- tions to. chin, facial contusions., , . ° fractured nose; Karen Hedley,. age 5, R. R. 2, Holyrood, no' apparent injuries; Cathy Hedley , .age 18, R. Holyrood, whip- lash injuries;' Debbie Heclley,, age 7, R. R. .2 Holyrood, facial injur- ies, lacerated scalp; another child, Mark Ackert, received scalp abrasions. Mrs. Olive Mighton, R. R. 3 Durham, received scalp lacera- tions at the Teeswater Fair , cats- ed by a bottle, being thrown from the grandstand striking her on the head. Morris Swanson. Wingham, fractured a bone in his left foot in a fall at home. David Thompson, age 16, R. R. 1 Wingham, was a passenger in a car which struck a, tree on the 14th concession of Howick Township • near Clifford. He received scalp lacerations and abrasions to right elbow. aenda Johnstone age 15 Lucknow , also 'a' passenger in the same car , received contusions to her right knee and facial injur- ies. Investigated by Wingham O.P.P. Ricker. , Dan Dexter , R. R. 1, Bolton, while attempting to start a motor on a midway ride at the Teeswat- er Fair, had it slip into gear, , knocking him over sand it passed over 'his body. He received abra- sions and contusions to the right ' leg, back, chest and hand, and was admitted to hospital. Wayne 'Vincent, age 23 , 2300 Marine Drive, Oakville, lost Control of the motorcycle he was driving on loose gravel, in, East Wawanosh. He received multi! abrasions to 'face', left shoulder, both arms, and hands:. Investigat- ed by Wingham 0.P.p. McKit- trick. Debra Arnold age 9, R. R. 2 Lucknow, , daughter Of sMr. and Mrs. Waker Arnold, fractured her left wrist'when she fell from a , swing at her home. Jonas Kacrulis, age 8, 12 Hare- wood Avenue, Scarborough, was treated for a c_log,bite to.his face. Wingharn 0.P.P. Foulon investig- ated': Mrs. Jim Curran introduced Mrs Cecil Blake, the guest speaker, whose theme was "Education and Cultural Activities" , touching on arts, and crafts. She was most, interesting. She received an African Violet in appreciation. Two piano duets by Mrs. Tom Pritchard and Miss Janice Gaunt were greatly enjoyed. The Moab "Spend Your Time learning instead of yearning" was prepared by Mrs. Elsie , Webb and given by Miss Isabel Miller. Int- eresting Current Events were pre- pared by Mrs. Frank MacQuillin and given by Mrs. Ernest Gaunt. It, was decided for this year to join with Lucicnow for their ArmistiCe Service instead of hay- ing a separate one at St. ,Helens. Mrs. Rom Gammie gave some highlights of the Rally at Centra- lia. The meeting closed4vith 0 Canada followedbyx the In.9titute Grace. A social Irlf hour was enjoyed over, coffee and doughnuts prepar- ed by Mrs. Harold Cooper anal Mrs. Elsie Webb. OLIVET TELLS' OF WORK IN JAPAN A, large number from this, area had the privilege of hearing Miss Judith Dunlop of Fonthill speak about her work in Japan, 'where she was a Missionary for, the past 3 years. She was guest speaker at the morning worship service at St. Andrew's•United Church, Rip- ley. Her father, Reverend Doug- las Dunlop was a former minister • in Ripley. Following the service , lunch was served in the Sunday School Roc)m at' which time Judith showed slides of Japan. Miss Joanne Hamilton of London is spending two weeks at home with her parents Mr. and Mrs'. Ray Hamilton , at which time she will be practice teaching.‘at the Listowet District High Schbol. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hamilton arid- Jennifer of Hanover visited on Sunday afternoon' with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hamilton and family and Mrs. W. R. Hamilton. ' Nancy and Ronald McGuire attended the 'Ripley Junior Farmers Banquet on Friday evening in the Purple Grove Community Centre. GASHES FOOT Little Karen Hodgins suffered a 'deep gash to her foot while play- ing at her home which required six stitches. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar White on Sunday were Mt. and Mrs: Doug Moore and family of Ripley. NOTICE Intended for last week. VOLLEYBALL On Tuesday , October 2; R.D.S. hosted the volleyball teams from Sacred Heart, Walicerton. The Junior Girls played first arid defeat- ed their, opponents with scores of 15-3 and 15-1 in the second game. Top scorers were Laurie Calling who earned '9 points in the.first game and Patti MacDonald who put 14 points on the RDS score- board in' the second encounter against Sacred Heart. The Senior Girls 'were off to a good start as they won their first game but fell victims to fate as Sacred Heart won the remaining two games with scares of 16-14 , and 15-5 in the final encounter. Top scorers for Ripley were Sally Elliott, Kathy Farrell and Margie Collins. Better luck next time! The Junior Boys with scorers I like Ken MacKay , Kevin Cook, Danny Hickey and Danny Boyd easily defeated the Sacred Heart squad with scores of 15-4 and 15 -2 Good job, boys. RIPLEY VS" LIONS HEAD On October 4,, the three Ripley teams journeyed up to Lions Head for games scheduled against the Bruce Peninsula school. In the Junior' Girls' game , Ripley won both games with scores of 15-3 and 15-4 with Laurie Coiling , ' Barb Grubb and Janice Farrell add- ing to the final total. The. Senior Girls 'won their games against their opponents with, 'scores of 15-4 and 15-1. Top point scorers for Ripley were Margie Collins, Sally Harrison and Kim Farrel . In the Junior Boys' garnes Ripley again won with scoies N7'10 and 15-13. Danny Boyd; Ken MacKay proved to be the scorers from Riley, • Congratulations,teams1 The game is slated for October 9 Ripley plays Chesley and on( ober 11, Ripley .travels up to Wigton. Good lucki CHEERLEADERS To keep the school's spirit at all the volleyball games, S.' cheerleaders have certain boosted the team's morale, the leadership of Shirley Dicl son the squad includes Vicki Debbie Beard , Nancy COrnist, Ardis Nicholson, Debbie Pett baugh and Kathy Moore, Sp thanks to Mrs. Burgess who h the girls with their various routines. • STUDENTS COUNCIL We ; unintentionally, omit three names from the Styles Council executive, A repre tive was chosen from cache tary level and they include( Pollard (gr. 7); Jane Messeo, (Gr. 7 and 8) and Brian Co11 (Gr. 8).': INVESTMENT CLUB Anybody who wishes to iri their, monetary status shonld in contact with Jeff Rouse or Wray Thompson. The R,D, InVestment Club is,sellingsl for One dollar and you won't gret giving up your life's sai when it could bring you met the end.