The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-10-10, Page 11Newlyweds To Live In Stratford JOHNSTON - STRAUGHAN' Wingham General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Banchet and son Robert fiom Sudbury spent the holiday week end with Mr. and Mrs. Eric McNee and Brenda. Mr. and Mrs. Allan McNee Eddie and Paul, from Ajax , visit- ed Sunday with the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Graham Mc- -Nee, and-Mrs. Ross McNee., Later all were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kitchener Finnigan in Goderich. - Anne and Catharine Ribey, Sea- forth ._._ spent the week end with• their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wiggins; while Earl Ribey visited Mr. and Mrs. Orval Ribey, Nile. Mrs. Walter Carpenter and fam- ily. Mrs. N. Ladd from Benmiller and Mrs. Thos. Park were guests of. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Park on Mon. day. • Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ott and Matthew , Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Eedy and Martha this week end. On October 4, 1973 , born to Mr. and Mrs. Bob 13echard , a son, Barry James, 8 lb, 1 oz. in God- erich Hospital. Congratulations! Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Gerrie Glenn on the birth of a son Sunday, October 7, 1973, in NILE BEAUTY SALON 0 Perms Only $13 00' ar ON MONDAY AND TUESDAY 8 A.M. TO 5 P.M. Regular Perm Prices The Rest Of The. Week OPEN THURSDAY EVENING TILL 8:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY' OPEN REGULAR HOURS Pie-a-se make appointments NILE, ONTARIO 24 hrs., ahead of time PHONE• 529-7403 RED A word to the wise When it comes/to hot water, using it wisely—not, wastefully— makes good sense. your hydro CS3 7482A • / !JP 'MAY, OCTOBER 10, 1973 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE ELEVEN , 1t wedding trip to Collingwood , asara Falls and Buffalo follow ,- the wedding September: 15 of • Wa E. Straughan and DOnald C. tam in Knox Presbyterian !arch, Goderich Where yellow adioli and white daisy mums in candelabra with white streamers !corated the chancel.' 'pie bride is the, daughter of rand Mrs. Donald Straughan, 16 Park Str6et,, Goderich , and .groom's parents ate Mr. and hi. Charles. Johnston , Nile . `hgy. Ronald , McCallum • '‘41c,ted the dOuble7ring cere 7 onr. William Cameron provid- . dthe wedding music with corn — Oil= by Wesley , Fiend el cell, Bach and Mendellsohn. koist William Craig of Clinton pg The Wedding Prayer and •0 4fect Love. 'Given in marriage by'her lath , P;the bride chose a full-length designed and sewn by her kther. It was of polyester satin th French lace and seed pearls 4hasizing the. empire waist - and the skirt. ..The long. ieves were lace trimmed . She ••• , ctL a floor-length chapel train ith the entire hemline ,and train (Fanch lace and seed pearl 'clique, A tiny rose and pearl tadpiece held her flOot-lengih Oven trimmed with lace and carried a cascade of red roses 1,d baby's breath. 1,iatton of honor was Mrs. Bon- tpungale, sister• of the groom Ovich, She wore blue flower - !,,nylon over satin gown with a. Oneckline and a. frill at the: 1Itom of the long sleeves that !fled at the elbow. She also iea blue picture hat and blue acs and carried one :large mum with fern and, yellow 141ners. Senior • • bridesmaids were Mrs. dy Vanstone Benmiller ,• and 1.1•erenda• Vanderburgh, Goder''. Junior bridesmaids were t9fraine MacDonald, a isin of the bride', I<intail , and 1.isBarbara Straughan, sister the bride, Goderich . They egowned identically to the thon of honor, " iPleflowergirl, Donna Free - Id, cousin of the bride was Wiled identically to the bride 8:)11n designed , and sewn by !,bride's mother. She wore a [1‘!epictute hat trimmed with !A rhipearls and carried, a bas-..oeuir_ed roses and baby's breath, ruvlfisnian•was Stan Dungale DUNGANNON Mr. and Mrs. Bill Blake and Becky from Cambridge-Galt spent the holiday week end at their par- ental hoines here and in coderich. Mr. and Mrs.. 13. F. Comfort from St. Catharines are visiting Mrs. Cecil Blake this week. Fred Young has been off work with a sprained wrist since last Monday. • Mr. and Mrs. Bill Moulton from Sirncoe visited -on Sunday with the former's father, Mr. Frank Moulton and Mrs. Lillian MacDonald. Mr. Moulton returned with them for a holiday in Sirricoe. WON 4-H SCHOLARSHIP Friends' in this community.: extend congratulations to Irene Hasty, who received the Huron County 4-H scholarship. Mrs. Lorne* Hasty accepted this gift ,at Centralia at the Institute Rally for her daughter who is in training. at St. Thomas-Elgin Hospital. Several members7of Dungannon W.I. attended the Rally at Centralia OCtober 1, and on Tues- day evening, October 9, Others were at Holmesville as guests of Godericlitownship W.I. Vicki , Stephen and Toni Park spent the Thanksgiving holiday in St. Catharines with Mr. and brother-in-law of the groom. Senior ushers were Bill Vanstone , friend of the groom , Benmiller and Dennis Vanderburgh, uncle of the groom, Gpderich. Junior ushers were Ken Straughan , broth- er of the bride, Goderich, and Larry Johnston, brother° of the groom, Nile. Ringbearer was Garry. Johnston , brother of the groorn , Nile. All ushers wore blue boutonnieres. White mums and yellow gladioli decorated Saltford Valley Hall where the wedding reception was held. Mrs. Straughan greeted her guests in a floor-length pink poly- ester sleeveleis dress , gold shoes and bag and a corsage of white mums. The grootn's mother assist ed her in a floor-length flowered, bluish nylon over satin gown, silver shoes and bag and a corsage of yellow mu'Ins At the reception, the groom toasted his grandparents , Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Johnston on the occa— sion of their 50th wedding anni- versary. Other guests were pres- ent from North Bay , Barrie , Owen Sound , Waterloo , Stratford , Lticknow , Niagara Falls, London , Thorndale , Bancroft , SeafOrth , Tillsonburg , Toronto , Wingham and Goderich. The bride's going-away en- semble was' a floor-length green crimpknit dress with white acces- sories and a corsage of white mums. The newlyweds are residing at 337 Horne Street „ Stratford. Prior to her marriage , the bride was .feted at showers given by Mrs. Beryl Mac Donald,, aunt of the bride and Mrs. Shirley Straughan, cousin of the bride , at the latter's home in Goderich; by' Mrs, Judy Vansione at her home in Benmil- ler; by Mrs. Ida Johnston at the Nile. United Church; and by Mrs.• Collen Pigeon whO was hostess at an event at which fellow • employees of the bride, at Sag- iord General Hospital were guests. ..Rnit• • GOOD THINGS HAPPEN " WHEN YOU HELP