The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-10-10, Page 9VENDOM E HOTEL . TEESWATER ENTERTAINMENT & DANCING IN. THE LOUNGE APPEARING THIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12 AND 13 RHYTHM '.4 GODERICH 30: THE SQUARE PHONE 524.7811 AIRCONDITIONED Lee Marvin & 1111 <7.un Ernest Borgnine in EMPEROR OF THE NORTH POLE "ES • The AoliT ENTERTAINMENT flft National or Nurse Health... Norton's Affair .104 WARREN OATES • BEN JOHNSON Awe cColor OtliiIELAB 4' • An AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL Picture Ilftsmeur the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston and family of St. Pauls. . Saturday visitors with Mr. and -Mrs. Victor Einerson were Miss Bessie McGregor of Acton R. 1, • Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hope of Cambridge and Phil Chadwick of London, who remained for a long-, er visit. Thanksgiving guests on Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Rob- inson were,Mr. and ,Mrs. Dave Oberholtzher, , Mr. and Mrs. Neil Rintoul and Steven. Mr. and Mrs: Bill Rintoul and Mr. and MrQ. Mack Cardiff of Brussels. Mrs.. Earl Caslick was a Sunday afterncion visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Caslick and family of Culross. Mr. and Mrs.. Ted Evani and family were Sunday afternoon. callers on his parents Mr. and Mrs.. Bill .Evans on their way home to Erin. • • .Henry Wybenga of Brantford 'and Simon and John de Boer oflitidge town Agriculture College spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Peter. de Boer. Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Smyth spent , the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. 'Ron Russell and Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard "Bauer of Misiissauga. Mr. and .Mrs. George Fox of 111114. KINCAR.DINE Fri.-Sat.-Sun. Oct. 12-13-14 "LOVE CAMP SEVEN" Starring MARIA LEASE • KATHY' WILLIAMS PLUS "9 AGES .OF ,NAKEDNESS" " 15Q INERNATIONAL LADIES DRIVE-1N CLOSED FOR THE k SEASON SEASON'S GREETINGS PAY,. OCTOBER` •1913 PAGE NINIR THE ocKNow SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WHITECHURCH des Thompson was home College at Lindsay to Spend iday with his parents Mr. Its, George .Thompson. and Mrs. Lorne Durnin Sunday visitors with Mr. ,and Clayton Scholtz and family dutch. ;and Mrs. Cameron Sim- of London visited Sunday it. and Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw imily and.with his parents nd Mrs. Gordon Simmons of , and Mrs. Angus Falconer ;evin of Strathroy spent the end with Mr. and Mrs. Alan her and Tony, Mr. and Mrs. ;owbray and Mts. A. E. Pur- pnday visitors with Hugh nion were Mr. and Mrs., Rex $son of Livonia Michigan, ind Mrs. John Sinnamon tinily of Seaforth, Mr. and' Glen Sinnamon of Wingham ind Mrs.. E, Wi. Beecyoft Oren. 63 c.and Mrs; Ronald Beectoft *ily of Wingham were Mort dsitors with Mr. and Mrs. Beecroft and Karen. Gordon Rintoill and Gayle ion Sunday with her mother lazell'urdon of - Belgrav e . r.andMrS. Archie Purdon,' Lori and Karen and•Mrs. gran and Paul were Sunday swithMr.'and Mrs. Roy nee of Arva. Jim Curran is' a in Wingham. Hospital. On Moore of 9ttawa is spend • ing a few days at his home here. Dr. Donald Watt , who had been on business to Newfoundland, spent Fliday with his sisters and their husbands , Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Milian Moore. On Saturday Mrs. Oberholtzer , Mrs. Bill Rintoul and Mrs. Gordon Campbell were at Guelph where they. met Mr. Campbell and Mrs. Campbell returned to Toron- to with him. Mr. and Mrs. George Fox of Edmonton visited a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin. Mrs. Fox is, the former Greta T,aylor . *hose parental home was the farm owned by the late Mr. and Mrs. Jack.RichardsOn and now owned by Peter de Boer with the house occupied by Mrs. J. Viiser and family. On Sunday at Chalmers Presby- terian Church the church was dec-. orated on the windows with a spray of maple leaves , 2 sets of candles with flowers. The Y.P.S. assist- ed Mr. Lloyd Murdock with the Thanksgiving -service by Judy Jamieson reading a• scripture and Jim de Boer reading the alternate • scripture, reading. When the offering was received and being presented the Y.P.S. walked in with the gifts of the season , vege- tables, and fruits, which they presented along with the offering. At the United Church the win- clo_ws were all decorated with maple leaves and a table was full of vegetables and fruits, which 4N CLUB Happy Hanclicraffers The St. Helens Happy Handi'- crafters started the month of October off with their fourth meet• ing at the St., Helens Hall on October 2. The next meeting is October 9. The meeting opened with'the 4-H pledge followed by the toll call Which was answered by all members. Business included plans for Achievement Day which was followed by the discussion. We discussed home assignments for meeting 3.and filled out the handout sheets for meeting 4. We discussed the joining of Confederation and Mrs. Aitchison read to us about Germany,, Bel- . gium and Dutch influence. Gail MacPherson and Mary Nicholson.made German Tea Squares, Janet MacPherson and Dayle MacDonald made Dutch chocolate. Gail MacPherson and Mary Nicholson did the cleaning up. We closed with the 4-H. creed., Clover Valley Lazy Marys The Clover Valley 4-H Club held its second meeting on Thurs- day, October 4 at 7.00 at the home of Wendy Hainilton. 'The meeting opened with 'the. 4-H Pledge , after which we had the roll call, "The colours I 'plan to use in my bedroom". The minutes of the last meeting were read by Wendy Hamilton. The next meeting will be held on Monday, October 8 at Annette and. Kendra Elphick's'at 7.00. The name of our club is Clover Valley Lazy Marys. Mrs. Hamilton discussed with us Toilet Article Arrangements and Room Arrangements. . Bed- room Furniture and Wall Access- ories were discussed by. Mrs. Elphick. Both leaders talked with us about Club Mettiber'S Plans for Accessories and ChoOs- ing,Materials for Bedroom Acees7 sories. Our group Work and Demon- stration Was measuring and estim- ating amount of Materials ,requir- ed for accessories , including making patterns for chair pads and dresser scarves. The meeting closed with the 4-H Creed.. nature has lavishly givien to people. Mr. Lawrence King ,gave the Thanksgiving message. On Wednesday evening Mis. Lloyd MurdoCk, Mrs. Bill Rintoul, Mrs. Dawson Craig from White-, church W.M.S. attended the W.M.S. Thankoffering service at South KinlosS.. Mr . and Mrs; Charlie King of Detroit were Friday callers at the home Of Russel Ritchie, but found him absent. Mrs. Bill Gibson and Mrs. Lloyd Murdock on Monday evening attended a copper ware party in Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gaunt Of Chatham 'spent the week end, with her parents Mr. arid Mrs. W. R. Purdon. Mrs. Annetta Jantzi and Donald of Milverton were Sunday visitors with Miss Annie Kennedy and Mx. and Mrs. George Fisher and fam- ily of Wingham. Mrs, Gershom Johnston and George Grigg of Wingham spent EMPEROR Of THE NORTH ADULT ENTERTAINMENT onlimommomumounnoommommin SUN. 14 MON. 15 - TUES.T6* e YOU HAVEN T InjigoiretiWs est "diem SEEN ANYT • WW1 UNTIL YOU HEHING SEEN MINIM WM EVERYTHING* 110th SL at 7 pm. "r.- About Sex at 9:00_p.m.. Mai MOM NMI= 11111111111111111111111111111111111 Starts Wednesday LYCEUM SHOW TIMES 7,00 and 9.00 p.m. ViEb. 10 - THUR. 11 - FRI 12 - SAT. 13 imilm.44,6".fibmirm spoinsimowitarehecument Only one man cante... IrMILE41111.11CIFILE WINGHAM, ONTARIO. PHONE 357-1630 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Edmonton' were Friday evening . callers at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Joe Tiffin and family and Mrs. Orville Tiffin. Wilford Clipperton, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tiffin and Mrs. Bessie Mullis,attended Simcoe Fair on Thursday. On the way to the fair they picked up Mrs. Cousins and Miss Jenna Mullis, of Thames- ford. On the trip home they were accompanied by Miss Joann Cous- ins to visit at the Clipperton home Mr. and Mrs. Jim Moffat, Heather and Ansley of London spent Thanksgiving with her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Gros- 'korth. Mrs. Gordon Carnpbell Visited • last week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rititoul. Gordon Camp- bell is being moved from the / Listowel bank to Toronto where he will 'be in the main Head office Commerce part. He will be in the Personnel department, where his work will be to go to differ- ent branches. The past to; he has been-in Ottawa. Spending Thanksgiving with Mr. and. Mrs. Wallace Conn were Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hunter and Trevor of London. Miss Alma Conn of Guelph University and on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Conley and Jason of Wingham and. Mrs. Earl Caslick.