The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-10-10, Page 8•"' • PAGN* EIGHT • THE'•INCKNOW SENTINEL, OCKNQW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10;,' • • All Items to 40% Off DUNGANNON On this beautiful Thanksgiving Day we have a great many things for which to be thankful! Did rtl.try to count your blessings? The United Church was suitab ly decorated fora the Sunday morn , ing Thanksgiving service with fruits arid vegetables., significant of our bountiful harvest. This was a project of the C.G.I.T. %group, and the jr. choir provided two numbers during the service, Sac- rarnent was also observed. • Guests with Rev, and Mrs. Mc- Clenaghan during the Thanksgiv- ing week end included Mr. and Mrs. John Hoyle from London, Miss Beatrice McClenaghan from Newmarket and Lascelles Dixon from Kingston , Jamaica. Mr. Dixon is a graduate in Archit:- eCture from University in Winni.- • peg and is now returning to King- ston ,•Jamaica. • Visitors with Mrs: Minnie Jones and Melvin on Thursday were Mrs., Frank Jones, Mrs, Gladys, Wallace, Mrs, Pepper ; and Mae Davis, all from Clinton, and' Mrs. George Gurton from Goder- ich. Mr, and Mg. Mervyn Lobb, R. R. 2 Clinton,• made calls in the village on Friday. Little' Jackie Dawson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David DawSon, who' has been sick this past week is now improv_ing. Mr., and Mrs. Thos. Webster had their annual trip to Port Burwell to see the acres of beauti-• ful chrysanthemums, In the bicycle race at Dungan- non Fair the winners were Michael Jones, Michael Becker, Joe Boyle and Bill McAllister, Mr . 'a nd Mrs Frank Thorne and Joanne spent the week end their cottage at Kincardine, a had a family gathering thereon Sunday. On Monday they close the cottage for the winter mon Mrs. Wesley younIde (nee Ed Treleaven) from Toronto and 3. Munson of Goderich called relativeS and friends in this co munity on Saturday. Guests for Thanksgiving on S 'day with Mrs. Mary Bere and fa ily included Gerald Bere, Lond Mr. and Mrs. Dwight. Aldharn a family , Mrs. Beitha Aldham fry Goderich and Mrs. S, B, Stothers from LucknoW, ' • ANTI FREEZE HOSES WINDSHIELD WASHER BATTERY • OLIVET Mens 7. p.m. The Men's 7 p.rn. league start- ed for the season with Ray Cran- ston capturing high single with a score of 272. Ron Stanley had high triple with a. 730 score. Games 'over 225: Ray .Cranston 272, Ron Stanley, 262, 23'i, 231, Grant Phillips .255 , Bob Hum-ph- rey 228. Team points: Owls 2, Cardinals 5., Vultures 2., Hawks 5. , Team standings: Lynn Hodgins' Cardinals 5, Ron Stanley's Hawks 5, Wayne Cranston's Owls 2, George Humphrey's Vultures 2. Town & Country TOwn and Country opened their bowling season with six alleys in play. Olive Smith bowled the high single and double with scores of 166 and 270 for the iadies. For the men it was Harry Lavis with a single of 213 and 363 double. , Team points: Harry Lavis' Reds, -5, Anne Dexter's Oranges O; Les Purvis' Greens 5, Margaret Mc- Donald's Violets 0; Henry Carter's Blues 3 , Vera Purvis' "fellows 2. • Ladies 9 p.m. High single , Zena Riegling 220; high triple, Grace Hopf .566. ' Games over 200: Z,ena Riegling 220, Grace Hopf 215 , 207, Mary • Cleland 212, Dianne Carter 204,, Omitted last.week Merle Rhody 215. Team points:. Barb Helm's Car- rots 4, Anne Wisser's Radishes 3; Irene Nelson's Peppers 4 1/2, Dianne Carter's Onions 2.1/2; Janet Barger's Potatoes 7, Lynn Wall's Corn O. ' Team. standing: Potatoes 26 , Radishes 22, Peppers 19 1/2, On- ions 16 1/2, Carrots 15, Corn 6. KinlOss For the men Gerald Rhody started the season off with ,a 665 triple and a 299 single. For the ladies Marilyn Rhody rolled 544 triple and Merle Rhody. a 221 single. Nice start, Rhodys. Men over 200: Gerald Rhody 299, 216, Jelle de Jong 204,, 201. Ladies over 200: Merle Rhody 221, Marilyn Rhody 203. Team points: Doris MacKinnon's Wealthys 5, Mary Lavis' Spys 2; Ann MacDougall's Macs 0, Merle Rhody's Pippins Team standings: Pippins 7, Wealthys 5 , Spys 2, Macs 0. Men's 9. p.m. JackCaesar rolled the high triple 720 and Ron Stanley was runner-up with 708. Other nice triples were Grant Chisholm's 666 and Charlie Anderson's 660. Jack Caesar also' rolled the high single 281 with Ron.Stanley 270 in second spot. Other over' 225 singles: Chas. Anderson 262, Ron Stanley 255 , Ken Barger 256, Grant Chisholm's 246 , Gordon Fisher 233 , Alan Rhody 231, Jack Caesar 231, Ken Barger 230 and Donald MacKin- non 225. Team points: Chas.' McQuillin's POntiacs 2, lief]) Barger's Mustangs 5; Clarence Greer's 'Dodges 5, Harvey Houston's Fords 2; Bill Button's Buicks 5 , Bob Greer's Olds 2. :Team standing: Buicks 12, Dod- ges 10, Mustangs 7, Fords 7, Olds 4, Pontiacs,2. Harold Stacey and Dordthy Perryman•of Barrie visited with Mr-and' Mrs. Ray Ilamilton and family and Mrs. W. R. Hamilton- during the holiday week end; Miss Joanne Hamilton of London Was home for the holiday week end with her' parents Mr. and Mn. Ray Hamilton. Miss May White of Woodsto'Clt was home for the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Mr. and Mrs. Ted White and• Allan attended' the Olympiad on Sunday afternoon at the farm. of Mr. and Mrs, Ken Taylorat R. R..3.Luckilow. ff Marilyn and Robbie Engel of Dublin visited for the holiday week end with Mr: and Mrs,. Walter Black and family. Mr. and Mrs. Eldert Geertsma returned-recently from an enjoy- able trip to..the west coast. Oscar White, who had been a patient in Kincardine 'Hospital for a few dayi was able to return home on Saturday., We wish him improved health. • • . Home for the Thanksgiving holiday with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Walter Black were Bill' Black of London 'and David Black of Kitchener. Andy Hamilton and Jack MC- Guire Were among the ones from .' this area who attended the tractor pulling contest in Teeswater on 'Monday. ' • Visiting over the holiday with Mr. 'and Mrs. 70star White were Mr. and Mrs. Bert White Ind • • family of Birr, Mr,, and Mrs. War- ren Rich'and Paul of Wingham and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mauer and Todd° of Huron Park. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Casler and baby of Sebringville visited with Mr. and Mrs, Jack McGuire and family on Sunday afternoon. Ladies 6:30 p.m. Only four teams bowled on Monday evening due to. the holi- day, Jean Phillips rolled the high single of 210 and Mildred Carper- on the high triple of 553. Games over 200: Jean Phillips - .210, Mildred Cameron 206 , 201. Team points: Mildred Camer- on's Terriers 7 , Marion Camp- bell's Retrievers 0; Mildred Bushell's Collies 7-, Wilma Clark's Spaniels 0. Team standings: Terriers 21,, Collies 19, Retrievers 16 , Corgis 16 , Spaniels 15, Poodles 11. To Celebrate Their Second Year In\ Business SCHIVIIDS JEWELLRY AND CHINA , ARE HOLDING A STO:RE, WIDE $ALE OCTOBER 15 TO OCTOBER 20 1847 ROGERS BROS. Half - Price Sale RETIRED PATTERNS FLAIR AND LEILANI 44 PIECE SET REG. $156.00 Sale $78.00 Retirement Sal MORNING ROSE COMMUNITY SILVERPLA 40 PIECE SETS REG. $89.95 Sale $59.95 gr, a . • MANY GIFT SUGGESTIONS. SILVER BONE CHINA WATCHES AND CLOCKS STONE RINGS DIAMOND RINGS STAINLESS STEEL BLUE MOUNTAIN POTTI CRYSTAL MILLBROOK ALUMINUM ROYAL DOULTON FIGURINES SCHMID S JEWELLERY AND CHINA LUCKNOW OWNERS — W. JOS. and DEAN CAW Lucknow Dungannon The Stewarts again topped the league with Bill's high single of 313 and a '749 triple. Marie's high single was 256 and her triple.of 657 was the best. Nice bowling Marie and Bill! Men over 250: Bill Stewart 313, 265, Jim Wilson 267, Army Wil- son 266, Mel Dickson 261, Stuart Jamieson 253, Bill Searle 252. Ladies over 225: Tillie. Wilson 241 Marie Stewart-256 , Joanne Searle 233. Team standings: Tigers 19, CubS.17, Zebras 16, Polecats 13, Wolverines 12, Chipmunk's 11, Kangaroos 9, Squirrels 9, Coons 8, Foxes '7 , Lions 4, Gophers 1. 1847 ROGERS BRO! 40% Off KING FREDERICK 40 PIECE SETS / REG. $135.60 Sale $81.35 40% Off . ALL 20 PIECE SETS OF , CROWN LYNN DINNERWARE IN STOCK re•