The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-10-03, Page 10STILL AVAILABLE Before the Age of Miracles Memoirs of a Country Doctor BY 'DR. W. VICTOR JOHNSTON $6.95 Dr. Johnston was born in West Wawancsh Township. and was a general practitioner in Lucknow for thirty years; His book reflects hu life'and practice in this conununity. ' MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED AT SAME FRO AVAILABLE AT THE LUCKNOW SENiINE r 1 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO , ..... .s... ,.. .zv.: ..,....:::. ..::.4 .&,. ,.:,,,,4. f › ... .. . . . . . . Strati .1. eanery 'Meeting:Or . r CsW .14 'tt AtKinOsbridge 160 Attend • • ,,. Whitechurch YPS Whitechurch Y.P-.S. held their meeting Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gibson. The vice president presided in the absence of the president Jim de Boer. The minutes were read by the secretary Cecil de Boer. The scripture was read by Earl Thompson. Kay Wilkens. led in prayer. The topic Father and Son Re- lationship was given by Earl Thorripson. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Ross. All are'to attend, the show "The Ten Command- ments" at Wingham on the week end. The collection was 'received. ,The meeting closed with prayer. by Earl ThompsOn. • • ••••, f 1 • • 'By Mrs.,Joe O'Keefe SepteMber 26th the Stratford Deanery meeting of'ilie.CatholieVomen't League was held in St; Joseph's Parish *Hall,,.Kingsbridge-With approxim- ately 160.11-mm-hers in attendance. Representatives were present from . every Connell in the Stratford Deanery. The Councils are St. Michael's', Myth; Si. Joseph's, Clinton;' St. Patrick's, Dublin; St. Peter's„ GOderich; St. Mary .of'PerPetual Help, Hesson; St. Joseph's Kingsbridge; St. Pat- rick's, Kinkora; St. Joseph's, Listowel; St. Brigid's, Logan; St ....Mary's, Lucknow; our Lady of. Mount Carmel, Mount Carmel; St. Augustine , St.-Aug- ustine; St... Colurnbari, St. Colurnbari; Holy Name of Mary , St. Mary's; ,St. James!, SeafOith; Immaculate Conception, Strat- : • fOrd; St. Joseph's', Stratford; Sac - red Heart,'Windham and St. •Boniface Zurich. Diocesan priests present inchided Rev. A. P. Spencer Diocesan Director , St. Martin's Parish, London; Rev. R. Moynahan,'St. Peter's, Goder- ich; 'Rev . J. G, Mooney , Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Mount Carmel; Rev. Msgr. L. Wernple ,' Holy' Nanie Of Mary, St. Mary's;/ Rev. Bensette, St. Peter's church, St. Joseph's and Rev. E. J. Dent- inger , C.R. Josephs, bridge. • • Mrs. J. J. Gardiner of Ilderton, President of the Diocesan Execu- • tive,_opened the meeting with the League Prayer followed by Mrs. Wm. Regier, ChurCh Life Conven- er with the Bible reading. ,Theme of the meeting was "to love is to serve". Members were welcomed by Fr. A. P. Spencer, Diocesan Direc- tor; Mrs: J. J. Gardiner., Dioces= an President; Ft. E. J. Dentinger , C.R. , pastor of St. Joseph''s, Kingsbiidge and Mrs. John How- and , President of St. JOsePh's Council, Kingsbridge, who also chaired the meeting. Miss Rita Ouellette, Diocesan kecording Secretary, showed a most interesting and informative film strip entitled , "Getting Work Done Through Groups", People, grouped together do important' things. Leadership is a responsib- ility and an honour. Each mem- ' ber has something to contribute some talent - 'something to enrich the group. We all have lirnita .- tions. Hidden factors influence 6, example, turmoil with teen- . • agers , lack of money; sickness; etc. Some falsely think that compromise and a difference of opinion are signs of weakness, and should be avoided. Creative compromise is more than good will. It takes knowledge skill arid .people. There are two types ' to be found in a group (1) spon- taneous theSe people are free wheeling and give freedom to ex- plore (2) evaluative -these people use ideas that are'analyzed and tested before being 'presented.. People react different- ly in these climates. 'Both kinds ate welcome in a group. The group is enhanced by the know- ledge, skills and values of all members. Fr. Spencer in his talk to the members emphasized the import-. • ance of-each member in each ' bouncil. All are really needed to help to work for God and country.; True Christian womanhood is pro-. moted in home and family life by women at the local, national and international level. Our theme throughout the year is "to love is to serve". How can I best promote the league and its ideals? Each member is needed and should attempt to capture the feeling and realization of what it is to love and,serve. 'St.' Paul said, "I am foolish for Christ". Because we love God we want to . serve. A single strand of'string is easily broken but it can be ' woven into a cable. So also there is strength to be found in, the membership of 100,00 ladies across Canada. The national organization is as strong as each individual member. 'Fr. Spencer expressed the need not only for'. more members but for enthusiasm and hard work. The C. W.L. can do much to-promote worthwhile projects for Church and commun- ity. The Diocese of London has much, to give at the provincial level.' It is not so much a question of what can the league do for me but what can' I do' for the league? . . Individual groups were formed to discuss questions of intei!est. These included such questions as, how to interest young people to become more actively involv- ed. Is it more effective to work as a group tather than as individu- als? Should one big project be undertaken or a number of projects? At noon a buffet style lunch was served by the catering com- mittee of the Kingsbridge After lunch a member from each discussion group reported to the group as a whole on what transpir- ed in their individual discussions. In this way many excellent sug- gestions and ideas were put forth. A report was given hY-each— convener of a standing committee These included Organization, : Mrs. P. J. Belanger, Windsor; Church Life , Mrs. William 'Regier , Dashwood; Christian Fam- ily Life, Mrs. R. M. Bingham, Amherstburg; Communications . and Public Relations, Mrs. T. A. Gerski, Harrow; Social Economic/ and Civic Life, Mrs. Frank Loh- uis , Mount Elgin; Social Action, Mrs. Lyle Kirby,. Ridgetown and Cultural Life , Mrs. Lawrence Howard , London. The informative and worthwhile day came to a close when Ft. Spencer led the group in prayer. • Ministers and lay delegates Of Bruce Presbytery, Hamilton Cori- ferenceenjoyed the drive through "The Bruce" (arrayed in its fall colours) to Wiarton, September 26. The 'newly elected chairman, Rev. Glen Strome, opened 1973 fall season meeting with prayer. Three new ministers were wet- corned into the courts of Bruce Presbytery; Rev. Carnochan, Ripley; Rev. S. Smith, Conn; • Mr. C. Hobin, Elmwood, also Rev. Rennet was welcomed back as supply minister. Many new - delegates shared their feelings as the meeting proceeded. Rev. A'. Proud' informed the meeting that Miss Audrey McKim has' joined •the Hamilton Conference ,Staff for four months, from September 1st to December.31st , 1973. Miss •Kim's work during this time will be to bring to the people of Hamilton ConferenCe Missionary and Stewardship Education regard- ing the promotion of programs • and concerns of Division of Mis- sion in Canada, Division of World Outreach and Division of Com- numication such as Mission Study 1973-74. Miss Kim will'be pro- moting'"Standard,of Giving and Stewardship' Service" material explaining Conference Capital Funds and speaking of her work' in . Kenya and Sudan. Brian Jackson from Hamilton Conference 'Staff has been assign- ed to Bruce Presbytery to contin- ue his Leadership in Christian Developinent for this coining year. , Two very capable students were assigned to the work of Sauble. Beach churches, serving from May 1st to September 3rd ,. 1973. Church attendance improved. at both churches: Mr. Wayne Wright came to North Sauble Church, having completed first year Theology at Emmanuel. Bruce Presbytery commends C. Wayne Wright to his home Presbytery (Toronto West) for a task.well done. Paul Davis carne•to South Sauble , Beach church as a non-candidate. He became a stimulator In God's work here with the Members working 'with him in partnership. This fall Paul is taking the 'steps necessary to become a candidate for the 'ministry. Rev. Dave Proc- tor from Hamilton Conference .. Staff complimented Rev. G. Strome on the religious education- al leadership he gave these stud- ents, as Supervisor and this was supported by the Members of Bruce Presbytery. The Board of L.UCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH J. W. Van Sternpvoort Pastor Services: 10:00 a.m. Service. 2:30 p.m.. Service (Dutch, 1st Sunday of the month) VISITORS 'WELCOME • 0 THE RED CROSS IS PEOPLE LIKE YOU HELPING PEOPLE LIKE YOU Sauble Beach Churches has agreed to attempt meeting all operating and church maintenance costs of the church including insurance and taxes beginning January, , 1974. This is/a milestone in five year's existance. In appreciation of expenses 'carried by Bruce Pres- bytery this year , a donation of four hundred dollars was presented to the Treasurer of Bruce Presbyt- erY; - ev.and Mrs. A. Proud held open house at the TeesWater United Church manieSeptember 16th. Rev. Bob Nicholls, reported that the new manse is a satisfact- ory piece of work Well done. October twenty-first will be the first '-'Sing nine" program of the season. October 19th there will be a Ministerial Spree at Hanover United Church. This is interde- nominational. Rev. Bruce Mc- Dougal, Hamilton will be the guest speaker. LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCi Rev. Robert Nicholls, BA: Minister OCTOBER lth' • Thanksgiving Sunday 10:00 a.m. Sunday Ste ` .11:00 a.m. Morning Worst , World Communion Sundry POINT TO PONDER In thankfulness for' pr mercies nothing so become as losing sight of past Mt Lew Wallace in Bea ill PRESBYTERIAN REFORMED CHURL ' AT LOCHALSH ° will hold MORNING WORSHIP ATHA) throughout the summer merry Rev. David Rennin minister •-••••••-•44,444,0+4 Lucknow Presbyterian emi Rev. Glenn Noble, B.A,, B. Minister Phone 528-2740 1973 IS CENTENNIAL YEI, OF THIS CHURCH OCTOBER 7th Thanksgiving eunay . 10 a.m. Sunday idol, 11 a.m. Morning W The Centennial Book is4i able at Fisher's Barber al and from Mrs. Ena Hen0 ent•••."044~.04.06.01,040%W. • Gamer canoe beatelv CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Bruce Presbytery, Hamilton Conference Meet At Wiarton For Fall Gathering