The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-10-03, Page 9Suni Alin; roc 110ne delightful, hilarioushearteiche of a movie I" An NEAGH INIANATIONAL Rdui. 1111 ADULT .ENTERTAINMENT "Dr, Jay! 'and Sister Hyde": ADPLT Starring Ralph Bates ENTERTAINMENT Varga, the 'DEATHMASTER is back from 'the grave! GODERICH 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 5?4'-7811 AIRCONDITIONED. 4pA L'n PRODUCTION, • mil GARYGRIMES•NEVILLE BRAND and GEORGE KENNEDY as as Frasa \\\ ‘‘‘\\\‘‘A‘N.N.N.N.N• ••••••••••••\•••• AND THE WHOLE DAMNTHING ..ALM PAGENt ....WWI 1.1 ..1•11.1.00•Mi •10 NAN J PAKIA.A way 10 1 FrEl 2 se: 1 3 , Only One Man Can Be EMPEROR OF THE NORM FrOfr The Makers Of "The Dirty Dozen" s & Ernest Sorgnine meet in the fight of the century. 20thCentufgs N ERNEST BORONINE • KEITH CARRAOozPrese INE nt in-EMPEROR OFTHE NORTH POLE" g ellikRtEs TYNER • MALCOLM ATTEHBURY • HARRY CAESAR • SIMON OAKLAND UNITED STATES MARSHAL Real Estate.. ChangesHorids . LOCH4LSH NEWS Moving during the past week seems to have been in fashion with Mr. and Mrs..Eldon Bradley mov- ing to LucknoW. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gibson and family moved, into the Bradley home , Mr. and Mrs.. Paul Trembley and family moving into the former: Andrew Barkwell home , now own- ed by Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Ca mp- bell. Mrs. Florence MacKenzie , Mrs. Frank MacLennan and Mrs. Dun- can Farrish along with ,Mrs. Don Ainslie ofTorontO enjoyed a few dhys holidays on a trip East through the Thousand Island area. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McCharles were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence MacGillivray of New York city, Mrs. Allan Ashley and Mrs. Alan Whicher of Wiarton , John McCharles of Pet , rolia. Sympathy of the community is extended Mrs. Henry MatKenzie and family in the passing of Mr. MacKenzie on Saturday after a lengthy illness. Miss Edna Cook of. Owen Sound , sister of Mrs. MacKenzie , spent several days in the MacKenzie home car- ing for Henry and being with her sister. They cared for him in his home arid from where he was taken to his last resting place in. Lochalsh Cemetery. He will be greatly missed by family, friehds and neighbours. _ ' It? has been beautiful summer- like weather, following ,the rains of the past week. and farmers are busy with corn harvest ,' ploughing, and general fall work. • :Many from the area attended the Ripley Fall Fair, and .all re- port a wonderful time with the , beautiful fall weather and the friendly home town: tmosphere. Mrs.. Emile MacLennan and -family were in Palmerston during the week end , where they attend- ed the graduation exercises of Mrs.. Louise Millar at the hospital where she will now be employed. Following the graduation a family dinner was held at the, Blue Barn, Listowel. Several from this area attended the ploughing match at Alvinston. Among them were Howard Robb and Finlay MacDonald. Surprise Party On 30th Anniversary 'Mr.. and Mrs. Don Mason of Kinsardine , formerly of Ripley, were honoured by their family and friends on the occasion of their 20th wedding anniversary at a dinner on Sunday , September 30th at the Sutton Park Inn, Kincardine Mr. and Mrs. Mason were taken_ completely by surprise. In the evening other ' friends and relatives called at their home to extend congratulations and best wishes on their 'anniversary. Mrs. Mason is the former Annie Taylor of Lucknow. Don and Annie have a family of three , Trudy, Mrs. William' R. Nelson, and Bob Mason, both of Kincardine and Brenda, Mrs. Andy Louzon of Oshawa; and four grand- children. Attendirfg from. Lucknow were , Alex Havens, Mr. and Mrs. Dr Fe Elliott , Mr. and Mrs. Roy HaVrus. AY, OCTOBER ; 1973 PARE NINE THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO IE ci,j001.4 ONTAItIO WEEKEND siOwssoW, eta ting Friday, 'Sipe., _, l • . ., --,.... :,.., ......_ ,....,0,._ ....:. 4•1•.- . .. Boiler , Beach, . , 14%vii, .... . 4,.• - ,...0 y—.... 0 .7. : ," ;11 • - - - , VI P' • Ago ri Pr.' • ' AY 1164 ' KINCARDNi . . , , Fri.-Sat. Oct. 54 • A Pad "The "The Robert MNIOSA Friends Friends Promos the /A . Mitchum Sesmiedi red Ntif PLUS Yd' ' nes. Of Panunpurh Yates add FM .. Eddie eat Sasebedre C'X, ' Peter the Pictures APwer.-,,,,m . 'ECHNICOlOP Week Presents N Coyle" Wag • Boyle Pe • / 4 :..:• •. . .//r•- NI) nu sad to peg csailuariPoNzwi InColor A F'arnmount Picture k 1111731111: ) Sun. • • DUSK TO DAWN Oct.7 ( 0 \ ®li TALES FROM ...........4...... , „ ' ----trzztri, ---. .0, '",.. '. " 14141Ses=re '. THE CRYPT" %%sane ...........,. starring •-.....,.., a ... i , litlAglitir "1"tin Pater Cushing C) - THEY OF Lev DEAD Joan Collins WON'T STAY DEAD!k C) — . I p 11116/ II I THE ".'' "HOUSE THAT itii e _.', ifti 4 • - rii, DRIPPED BLOOD" Starring —Peter Cushing When the flies start to crawl, so will your flesh... I .. ' Christy Les .. ' "Four Fres on p . Grey Velvet" Mr-. and Mrs. Gordon Finlayson had guests during the, week end , Mr. and Mrs. Bill Finlayson and family,. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Em- berlin Of Toronto, Miss Carol Finlayson of. Waterloo and Rod Finlayson of Sarnia. The congregation of Ashfield Presbyterian Church enjoyed a social time following service on Sunday to bid farewell to Rev. and Mrs. Ken Rooney who will leave shortly for Cookstown. A presen- tation of a Cheque , luggage and a birthday remembrance were the gifts given and all enjoyed the cup of tea and bountiful lunch On a beautiful summer like day. LYCEWW. THEA TRE WINGHAM PHONE 357-1630 ap,„ do, I. ..... I I I I I ......... WED., THURS., FRI., SAT., OCTOBER 3, 4, 5 6 2 SHOWS NIGHTLY I P.M. AND 9 P.M. "****1 Highest rating!" —WANDA HALE, N.Y. Daily News Burt Reynolds "A SLAM•BANG PRIVATE EYE is HOT! BUieRVINOWS5paiD7111CNINCirt . Dyan Cannon! SUN., MON., TUES., OCTOBER '7, 8; 9 One Complete Showing al 7410, P.p. 'COMPLETE ORIGINAL UNCUT VERSION! PARAMOUNT PICTURES IS PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THE RETURN OF THE GREATEST FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT OF ALL TIME! Celt Dingo TECHNICOLOR° wok*. tu tar anti ram ma HESTON BRYNNER BAXTER.ROBINSON.DECARIO.PAGET.DEREK.wieM*Fociticurt/14001.46 ' NW