The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-09-05, Page 12I. Bridal Shower For Carol Webster Mrs. Donald Dow and Mrs. George McGee led a sing=song and Mrs,. E. W. Rice played a , piano instrumental. Mrs. Ernest Gaunt gave a reading and Mrs. George Kennedy had a contest in , which Carol received the last parcel, , Mrs. Harold Gaunt read an. address of good wishes in rhyme corny, \ed by Mrs. Tom Pritchard. Assisting the bride in opening the gifts were Mrs. Terry Rutledge, Mrs. Dave Bosman, Mrs. Leonard Robinson, Mrs. Danny Montgom- ery, Bonnie Humphrey. and Janice Gaunt.• Carol thanked the ladies and invited them to. Open House at her home. Lunch was served at the con- clusion of the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McQuillin spent, the holiday week end, in the Haliburton District at Hall's Lake north of Minden. They were guests of Mr. and Mrs; liar- old Scott of Kitchener. A fainily gathering was enjoyed.as Mr. and Mrs. Ivan McQuillin and family and Mr. and Mrs. Barry McQuil- lin and family are also located there lr Mrs. 'Adeleen Dowling of St. Jacobs was wholiday visitor with Mr. and Mrs, 'Bob Aitchison and family. Norman Foran is a patient in and District Hospital. • ST. HELENS NEWS • 1 On Saturday evening, Miss Carol Webster bride-elect, was guest 'of honour at a community • . /shower in the St: Helens Hall. Janice Gaunt played severalmel- ()dies as the ladies gathered. Mrs. - Earl Jamieson was chairlady for the program,. Stethogirtists Corporation Giiataliteed. Trust 'Certifies* Tocio.'s interest rate: •. Let your money make money. Good interest is guaranteed with our 5 year term deposits. (Other terms available). Minimum deposit $500. 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Now, when feed costs are's° critical, Shur-Gain's feed test- ing service helps do the job even better. , Shur-Gain tests for protein, calcium, phosph-orous, fat, fibre and mois- ture. Then, with the test results your dealer 'or you can add, exactly what is needed for,, maximum feed, effi- ciency, minimum feed cost. Shur-Gain Feed testing helps detect dangerous levels of mold in corn too —and again saves you feeding and breeding problems. 'We're sure our Shur-Gain Feed testing service can help. Want to bet,? 4 ,k-.LOCKNOVII: SENTINEL,. ..ktiCKNO1,40, ONTAR COMPLETE. d. WEEK ' CONTINUED- FROM .PAGE of the Junior' Conservationist Award. Program has undergone a., gradual metamorphosis.. diversify , ing.,.and revising its goals and. ob l, jectives... Hence the role of the Junior Conservationist has changed, none too subtly.. The earliest Junior Conservationist participat., ed in the program in an almost .purely: observational capacity, while 'the preient Junior Conser , vationist has become .more of -a true.conservationist,.. to the end that he is fulfilling a useful . • .. function, for the government while at the same time-absorbing infor- rnation on the varied aspects of • conservation, :Altogether, thirty -tvo. students. are 'drawn from. all over Ontario each year to take part in the seven week summer progratrfen- tailing one week of .orientation, five weeks .of study and a -one week canoe trip in Algonquin Park. After the first week -spent . together', the 'group split into four .sub-groups of eight •(one group consisting M totally female participants) whieh'are assigned a ,specific area of study, and sup- ervised',by 'a UniVersity student. This 'year there are groupS operat- ing near Kingston, Peterborough, 'Lake Simtoe and, of course, Lticknow. What eaCh .grOup does. .vaiiei.slightly.with the location. . It was thejob..of the. LuCknow • • . Study Group- toestablish the i value. inherent n- introducing the Lucknow RiVer Watershed into a. conservation situation under the auspiCes- of the -Maitland Valley, ,Conservation Authority.: • To do this, soil and:water qual , ity tests were conducted in addi tibn:to. a land use survey and a. WEDNESDAY, SEPT Natural Resources and the finlir used by M.V.C.A. in its pi preserve the, quality of the eau) onmerit in the Lucknow Jive ershed . With tliefull supports' the local citizens in the We Watershed , the Maitland Vail' Conservation Authority lie be able to preserve and enhance the• Many natural featr es which exist along.the Luc* River _ wildlife-flora inventory. The Lucknow River Watershed is not a part of the M.V.C.A. just yet. It 'is hoped, by the studygroup..that it will soon be so the high quality of the water, forests and wildlife (still mostly in a natural state) can be preserv- ed, maintained and managed. The 92 page report, compiled. ,over the summer, will be publish- ed this fall by the Ministry of