The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-08-29, Page 6.Member Canada Deposit Insurance. Corporation ratlied r.:ofeettrient Certificates. - SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS AND CONSULTANTS LIMITED (519) 7446535 Collect Head Office — 56 Weber, St. E., Kitchener, Ontario ' WE BUY EXISTING MORTGAGES FOR INSTANT CASH,' 1 _sit and 2nd: Mortgages anywhere• in -Ontario on RESIDENTIAL - INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL. and FARM 'PROPERTIES , fnterim financing on new construction • or land development FOR REPRESENTATIVES IN YOUR AREA PHONE Elaine Stewart Heads 4-H Club • The Dungannon # 1, 4-H Club, 'held their 'first Meeting 'Wednes- day, August 22, and commenced at 7.06 p.m. It opened with the election-of offiters. There -are 6 members and the officers are: President , Elaine Stewart;, Vice President, Kathy Pentland; Secretary, Debbie Maclnnis; Treasurer , Jan Caesar and Press Reporter , Sharon. Young. The 'project name is "A World' of Food in Canada" and, we dis- cussed food of the early settlers. For the demonstration, Sharon and. Debbie Prepared blueberry buckle', while the members and leaders tried raspberry buckle, which 'was good. The next Meeting will be held Tuesday , August 28, •at 7.30 13. m • Reception Friday For Newlyweds WHITECHURCH NEWS On Friday evening areceptiol was held inWhitechurchComii, ity Memorial Hail fpr newly t4' Mr. and Mrs. John Gibb(pee: Judy McDowell). Music was supplied, by. Tiffins Orchestra Square dance' calling off by Kip. ntoul. At lunch time Mr.ari, Mrs. dibb'were called to the* form given seats of honor whil( Garry Chapman read an interest• ing address and challis ThornE0 presented them with a:gift of ,money,on behalf of the.githetiog John replied thanking the spot* of the evening,, the gift and* their attendance. Judy also added her thanks for the kind es bestowed on their'. All sang For they are Jolly Good Fello4 A delicious lunch was served f the sponsors. The chairs wei qiiickly gathered and the da resumed til the closing hour, The best protective equipment against job accidents is already-yours— , your eyes, ypur ears, your brain. Keep alert, work defensively, and you'll stay' on the job. . Self-defence is the secret of safety. You've got a lot tp live for; work defensively, and enjoy life. The sure way to safety is Self-Defence. Your Workmen's Compensation Board and The Safety Associations, Ontario • TM*, MiCKEIN SENTINEL, leuCKNOWg: ONTARIO. 1••••••••••••••••••,_ wSDNESDAY,AUSII$620 :EST RATES • NOW AVAILABLE ON .Cheryt .Hockett Is 4.,H President VG devoted entirely to serving ' The, senior Trust Company .the people of OntarioL TRUST' COMPANY.'SINCE 1 889 Serving & investing in your community Lyle Zurbrigg- Manager 524-7301 100 KINGSTON ST. GODERICH. Bruce Farm Report CORN SWEEPSTAKES The Bruce County 'Soil and Crop Improvement, Association is spon- soring, a Corn Sweepstakes Com- petition for 1973. The prize money offered will be $100 provided by Bruce County - Soil and Crop ImProvement As- sociation plus a $5.00 fee for each entry. The- prize money will be shared on 50%, 30%' and 20% • basis with the three top yields. The entries must •be in this Of by. September 1st. The mini-' mum acreage that will be con— sidered is 10 acres. The minimum . tonnage per acre will, be 16 tons at 65% moisture. FEED TESTING PROGRAM Feed may be tested for Dry Matter, Protein or any of the mm- - erals that could• create 'a feeding'. problem if deficient. Now is the best time' to test the hay or hay-' lage for protein content. One can-' not tell within about 5% what the t protein content of hay or haylage. is by looking at it. On a ton of bay, this. means that one, can be wrong by 100. lbs. of protein and even taking , protein at a very low . value of 20c - lb., this means $20. The cost 'of a protein test is only $5.00. Sample kits are available trona tIlig office. SILAGE ADDITIVES More people than ever will be . considering adding Nitrogen "to corn silage. Most additives are meant to raise the, protein value by about 5%. There are basically two types of Nitrogen compounds added; one of Urea base and the other of ammonia base. Tests haye been carried out on most of • these: products and °results of.. these tests are available from this office. There are also additives . that are sold as mold killers and information is also- available on those. • INDUSTRIAL MILK LOAN Bruce County dairy farmers ap- plying for the Industrial,Milk loan do so at the Walkerton Agricult- ural ,Office. Loans must be ap- plied for before the work has commenced. Loans should be ap- plied for well in advance of the time needed to allow adequate The first meeting of the Zippy Trinettes was held "at Darlene Hackett's on Monday, August '20 at 1.15 p.m, The leader Mrs. Don Hackett called the meeting to .otder arid all repeated the 4-1-1 • pledge. There were eight mem- bers present. The roll call was, answered by the members. The next meeting will be .on August 28, at 1.15p.m. at Sherry Jerome's. The election of officers took place as follows: President, Cheryl Hackett; Vice President, Donna Hackett; Press Reporter, Leone Cranston; Telephone Girl', Mary Anne Alton and Secretary, Joan Hackett The 441 project is World of food in Canada and there will be seven theory meetings and one party. The leaders gaye out the member's pamphlets and handout sheets. Mrs. D. A. Hackett discussed working methods at present. Mrs. Don Hackett discussed working • methods in 1870. A brief history of Early Canada and it's food was given by both leaders. Mrs. D. A. Hackett, demonstrat- ed the proper method of measuring solids and liquids ,.referring to page, 2, 3 and 4 in member's pamphlet. All participated in making chicken potpie-and baked Indian pudding. They both turned out well. time for apiktoval; .• Xenia (Nish, Associate Agricultural Sep. M a n d GR e rewa ing art f Self-Defenc • • • CRAWFORD MOTORS CHRYS!ER - DODGE - PLYMOUTH WINGHAM ONTARIO PHONE 357-3862 1973 DODGE MONTEGO 4 door hardtop, fully equipped 1971 METEOR Rideau 500, 2 door hardtop, 8 automatic, power steering and brakes and radio 1971 CHRYSLER 4 door sedan, power steering and brakes 1969 FALCON 2 door, 6 automatic with radio 1969 MUSTANG, 8 automatic, power steering and radio 1968 METEOR Mclean 500, 2 door hardtop, 8 automatic power brakes and steering 1963 PLYMOUTH Satellite 2 door hardtop, 8 automatic with radio 1966 DODGE CORONET 4 door sedan womming•rommoft,