The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-08-22, Page 12"MALIBU" BALL PEN. 73c by Papei Mate SUGG. LIST 98' 2 $ .19 WIFIr ATTACIIMENTS SUGG., 14ST 427.95 A TREASURE TROVE IN THE 0 WANT ,ADS y•••,••,, • I ' I know that farmers that are farm- ing great acreages do not have the time to spend in the garden or orchard and in spite of all the labour-saving appliances. neither do their wives. When I was a child , we did not have a car. A trip to town with Old. 2rince took a whole day there and back, so we did not go often. Riding. Old Prince, by the Way, was like riding' an animated rail fence.. We childreri had our work, THE LUCKNOV.V SENTINEL, .LUCKNOW, ONTARIO I REMEMBER CONTINUED FROM PAGE 8 made a wooden paddle to stir it, 'The cider and apples and nothing .kettle slung over a pole and he sat else went into the big iron sugar .there for days, it seemed, with a ,slow fire, smoking his, pipe and stirring. The apple butter was food for the gods.. ' That same kettle was used a few times to make homemade GERALD: H. WOLFE soap, and later to make maple syrup in Culbert's, bush • PALMERSTON' — 343-3632 . .behind us. Now, after all this remember- ALL ENQUIRIES CONFIDENTIAL .ing , let us think of farm food now. adays. I admit that there are gar- dens and some homegrown fruit ,Arnold Highman Realty Ltd. but it is supplemented with a lot of vegetables and fruit from the 144 King St. W. stores, and as time goes on, less and less is produced in Canada. Phone 744:6251 tchener, Ontario Therefore it is less fresh and there has been a great loss of vita mins as well as flavour, not to • mention wastage due to shipping. Ilk, STOR E lEM SUPER PECIALS Sale prices effective August 23 to September 1 JOHNSON'S',14 Oz. Bodiless Bandages. $ 33 • fr REREHIIROY LE .• 3 DUO TANG COVERS $224 VALUE • Ott VINYL FOLD A FOR $1.219 . OVER CLIPBOAFb • Scotch Brand. TRANSPARENT TAPE sugi.:g1... ROLLS FOR little Red School House" 500 SHEET REFILL um$i39 n= I'G "x11" Ruled EACH -sun. LIST "139 With Matching 10 oz. bottle by Tbetthos SUGG. LIST '4.49 ELMER UMBACH I D.A. DISCOUN'T PHARMACY LUCKNOW PHONE 528-3004 • PAGE THIRTIIIN •and in summer pulling weeds was .one thing we did, with raw carrots .and peas as' a self-given reward. It was so easy to pull a carrot. . with a pigweedi • • Life has certainly changed - fOr better, and worse. I am glad I experienced the old days', and the old simple food and many of the .old ways. But the food - fresh from orchard and garden or home- made from pure ingredients , al- ways plenty on the table and more where that came from I Time" to stand and stare, or sit and read , and not always a rush to get some- where or do something different. Unsafe Before Birth EspAT, AUGUST 22, 1973 1st AND .2nd MORTGAGES BOUGHT, $01..D, ARRANGED, AVAILABLE FOR. FARMS,. RESIDENTIAL, IMPROVEMENTS,. ETC. • Newt Hohal Fragrance soniau E 16 a. MTN BEADS sr 2.5 or. BATH OIL $ 1 19 ' UST EACH $1.77 EACH , • " Itedielark Refd.by Seel.Reylec., *ha iy Poloreid Cop. Bic Banana INK CRAYONS BI9 TO BALL PENS $1 39 D,02, or 13c Oa. SUGG, LIST 'I PENNY. CARNIVAL THURSDAY, AUGUST 30th BEHIND' THE RIPLiY HURON PUBLIC SCHOOL FROM 2 - 4 P.M. AND 7 * 9 P.M. ADMISSION lc — REFRESHMENTS AVAILABLE SPONSORED BY THE RIPLEY PLAYGROUND GANG So kids come along and bring your parents PLAN PTO ATTEND THE A mother's womb is .not always .the safe spot it should be. . In an experiment with pregnant rats, cigarette smoke was blown toward the animals five times a day for a daily total 'of 40 minutes This simulated in carbon monox -ide exposure the intake of a :human mother smoking a package •of cigarettes a day, or slightly .more. 'Rats give birth-after three .weeks, and the day before expeCt- ed delivery: the fetuses were surgic ally removed from the mother. The fetuses 'from the "sinokee mothers not ,only weighed less than thoswin a control group, but 'had smaller brains. ' • Carbon monoxide is damaging -to embryos even if like chicks they are protected by eggshells. An incubator was constructed to test the effect of carbon monoxide on hatching 'chicken eggs. In to the incubator 'was pumped air that included a limy portion - less than a fraction :of one percent - of carbon mono- . aide. Of the eggs not exposed ..to the gai •79/0 hatched; of those exposed 13% hatched. •The chick embryos found dead in the shell *showed red discoloration, and 'blood clotting associated with car- bon monoxide,poisoning. • Human mothers cannot be used .in experiments like these. But .pregnant women who smoke have .significantly'rnore stillbirths, .spontaneous abortions and pre- mature births than'wompn who do• n't smoke. When a pregnant woman smokes two packs a day 'it is the equivalent of blocking off 40/0 of the baby's oxygen •supply. • To find out more .about carbon monoxide and cigar- ette smoke write your Christmas Seal Association, 634 8th Street East; Owen Sound, Ontario.