The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-08-15, Page 11ESP" AUGUST 15, 1973 It, s OLIVET Miss Wendy Hamilton spent a few clays holidaying with Mrs. Vera Blackwell and family of St. Ann's. Mrs. Ray Hamilton, Mrs. Bill Bennett, Christine , Todd and Julie and Mrs. Jack McGuire attended the singalong programme in Kincardine on Sunday even- ing. Mrs. Walter Black and Joyce and Mrs. Jack McGuire visited • with Mr. and. Mrs. Albert Rheil of Saltford on Monday of last week. Several from this area attended the auction sale of antiques, for Mr. and Mrs. George McDonald in Ripley last. Saturday. . • Mrs. Martin McNeil and Bob of Williamsford• visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ted White and Allan on Friday, • Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bennett and children of Burlington are spend- ing.3 weeks holidaying at their summer home here. • Miss Joyce Black is spending a few days. with 'Mr.' and Mrs. Rob- ert Engel and family of Dublin. h. TAKE OUT FOOD EAST END OF LUCKNOW PHONE. 528-2034 Special Prices' for Special People TO ..SENIOR 'CITIZENS' In order to assist those 'on fixed incomes during the present inflationary period, we are offering this special dis- count. Please be prepared to show proof of OAS status. This discount is effective until further notice and includes only the following items. We reserve the right to limit quantities. 1., • REGULAR P. ii HAMBURGERS 60c. 4k FOOT LONG HOT DOG 65c CHEESEBURGER 70c , CHICKENBURGER . 70c BANQUETBURGER . i 85c FISH AND CHIPS '90c and $1.20 9 CHICKEN DINNER ' $1.70 6 PIECE CHICKEN $2.15 DISCOUNT PRICE 51c 34c 55c 59c 59c 72c 76c and $1.02 $1.44 $1.82 HOT .DOG OPEN 11 A.M. - 2 A.M. MONDAY TO SATURDAY 11 A.M. TO 'MIDNIGHT SUNDAY 41111111111111111111• THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE ELEVEN fered Injuries In Truck Accident. ay being a- holiday the concert was cancelled this However, the residents ing forward to the visits e band each Monday dur- gust, y-five residents travelled to'London on Wednesday first stop at Storybook Everyone enjoyed the Is, flowers and the scenery gardens. Then on to nk Park for a picnic lunch, dents visited the Marian Home during the afternoon ere welcomed by Sister' en and her committee. Fol- a tour of the home a social s Spent in the craft room enters of the Auxiliary lunch.Morgan Dalton, a nephew of Sister Maureen, ed the appreciation of the for almost enjoyable n, aid (nee Marilyn Anderson) from Port Alberni, B.C. called to visit Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sher- wood recently. Miss Edith Glutton, a retired missionary from India , now liv - s ing in Stratford, spent last Tues- day with her cousin, Mrs. Mary •Bere, and on Wednesday evening other relatives gathered at Pine Lake at the cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Horton fora visit with her. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Guilbea - tilt of Essex and Mr. and 'Mrs. Peter Lauzon of Windsor spent the holiday week end with,their par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Smith. Other guests have included Mr. and Mrs. John Champion of Lon- don on Thursday; and for this week end Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cooper, -and Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. ,Garton of Leamington, also Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Gamble of Ripley. Last week end Mr. and Mrs. Thos Webster enjoyed trip to Lions Head and Tobermory. This week their granddaughters Lynda and Wendy Thomas from Willow .dale have visited them; and on the'week end Mr.' and Mrs. Ken Thomas were here and their daughters returned home with the-m. Guests during the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Art McMichael. • Rhonda and twins Scott and ' Jeffry, included the former's par- ents., Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mc- Michael from•Clinton, and his sister, Miss Rita. McMichael and Terry Davis from Toronto. • Mrs. Mervyn Lobb from Clinton visited,Mrs. Thos. Webster on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fowler and children, Darrel and Karen, ac- .companied by Mrs. Fowler's sister, Sharon Vincent and nephew little Robbie DesJardine of Park- hill spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fowler. Mrs. Ferne Mc - D9nald of Rexdale visited 'her aunt and uncle, Mr; and Mrs. Chas. Fowler one dayrecently. The Andrew-Lane family an nual picnic was held on, Sunday afternoon at the Ashfield Park. Mrs. J. M..Reed and Girvin and Mrs. Mary Here and Jamie were present., Girvin Reed is the, president of this group. On Sunday the•Eedy families held a family picnic in Goderich at Harbor Park. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eedy and Laurel from Strath- roy were present and other fam- ilies from a distance. Miss Nancy Errington has been a camp counsellor for the past three weeks at Camp Menesetung near Goderich. Mrs. Gordon Kidd of George- town spent Monday with her. mother Mrs. John Ryan. Again this summer Mrs.. Ryan has. added /a great deal of beauty to the vil- lage with her flower gardens. On Wednesday Mrs. Bill Park pulled the ligaments as well as sprained ankle while walking in her yard. She, is now wearing a cast and using a wheelchair in preference to crutches. Mr. and. Mrs. Marvin Smith returned to Toronto on Monday after spending two weeks in the village. , Mrs. D. S. Fines and Mrs. Syb- il Murray of Toronto are enjoying two weeks' holiday in Dungannon. Ricky Gervais returned.to . buy after spending six weeks with his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Eric McBee and Brenda. DUNGANNON NEWS ger Pentland has been in fora Hospital. He has a skull fracture also rib and ' injuries.suffered when re ng from work early esday evening as a passer's- his employer's truck. The r Was just shaken up in this chicle accident. Harvey Alton ,' who under - surgery in Victoria Hospital, n, recently, is now,conval - g at the home of her daugh7 Mississauga, Mr. and Mrs. Henderson and daughters., ne Hasty returned 'home on y from Wingham Hospital he had been a patient for two weeks. nes Campbell is on the sick is week end. Thursday, August 9, Mrs. m MCNee and Mrs. Cecil from Dungannon Branch of, ts Institute along with 31 members from Institutes In West District•enjoyed a bus the Adelaide Hoodless at St. Geore.arid to the Lee Home at Stoney Creek. the occasion of the official g of the Erland Lee Home being purchaSed by the W.I. io. Descendants of the Lee faMily and other offic - ere present; Alvin Sher- 'as bus driver for the trip . ,antour's shopping in a in.Kirchener. ndlyIrS. Cecil 'Orser froth are spending a few days :and Mrs. Wrri. Wiggins. iand Mis. Frank Glenn panted Mr. and Mrs.. Herb lin of Dicknow in their trailer to C011ingwood 'for ek end. While there they ed Dairy Day. Lillian MacDonald was d to have her' niec e and y from Ottawa visit her on ay.. They were Mr. and Wayne Carrigan and little Wen, Mrs.\ Carrigan (nee nivicClinchey) is the daugh- Mr. Albert McClinchey late. Mrs. McClinchey by Errington), formerly of and Mrs. Douglas Reid and children, Brenda, Leslie and from Sarnia are holidaying summer home on the 6th on of Ashfield. Ernest Pritchard of Toronto tipg for a few days with her rs, the Pentland families. and Mrs. Gordon McDon-' • hat's New t Huronview