The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-08-15, Page 9WED. 22 - FAMILY NIGHT 1;00E1; IN GOLDWYN M AY 6? OF SSIE TECHNICOLOR' PLUS Time Machine FRIDAYS - BONUS NITE WEDNESDAYS - FAMILY NITE DRIVE-IN • GODERICH HWY. 8 AT CONCESSION RD. 4 . PHONE 524-9981 hACLASSICS...forourtime Just a person who Protects children and other Ning things ADULT ENTERTAINMENT They're young...they're in love ...and they kill people. ElEATTV FILM IlDlIUMALVV.PES? pcitiornissixonaus 0 triTOM iAUGHLIN ONE ,FULL WEEK — WED. to TUES. August 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 STEVE TAcQUEiN/ALI MAcGRAW `"THE GETAWAY'. • I, ' A., t •• • •n•q• Nh `. • • • ••;•API-7,Nhm BEN JOHNSON' AL LETTIERr ' SALLYp STRUTHERS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT • The most electrifying ritual ever seen! RICHARD HARRIS u$ "A III CALLED NOM" 1••1 \ (Slins' ilhoe,44•1•14.• .A NATIONAI ,:h NF itAr PILTI'14S PI I liASE AI INF %IA 1,\T 14 111. Sts 'HFSF VTAlltnS. ADULT ENTERTAINMENT WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY - FRIDAY August 22 - 23 .- 24 "AT LAST, A COMPASSION- ATE AND LOVING FILM ABOUT BEING BLACK IN AMERICA. -JAY COCKS T•mr , Ma la lino ..411,sidn1He / MATTEL Productiond Nino, PP A Robert R. Radek:a/dente IRA' Film pANAvISIONIRCOLOR BY OE LUXE (' . COLOR by DE LUXE THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • Open.House On 90th Birthday MAY, AUGUST is,. 1973 ELIZABETH G. REID e death of Miss Elizabeth e Reid of Lucknow occurred • fleetest Manor .Nursing Home anday, August 6th, just ten after the death of her broth- nson Reid of R. R. 1 Luck- . s Reid, who was in her 88th was born in Kirkwood ToWn- Algoma county, a daughter Hies Reid and Annie Carver. ng to this area she lived in Township, just west of ow for a tiMe, but some -five years has been a resid Lucknow, the last six of have been spent at Pine- Manor. Reid is survived by a sister Archie (Louie) Courtney of ardine and a brother Robert of Lucknow. e was predeceased by one Mrs. Jack (Annie) McDon- Ashfield and two briithers me Reid of GOderich and on Reid of R. R. 1 Lucknow. e funeral service was held at nzie Memorial Chapel, on egay, AuguSt 8th. Rev. Noble of Lucknow Presbyter hurch, of which the , ased was a member , was stet.. bearers were Leonard Court- Robert Courtney, James Al Irwin, 'Wm. Stanley, Nicholson.• • wer bearers were Donald. of Ripley and Melvin Web- f Clinton. rment was in Greenhill Cem ‘„a set presented to each share- holder: Phil Chadwick visited from Tuesday to Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson and called - on Mr. and Mrs. Ewart MacPher- son•of Lucknow. On Thursday he left for Alliston to visit there with his brother, .wife and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Caslick of Culross accompanied by his mother Mrs. Earl Cashel( on Sunday visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Miller of Hamilton to celebrate their daughter Tiffany's first birthday. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilkens were. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wilkens, Sharon and Michelle of Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Soloman and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wilkens of List- owel attended the Old Time Fid- dlers Contest at ,Shelburne on the' week end. Little Kimbefrley Wilkens of. Listowel visited on the week end with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilkens, Kay and Glenna, while her parents attend- ed the Fiddlers 'Cbntest at Shel- burne. • Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hunter and Trevor of London were weekend visitors with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Conn. Mrs. Wallace Conn and Mrs. Earl Caslick were Saturday Visit= ors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon. Scott of Ripley. Mr. • and Mrs. Bill EVans accom- panied by. their grandchildren, Larry and Lisa Evans, who had spent the week end•with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Nich- olSon, attended the family reun- ion at Springbank Park, London on Sunday. Quite a number from here attended the reception on Satur- day evening in honour of Mr. and Mrs l: Tom Miller (newlyweds) at Belgrave. Mr. and Mrs: Jim Ross of Tor- onto were callers last week on Mrs. Earl Caslick. Mrs. George Fisher, Mrs. Bill Fisher, Timmy and Teddy, and Miss Annie Kennedy of Wingham on Wednesday visited with Mrs. AnnettaJantzi at Milverton. Mrs. Eric Evans of Hyde, Park, Miss Margaret Moffat of Toronto and Mrs. Maimie Donaldson of Brucelea Haven, Walkerton were Monday callers on Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evani On their way to visit Miss Emma Richardson at Pine- crest Manor Nursing Home cele .brating a 90th birthday. • Callers at the homes of Mr.. , and Mrs.. George Thompson' and Mr. and. Mrs. Milian Moore were Rev. and Mrs. Robert Watt and ' James of Toronto and Rev. and Mrs. George. Watt, Wendy, Heath• - er and Melanie of Oakville. On the return trip Mr.. and Mrs. George Watt and family were accompanied by Miss Vicki Watt, who has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Milian Moore. On. August 7 theU.C.W. mei-n- bers visited the Psychiatric Hos- pital at GOderich. They were shown through the Hospital and visited with patients. They had a picnic lunch with thekri; Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Sim- mons of London were Sunday vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rintoul, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Rintoul and SteVen, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Mdcl< Cardiff of Brussels were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Oberholizer of Wingham. Misses Louise Mitchell and Lynda Hoffos of Toronto were Sunday visitors at the manse with - PAGE. NINE on Thursday they went to Thorn- ton and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Grubb and Mrs. Mary Pressick. - Mrs. Jennie Inglis arrived home on Tuesday last from visiting her son Jack Inglis and Mrs. Inglis at Victoria ,B.C., Mr.. and Mrs. Roy Thompson of Nottawa were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Thornp- • .son and Earl. Charles Thompson of Walkerton also spent the week end: with them. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Murdock. Friday night Whitechurch Ban- .tams played Teeswater -Bantams at Winghani with a score 11-3 in.' favour of Teeswater. Whitechurch Squirt team play- ed Mount Fbrest at Mount Forest Saturday night with a score of 15-6 in favour of Mount Forest. Mrs. Gershom Johnston on Wed• nesday visited with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Woods at Kincardine and • cknow Res 05 Years N.19, Mon. 20, TUES.21 NHa i JACQUEUIlt BISSEI Wall ORS THE THIEF WHO CAME TO DINNER ADULT CnIor ENTERTAINMENT. TEEL YARD BLUES WHITECHURCH NEWS Thisi community offers their congratulations to Miss Errima Richardson of Langside commun- ity, now of Pinectest Manor, Lucknow', where on Sunday they held Open House for het to cele- brate her 90th birthday. Mrs. Bill Fisher, Timmy, and. Teddy of Don Mills, visited a few days ,the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gibson and family. The community were sorry on Saturday to learn that Mr. and Mrs. Bob Estey (newlyweds) left the village to reside in Guelph where they had secured employ- ment.• Simon de Boer of Ridgetown College was a caller in the village during the week end. WELCOME MR. AND MRS. • • MURDOCK The services .on Sunday at Lang side Presbyterian Church and Chalmers Church were conducted by Mr. Lloyd Murdock, student minister for the corning year. Mr. and Mrs. Murdock arrived last Tuesday to take up residence in the Manse. The community wel- comes' them to the village. We' are pleased to report that Russel Ritchie of Wingharn Hospital has improved' slightly, 'since admisSion. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Huffman, Beverley and Susan of Lucan visited on. Thursday with friends at 'Lucknow and with Mr. and Mrs. Victor. Emerson. Whitechurch Water System held a general meeting for share' hold- ers of the system on Wendesday evening when the rulings of the system were reviewed. Copies of the rulings will be made and !,YCEUM . THEATRE .WINGHAM PHONE 357-1630 WED., THUR., FRI., SAT., AUGUST 15, 16, MN Paul Newman In "The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean" Adult Entertainment —,Two Shows 7 and 9 p.m. SUN., MON., TUES.,'AUGUST 19, 20, 21 See. Karate Kung-Fu In Fists of Fury PLUS SECOND FEATURE Charles Bronson in Red Sun ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Red. Sun showing at 7 p.m., Fists of Fury at 9 p.m. • H",