The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-08-08, Page 3• Is OWE & SANBORN COFFEE BEST BUY!. LB. BAG FUTURE! • SONUS BRAND 34.6. 4-0z. Tin WHOLE CANNED PRE-PRICED 49e1 SUNLIGHT LIQUID 24 Fl Oz. Bole 45' DAY, AUGUST 8, 1973 TIE, UCKNOW SENTINEL" I.UCKNOW, ONTARIO ilINSWE'remorafi~116, Irmimaremowirelici REDS WHITE Know they CAN COUNT ON PERSONAL SERVICE AT OUR MEAT DEPT. PIEMOCE0 7901 100 to Cub Bag PRIOR PARK , TEA BAGS' • REFRESHING 48 Fl. Oz. Tin Del Mode PINEAPPLE JUKE 10 PACK 19 H. OZ. 'Tin Resell/ale Choice GREEN PEAS SPECIALI .128 fl. oz. jug Cando Brand White VINEGAR PRE.PRICED $1.49! DETERGENT . 1 10 SURF King Size P • *17 SUNSIWN CMILLFLP (Rain CAnceidrate) 32 41. Or. Id. 9c UST furl • WES4INGNOUSE Onsido Freida') 1040/1.1 Watt ()RANGE gun 4 s 11 LIGHT 'BULB 2 394 OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK ENNOMMe rarejliMMM. _J _J _/ _/ _/ _/ •RED WHITE STORE PHONE 528-3001 1WrOir / nd Mrs, Ralph Aalders and flucknow motored to Indiana for the 'Week e they attended a family Connie and Loria re- me With them after some time in Indiana. colwellcdaughter of ,olwell of ICinloss and Joan Ferguson, daugh- . and Mrs. Lester Fer- Huron Township left on a motor trip to.West- ada. with Mrs. Sadie Harrill - the holiday were Mrs. and Mrs. D. Dean of Michigan. Callers and Mrs. E. Martyn of c; Mrs. M. Crow and of Westland Michigan; MacLennan of London; MacIntyre and Mrs. M. lucknoW; Don Franks of Michigan, AI. Blue of Detroit week in Lucknow with Si•Cameron MacDon-. Rozella Gauley and family of Winnipeg, ManitolIa spent 10 days with her mother Mrs. Worden Howald and Ricky of Lucknow. Wilfred, P. Snider, B. A . of Englishtown, New Jersey, who has had offices several years in Rock- feller Centre, New York City where he combined business and writing, has taken a new position inDanville ., Illinois.' Mrs. Snid- er and seven children flew there Sunday by plane to a large new home they purchased in Wil- mette, Illinois.• Wilfred is the • only grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cameron of this community., Mrs. Aileen Carter of Holyrood and Mrs. Millicent Carter of Teeswater attended the 55th wed- ding anniversary of their aunt and uncle Mr. and • Mrs. J. M. Martin. 40 Cambira Road South, Goderich on Thursday,. August 2nd. Mrs. Martin is the former Maude Cart- er of Clinton. The Mrs. Carters are daughters of the late J. A. Carter of Clinton, brother of Mrs. MelVille Martin. Tom, Stewart of R. 'R. 4 Kincar- dine, formerly of Cuirass, was a -patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London for a week where he underwent surgery. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wni. G. Hunter on Saturday were, Mr. and Mrs. ,Ken Laidlaw of London, Mi. and °Mrs. John Bell of Guelph, Mr1 and Mrs. Dick Reed of Det- roit, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Keane and family of Stratford. Roy is pres- ently employed at. Bancroft , Ont - ario . Mrs. Frank MacKenzie and three sons, SCott, Ken and Bruce have. returned to their home in • Edmonton after visiting in Ottawa with Dr. and Mrs. Gary Suter and in Lucknow with her 'Mother Mrs. Harold Treleaven and her brother Mr, and Mrs. Jack 'Treleaven. Also visiting recently at the ' Treleaven homes. were Dr. and Mrs. Gary Suter of Ottawa and Miss Gertrude Crich of Toronto and 'Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wrangham of Peterborough. Visitors in Lucknow last week with Mrs. John Emerson were Mr. and Mrs. Carman Nixon and family of London, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Nixon and family of Stratford and Mts. Torn McDon- ald of Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. George Richards, Dawn, Jeff and Ruth of Sparta , New Jersey spent last week at the Garnmie cottage at Amberley Beach. Mrs. Rae Mur- ray (Jeanne Richards) and Shawna of Brampton spent a couple days with them. Mrs. 'Noel Mason, Brenda and Wendy of Brantford visited with friends in Luclmow last Thursday and. Friday. Noel, who was once principal of the Lucknow District High School, is presently taking a Summer Course at Ottawa. Mrs. F. G. MacGregor of Peterborough spent last week with Mrs. George Stuart of Luckriow. Other visitors recently were Mrs. Neely Todd of Stratford, .Mr. and. Mrs. Allan Durnin and daughter Helen of London, Mr. Gordon MacGregor of London, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm MacLennan of • Barrie, Mrs. George Stockholm ,of Detroit, Mrs. Anne Childress of Chicago, Mrs. Nancy ThOmas of Alabama, Miss Thompson of TorontO. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Thornp- spn of Bowmanville were guests last week end in Lucknow with Miss Helen Thompson and attend- ed the homecoming service in the LudknoW Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Clark. Finlaysan of Goder- ich spent three weeks recently in. England with her daughter Janet, Mrs. Chris Bargh, Mr. Bargh and Mary Katharine, who reside there. Fraser Ashton underwent gall- bladder surgery in Ottawa last Tuesday. Susan Thompson of Lucknow is visiting, for a week with. Mr.-and Mrs .• Ashton, An- • toine and Stefanie. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd. Ashton of Lucknow visited • Sunday and Monday with them. The Ashton recently built a new home at ,Lucerne, Quebec , near Ottawa, where Fraser is em- ployed, and moved in June from Hull, Quebec. Mr. .and Mrs. Kerry Hogan and sons Todd and Chad, of Glencoe • 'and' Miss Fay Hogan of London visited last week end with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Con Hogan of Ashfield and other relatives. Mrs. Grace Ankinman, MTsi. Lorraine Shimmons, Misses E. and L. Wettlaufer, and Lyda Sk- ier, all of Kitchener and*Mr. and. Mrs. Allan Durnin of London. were Saturday visitors in Lucknow with ,Mrs. Grace Camp- bell. Visitors on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ron Plunkett and Kathy of Toronto and MI. and. Mrs. Lawrence ,Plaetzer, , Larry and Wanda of Auburn. Wanda and Kathy remained for a longer. visit. • a