The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-08-08, Page 2inumonmoonomm............mimoilmimoomilill , E A LIFE , LUCKNOW AND DISTRICT SWIMMING POOL IS HOLDING A WATER SAFETY , AND SURVIVAL CLINIC THURSDAY, AUGUST 9 • from .7 p.m. to 9 Om - Learn what you can do to prevent a drowning EVERYONE WELCOME efore The Age of Miracles • • WEDNESpAy, AuGu ONTARIO • h Congregation HOP farewell Presentation ...F0 Rev, ~ Mrs. McKumey Served FOO Oiter.Eighteen'Yeari, The LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTAlt . Ito stpoy Town" — On the Huron Boundary Second Class. Mail Registration Number' 0847 Established 1873;-- Published Each Wednesday Afternoon' ?Amin! of tho C.W,N.A. and 0.W.N.A. -onRate;$6.00 a Year.in advance to the U.S.A., $8.00,. Donald C. ThompSon, ,Publisher WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1973 Kingsbridge Man Map Man (3704 Yecit. A social:evening was held in Kinlough,Presbyterian Church on Tuesday, evening., July 31, . Mrs: '91en.-Haldenby presided and Mrs ! Jack Barr led in'several sing-songs 'with Jeannette Barr accompan- ` • trig *On the piano. Lynn and Kar- , en islicliolson each favoured with baton twirling and Lynn also sang & lovely solo '"Peace Like a Riv - • err,' John Mchmis played 3 selections on his' mouth' Organ: Mrs. ,Gordon McDonald gave a inimOrmis reading and Mrs. Mc- Kinney played, a piano solo "In 'the Sweet ,Sye and Bye", ,Mrs. Wm. McPherson sang "Peace in • the Valley" and.the Pioneer 4 'Girls sang 7They Know We Are Christians". Mrs. Don Robertson and ;Mrs. TOM McDonald very ably acted out a humorous skit. • More Donations To Pool Fund • tes Petter Shoes, Lucknow, $5'0'.00; Donald Mac Kinnon, Lucknow (2nd donatiOn), $50.00; Mit. Isabel 'Faun, Listowel, • $5.00;, Huron Chaper #89 Order . .of the Eastern Star, Wingham, '$25.00; The• LucknOw.Sentinel, • 'Lticknow (2nd donation), $92.80; Gary Ritchie ,.12icknow; $25.00;. R.' E.• "Ted" Collyer;. Meaford, $5.0b;' Mrs. Steve Stothers, Luck- now $1.040; Miss Bea Parker,, TorOnto ; .$.5. GO; .Gordori J. Mac- Kinnon; St.', Petersburg,. Florida, $10..00; Marybelle (Madtkinald) and Harold "Pete" Agnew, Ply- moutl,, Michigan, $10.00. Frank Maulden then read an address .to Rev'. and Mrs. T. J. McKinney and presented them with a walnut book case and a . hurricane lamp from the congreg- ation --a"baromerer to Rev. Mc- Kinney from the Sunday SchoOl , and'a bracelet•to..Mrs. McKinney from the W.M.S. Both Mr. and Mrs. McKinney replied; thanking everyone for their thOughtfulfiesS .to them. _A lovely lunch and soc- ial hour closed the evening. Rev.. and Mrs. McKinney will be moving to Port Hope in Sept- ember where he has accepted a - charge after serving faithfully for 18 years in the Kiniough Church. Grand Master Visits Lodge On Wednesday.evening, Aug. 1 Joshua fbayal Black PrecePtor 132 held their regular. meeting in'• The Amberley Orange Hall. . . The Preceptory had the horittur and pleasure of having Right War- shipful:Sir Knight Walter Scott of Beigrave present.. Sir Knight Scott is. Grand Mast- er of The. Grand Black Chapter of Ontario West and, this,was the first time that he had visited Amberley since' being elected to this high office'. ' • • ' During the meeting there was• the draping of the warrant in .memory. of Sir Knight Cliff "Ged DR. GILBERT FRAYNE The death of 1)r. Gilbert Frayne, a resident Of Kingsbridge since 1920, Occurred in Alex andra Marine and General Hospital., Goderich on Tuesday , July 31st in his 82nd year. He was born at Forest on April 6, 1892 a son of John and Anne (May) Frayne. Dr. Frayne was a 1915 graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col- lege. He enlisted with the Calf- adian Army diking World War I and served with the Imperial Army where he•roSe to the' rank Of Captain. He is survived by his wife, the former Mary Moylan, three sons Donald of _Ashfield, Douglas of Brantford „Eugene • of Ashfield and thirteen grandchildren. He waspredeceased by. his first. wife, the .3rnier Pauline O'Reilly, in 1960 and one son Peter. Mass was held on Friday, Aug- ust 3rd at 11 a.m. at St. Joseph's Church, Kingsbridge, of which the deceased was a member, with interment in St. Joseph's Cemetery. Rev..Thomas Moy- lan and Rev. Edward Dettinger officiated'. 'Pallbearers 'were Mike O'Neill, Mark Dalton, Ray Frayne, Dan Frayne, Jim Frayne,• Paul Frayne .. MCCallum Funeral Home , Goderich Were in charge of fun- . eral arrangements. dess,. who passed away last week. 'This was conducted .by Sir 'Knight Scott. - Two -degrees were put on during' the meeting and business conducted'. There was a discits- sion on Derry Day, which• is held in Collingwood on August 11. The Preceptor Kelvin Hender- - ' son thanked the Sir Knights for corning up, to help them. Sir Knight 'Robert Ilibbert• and George Bayle, Sir Knight Walter Scott • gave wonderful•talks. After the meeting. lunch was• served and a social time enjoyed. The following young people were successful in the swimming tests at, the Lucknow'. and District Swimming' Pool 'in the July swim- ming program. PRE. BEGINNER Danny MacKenzie, Kevin Mac- Kenzie., 'John 04ran, Barb Maize, Lana Sanderpn, Shirley Loree, Donald Dorscht, Larry MacPher- son, Gw'enda Van der Velde, Julie Collins, Brenda Phillips, Michele Humphrey, Wayne Phil-' ips, Christine McQuillan, Donnie Peterson, Bonnie Purvis, Betty Stanley, Sandra Irwin, Lynn Murray, Sharon Sproul, Diane Hoffman, Anne Hamilton., Mark Londry, Mary Anne Ritchie, Donald Ritchie; Karen Eckenswil- ler, 011y Liddle, Gregg Mason, Debbie McRae, Donna Humphrey, Diane Gibson, TOny Van Dyke, Pauli. Pollet , Brian Hackett, Helen Maclntyre, Paul MacIntyre, Diane Raynard, Shelley,Collins,: Wilma 'Van der Velde. BEGINNERS ' Charlene ElPhickb lotij en, Paul Van der Velde,;.,,, Lori Collins, MargO'Neik Parrish, Peter Van Dyke, t Hamilton, Sharyll Mason; Mason, Linda Taylor, laO,' ett, Greg Hackett, Laurie Teresa Murray, Anne Dot Dianne.Miltenburg, Narr!,_ enburg , Mary Luanne Cla0' Willy Hendricks, lvlorrisVal Osch, Rob Henderson,* son, Sandra Hopf, John '" Barbara Loree, Margaret croft, Sandra &frith, Jane Humphrey. • Darlene Whytock,14o i Patti Barger , Carl Morrison' in Lindsay, Russell Treleaat Michael Whitcroft, Gluck: son. ADVANCED BEGINN4 Francis Logrenbtug,,k0 tenburg, Eric Courtney,A Cdok, Maurice Miltenbeag CONTINUED ON PAGE Stvimmeis Complete July hograil 'Atria* and District Swimming • Carol .Foran; Cari.Courtney, Mar.k.ACkert, Jarnie M'cCabe.. STILL AVAILABLE Memoirs of a Country Doctor BY DR. W. VICTOR JOHNSTO $6.95 • • Dr. Johnston was born in West Wawa' Township and was a general practitioner m Lucknow for thirty years. His book reflects life and practice in this community. MAIL ORDERS. ACCEPTED AT SAME PRICE AVAILABLE AT LUCKNOW gig Mrs: Warren'Zinn, left and • MO.'•Allais Ritchie were two of the, ladies who assisted at the dis. play booth of Trinity United Church Women held at Laselmow, Craft FestiVal. This is the third year Trinity spOnsored the "Eaz- \t, aar booth" at the Festival. They alit, had a baking booth. Which was sold out completely in `shout ' 'order.