The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-08-01, Page 12TEESWATER \‘'...6\N\NN..\\NN. TEREsi RATu NOW AVAILABLE ON 1 St and 2n,cI Mortgages • anywhere in Ontario on RESIDENTIAL - INDUSTRIAL, COMMERCIAL and' FARM PROPERTIES interim financing On new construction , Or 'land development • FOR REPRESENTATIVES IN YOUR AREA PHONE • • SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS. AND CONSULTANTS LIMITED ,744-6535 Collect Head Office -- 56 Weber. St. E., Kitchener, Ontario WE BUY EXISTING MORTGAGES FOR INSTANT CASK` A01111... mi! 'OMR irvitiAni THE LUCKNOW •'SENTINEL, LUCKNOVir,,ONTARIO WEDNESDAY; AUGUSTI WHITECHURCH and DISTRICT ERTAINMENT & DANCING IN,THE LOUNGE APPEARING THIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, AUGUST 3 AND 4 Walkerton 'Trio Plus • Mr. and Mrs. Ben Turpin and Sandra of Montreal left on Fri- day,to continue their trip to Win- . nipeg after visiting a week with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mowbray. ,Mr. and Mrs. Albert. Coultes on . Sunday visited with Mrs. Russel Walker' of GoOerich: - Miss JesSie-Finalyson of. Clark- son visited Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes. Mr. and Mrs'. Bill Willis visit- . ed with her parents Mr. and Mrs. • C. Lucas orMarsbelle on Sunday and' Lyle who had visited with— his grandparents for a week return- ed home with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Garry Willis ' and family of Newery returned on the week end from. a two weeks.. holiday. and Carolyn remained to visit with her grandmother Mrs. Doris Willis. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Conn spent the week end in Londbn with Mr . and. Mrs . Herb Hunter and 'TreVor; Mr. and Mrs.. Robert Mowbray Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin and Alan Falconer and. Tony'spent the week end at Strathroy with Mr. r.• and Mrs. Angus Falconer. Mrs. A. E. Purdon spent the week end with Mr. and . Mrs. Jack McIntyre of Winghain.. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Milligan, Clara and Mary Lou of Streetsville spent the weekend with Mrs. Alan Falconer. Visitbrs on Sunday with Mr: and Mrs. Garnet Farrier and Mrs. Eun- ice Gillespie were Mr. and Mrs. Jack.Gillesiiie of Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Farrier of.Wingham, Mr.'and Mrs. Pete, Cook olLucknow. • , •,., Mr;: and 'Mrs., Angus Falconer of Strathroy Spent Sunday after- ribOn,with Mr. and Mri, Alan Falconer. Mr. and MrS. Al Olson and Mrs.' Dorothy Hinkle left on Thurs- day:16r their home at Livonia,. Michigan. .$unday, August 5 , services will be held at Chalmers Presbyter- iinChuich,at 11.15 a.m. with Relf:"0....NOble of Ludknow in. charge. The United Church con- gregation will join, with the ser vices at Chalmers for the month / of August while their preacher, L./ • King is on holidays Sunday School at Chalmers will begin • at 10.15 a; in. Note change of time. We are pleased to report that Hugh Simpson arrived home from Wingham'Hospital the first of, last- week. Little Lyle Willis is holidaying with his grandparents.Mr, and Mrs. Carl Lucas of Marsville. Miss. Margaret Moffat 'of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Graham Moffat of Teeswater were Tues- day evening visitors with Mr. and .Mrs. Wesley Tiffin. Mr. and Mrs, Al Olson and • Mrs. Dorothy Hinkle of Livonia visited last week with Mrs. Gear rude Tiffin, Winghann .,•Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tiffin, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson and with Russel Ritchie, at Wingham Hospital. 'Mr. and Mrs. Bill. Evans were in London on Tuesday and visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Eric Evans. and family of Hyde Park. Mr. and Mrs. Bill WilkenS and • Kimberley of Listowel visited on Sunday. with his parents Mr. and ” Mrs. Earl' Wilkens. • His sister Glenna who visited with them last returned home with them. Visitors on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rintoul were Mr. and Mrs,,Gordon Campbell of Listowel and on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gutoskie and Michelle Df Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Coupland Judy and .Kevin of Waterford have recently visited; with her parents Mr; and Mrs. Charles Robinson and leave on Tuesday to go on' a camping trip.. ' Visitors On Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Beecroft and Karen were. Mr.- and Mrs. Robert Sinna- mon, Wayne, Brock and Robert Hertel of .Monkton and Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Beecroft and Angela of Exeter. Sunday visitors with Mr., and Mrs. •Walter Elliott and family. were Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stewart and familyof Lambeth, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Currie of East Wawanosh on ,Saturday, 'attended the wedding ' reception of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald McElroy at St. Johns Church, Michigan. Miss Ruth Elliott of Gbderich spent the week end with her par vents Mr. and Mrs: Walter Elliott and family. On ,Saturday 8 men assisted Murray Simpson and they manag- ed to get all his.father Hugh Simpson's hay in the 'barn. Hugh _Hossppeitnadli.n'g the is still, a patient in Wingham week end with their parents Were Miss Joyce Tiffin, Mary Lou Wall and Jan- ette Johnston, all of London. Visitors during the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Snowden were-Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bosman of IA;ndon -and her father Wm. Humphrey of St. Helens. Mrs. John Tierney and Karen of Victoria. B.C. have been spending 'a 'few weeks with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mag- offin of . Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Torn Magoffin went on Friday to London and on Saturday attended the wedding .of Shirley Irwin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Irwin, to Larry Leadbetter at Knox Presby- terian Church, Oshawa. Also attending the Leadbetter-Irwin wedding were Mrs. W. r. Irwin and Lloyd, 2nd con. Kinloss and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilkins of 12 con. ,Ashfield. Mr: and Mrs. Leroy Rintoul and Debbie of Kettleboy arrived this week to enjoy a weeks holi- days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Black of Belgrave and .his parents Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rintoul and joined Carol and Kimberley,, who were' al- ready holidaying here. Mr. and Mrs. Cuthbert Iron- side of Arva visited 'on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evans. We are pleased to report that Mrs. Bill Willis was released from Wingham Hospital on Friday. Whitechurch Women's Institute are making arrangements to visit Bru.celea Haven on August 14 and put on an entertainment for those in residence. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Sim- mons of London visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw and family and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Durnin. • Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harding of Kitchener were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Schultz, Mr. and Mrs, George Fisher of Wingham were Sunday evening callers on Mr. And Mrs.. Bill Gib' s°n- I\4.ar n.danfadmMilry. Mrs. David BeanP Bramtpon were Sunday vision with his, parents Mr. and Mrs, Clifford. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schneidi Laidlaw. and. Mr. and Mrs. Graham tto of Teeswater were Friday eve ing visitors with Mr. and Mrs Victor Emerson. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Swystun;. Brenda and Sharon of Sault•St Marie were visitors for a foi; days with Mr. and Mrs. Doac ar and family. Other yisitoti, Sunday at the same home wen Mr and Mrs, Clarence Celli and family of Teeswater and; and Mr Mr. s. Dungannon. GordonAn ders! Mr. and mrs. Ben Turpinat saandnci faof r''a of Montreal were visit' for a few days with Mr/. and Robert Mowbray. Mrs,. Harry Moss of Plattsv, spent Tuesday with her pate" Mr. and Mrs. Ben MCClenags Mrs. Bessie Mulliss arrived' horne Sunday evening after ing a few days with Mrs. Jo Bloor of Borholm, whose hus passed awa3riiit week.' Mrs,: Bloor is a sister of Wilford C' ton. 7 • Rev. and Mrs. Clarence Clenaghan of Dungannon viii' recently with his'aunt and Mr. and Mrs. Ben McClena :nghda.Mrn . anclMrs. Carl Mc Miss Margaret Rozansid McGuire of Toronto spent a day recently with Mr. and Russel McGuire. I accompanied lvirla nd b Mrs. Russel MaenGuoi ill and Mrs. Helga Koehle0 Goderich spent the July 210 end at Niagara Falls and Rod er ; New York withfriends. ' Little Miss Cindy Moore w visitor with her grandmother' Mrs. Dorothy Moore of Wino weGerkaheandmvYlimpsoiutonrRg Mrs W .e Waraeltperleiviasoeodretoisrenp:Itio ital. from Wirigham and. District and Mrs. Russel McGuire. Danny Woods at thetorne o LEUIKEIVIIA PIO The most common foot in children is acute lyrn leukemia. Aserecently ass] aVerage child with this di lives . more than three Y • only 1 1/2 years; today the to the use of drugs. The reports of lon,,term suru Cancer Society is On there is an increasing . be part of ihis nonunion search on this and other by contributing to the campaign for funds! f 'c racer to save more lives. with oo vo Tohric sonftrio SHUR.GAIN 40% Beef Silasup plement #2 Never before in the history of cattle feeding in this country have protein supplies and prices been so critical. Never before has the use of a supplement such as our new SHUR-GAIN 40% Beef Silasupplement #2 been more needed. , This new S-HUR-GAIN'product has a higher level of its crude protein content derived from Urea. This level determined 'by SHUR-GAIN Research falls between the maximum and mini- mum levels as suggested in a recent. Government Agricultural Research Bulletin. We are confident this product will 'do the job at less cost when fed according to the SHUR- GAIN program: Ask your dealer about new SHUR-GAIN 40% Beef Silasupplement #2.