The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-08-01, Page 34! WHOLE WITH GARLIC BEST BUY! BABIES ONLY PLEASE Bathroom Tissue SDAT, AUGUST 1, 1913 THE 'LUcKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO vyvvyyvvvvVVYVVYY‘levir rry'Vrir v v vvryvvyvvvi vvvirv,virvvvirvvvvVVVVVVVVVVVVYYVV , WILL ENJOY STOCKING UP FOR THE HOLIDAY WEEKEND \\\\I1 SUNSPUN , SALAD DRESSING FEATURE! UFO& Sr FEATURE! • EASY OPEN - ASSORTED OLD COLONY Virst" SOFT DRINKS 100% PURE VEGETABLE OILS MARGARINE SUNISFON 1 • imuitillE Powders 10 pads49G BlEsiiiimeAMP Beans 2 ' 9 VAPONA NO PEST STRIP Each $2391 AAAAAAAAAAA4AAAAAAitsuukAAA#AVAAAAAAAAV.LAa/AAAAAAAAAAAAAAMuiAAAAAAA:AAAA4 D WHITE STORE PHONE 528-3001 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA •11 .11•1/:',' V "I'Y'V V yvvvr Mary Eadie, Betty Ann Bushell, David ACkert and Margaret Mac - Intyte of KinlOss, ,Barbara Carn-, eron and Tom Henderson of,Luck - now attended The Ontario Youth Music Camp at Beaverton last week, All are members of the Lucknow District School Band. Bev Fowler of Blyth traf been employed 'at Ashton's (Lucknow) Ltd. since the end of June She previOusly worked at Hudson's in London. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Passmore of Lucknow left for Assiniboine, Saskatchewan by car Saturday, July 28. All of Mr. Passmore's family live there and this will be the first time he has been home in 2'8 years. Mr. and' Mrs. W. C. Gagnon of Oakville are holidaying with relatives in the Lucknow area.. The Sentinel received a card this week from Nick and Eva Perry of Detroit who were visiting Fargo, North Dakota where her aunt came in 1875. They also visited Fergus. Falls, Minnesota and other points in that area. Mr. and Mrs. Don Cameron; Barbara , Colin arid Rosalea of Lucknow and Margaret Machityre of KinloSs visited Sunday and Monday with Mr. and 'Mrs. Angus MacLennan and family of GOder- ich at their summer 'cottage at Snake Island otr-Lake Simcoe. "We sure enjoy the old school pictures" writes Ada Pickering Smith of Grosse. Pointe, Michi- gan in renewing her subscription, Paul Johnstone, son of Mr. and Mrs: Tony Johnstone of Lucknow was hospitalized in Wingham from Thursday to Sunday last week. Mrs '.1john Crow '(Marlene Mac - Lerman, formerly of Lucknow) and daughters Heather and Sharon of Westland , Michigan are visit- ing this week with Mary MacInr• tyre in Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Greba and 7-year-old daughter Ann have moved to Rockland, near Ottawa , froth Port Coquitla,m , B.C. Mrs. Greba is the former Edna Reid. Ernie is with the Royal Mounted Police and is working in Ottawa. Kathy Joynt, daughter of Mr. /and Mrs. George Joynt of Luck- now is attending York University in the Summer Language Bursary Programme. The course runs , from July 3rd, to August 11. Misses Lorna, Campbell and Helen Thompson of Lucknow rec- ently returned from a thirteen day , conducted tour to. the Maritimes. Mrs. j. L: MacMillan was.a recent visitor.. in Toronto and St. Catharines. While in. Toronto she attended the Graduation , ExerCises of the' St.' Joseph's School of Nursing, when her granddaughter Miss Christine MacMillan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford MacMillan of St. Catharines was one of the. graduates. The Graduation Exer- cises we're held in the Eaton Atiditoriuni with the reception following in the ROund Room: Mr. and Mrs. Al Irwin accom- panied, by Mr.. and Mrs. Watson Webster of Clinton returned on Friday from a 13 day tour of the. Maritime. Provinces. Mrs. Edna Congram spent the' last four days with Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Shiell, Wingham. Kathleen Leddy and Patricia Schmid of Stratford spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ray- mond Leddy, after spending a week at the Kintail Beach in the' i-looisma Cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Johnson and sons Ted and Ron of Lucknow re- turned flame last Saturday from a four week motor trip to theWest Coast. Enroute they attended the Calgary Stampede and Edmonton Klondike Days. Rev, and Mrs. Gordon Geiger, Joan, Ross and.Paul 'of Essex were caller's in Lucknow on Sunday evening. They are presently vacationing at their .cottage at ' Inverhuron. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Stewart, Paul and Neil, Kincardine; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Leddy and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Leddy of Goderich were present at the Sacrament of Baptism in Sacred Heart Church in Walkerton when David Joseph Leddy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Leddy was baptized. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Leddy, were his' sponsors. Rev. Father Walsh officiated. Summer visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Hunter, Lucknow are their 2 month old grandson Brian Eugene Keane of Bancroft and Neil Fredrick Scarlett of Pefferlaw. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thompson, John and Anne of Windsor visited last—week in LuCknow. with Miss Helen Thompson. Peter R. Carter of HolyrOod attended the 50th wedding anniver- .sary mass at Holy Family Church, Hanover on Thursday,' July 26th in honour. of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hunt of Hanover. Dinner was served at the Hartley Hotel, - Walkerton foiloWed by a dance in the evening. Miss Lila Stir/ling of London visited with Mrs. John Emerson last week. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. MacMillan were Mr. and Mrs. John D. Clifford of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Carrick (Patsy MacMillan) and children Barbara and Gregory of Cleveland, Ohio and Mrs. Yvonne Keith of 'London. Music Results / Music results with. Royal con- servatory of Music, Toronto, are as follows: Marie Boyle, Grade 'VIII pass, Grade II theory pass; Elaine Whitby, Grade II theory, honours. With Western Conseivatory of Music, London, Elaine Stewart, Grade VI pass; Judy Robinson, Grade VI pass: The girls are pupils of Mrs. Ruth Alton, Ashfield. pl. R. W. Conley and Mr.s. ey, the former Louise Irwin, e and Gary have returned Lahr, Gerniany, where he stationed for the past four Following a month's vacs ;in Lucknow with their par- Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Con and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Irwin, will reside at Trenton where will continue in the force, . and. Mrs. Cameron Finlay- nd family *of Willowdale' been holidaying in Lucknow. ather Ann Stapleton, daugh:- • fMr. and Mrs. Neil Staple- R, 2 Auburn, passed her e I piano exam , Royal eavatory of Music, London. received first class honours is a pupil of Miss Anhe Legg, rich, cent visitors.at the home of Chas. Steward, Lucknow. Hrs. Hugh Cumming and a and Mrs; Robert Rae, all °nand Mr. and Mrs, .Chas, Own of Toronto. • Wm. Webster, Lucknow g tomorrow Thursday, to uth, Nova Scotia ,to visit Mr, and Mrs. Doug Allen aMily, 'anda Mrs. Ivan McQuillin, and David Of Kitchener pending part of their vaca- `With the former's parents Mr. • Fred 0