The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-06-27, Page 4. . • I. 41,,,e • 1 • ;I . . • • PAGE POUR THE LUCKNOW' SENTINEL., LUCKNOW, ONTARIO FOR SALE FOR SALE - Herco stoker fur- nace;"' • in good condition. Frank Pentland, R. 6 Goderich, phone 529-7343. FORSALE - Westinghouse near- ly new .wringer - washer. Mrs. Verna McCienaghan, phone 528- 291.9 or 528-2601. ' THE FANS GO WILD ' PAUL HENDERSON'S MIRACLE Now on sale at The Lucknow Sentinel for $5.95. Don't miss it. Mail orders accepted at the same price. - JAYCO HARDTOPS and Travel. Trailers, 6 and 8 sleepers; hard- tops starting at $1450; travel trailers starting at $2500. Dem- onstrator 161/2' special $2100; see us for all your camping accessor- ies. Bumstead Metal Fabricating, Josephine St., Wingham, 357-2272. •WANTED -- let us do your field spraying, , corn and grain. A. Showalter. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL -- is • for sale at Stanley's Sunoco, • Umbach's Pharmacy, H. and B. • Discount and, Koyle's Supertest • in .Lucknow. • EXCAVATING. AND TRUCKING sand and gravel. Phone Robert Symes, Lucknow 528-3047. • FOR SALE -25 ton Herta Feed • Barley; call Jim Martin 529-7139. HOUSE FOR SALE - ready for • plaster, on corner of Bob Street and Elgin Street 'Frank Scott, • phone 528-3217., PAPERING - PAINTING Floor Sanding and Spray Paint- ing, Fred 'Emberlin, Phone Luck - now. PLAYING CARDS - a brand new selection of single and double decks of cards now in stock ,make an excellent gift; al- so euchre cards, jumbo index cards for those with sight proh- lems, bridge and euchre tallies, The Lucknow Sentinel. FOR SALE - 45 gallon steel bar- rels with open end, good for burn- ing garbage or feed barrels on farm; also clean gas barrels or sap barrels $3.50 delivered. Phone Blyth 523-4461 or write Ron Baird Box 51, Blyth, Ontario. -- -. BRIDGE TALLIES 2 and 3 table bridge tallies •now available at/ the Lucknow Sent- inel. FOR SALE - two year old lawn- mower with grass catcher, phone -528-2340. STRAWBERRIES are ready • now!! A. Showalter, Whitechurch, • phone 357-3569. • FOR SALE - 1969 Dodge 'Super Bee, 383 magnum motor,.. hurst 4 • gear, fresh black paint job, Zye- barted, 4 new road hugger tires, ,neW Muntz tape deck, tack,'excel- ' lent 'shape, phone 395-2434. EASY. BOOKKEEPING Payroll books for 8 and 16 em- ployees, available at The Luck - now Sentinel. FOR SALE - 5600 lbs. Wood's bulk milk cooler, used 13 months, like new, very reasonable. Phone 848-5661 or contact K. A. Waters, R.R. 2 Kenilworth, Ontario. FOR SALE - 1 pair of lined drapes, 108" wide x 85" long, gold and brown tones. Phone 528-2440. Mrs. Don McMurray. FOR SALE - 30 springing. Hol- stehl heifers, bred to beef bulls. Nandi Boyle,. phone 395-5088 • ......:.., Itk\l' •„:c,i;:i.,,,,;:„.,..., .;:f.•,?..e.:e„,:,.. ,,,,,..„.::.a.,..::.*. ,...,:-..4..R.,...::.,:„i::•,:::,.:,::,:b:.:.,...:::::,;::::::m::,..:::::::;..:.§:$:„.:.::$::::,.::::.,,,,::,::::,:.:::::::.:.:::::,:.2.:::,:::.:::::::::::-:::::::.:::4::,,,,:::.§..::::$.$4,;::::.:e:::::,,,::::::::04,4*:, ‘:::,:::>4.$:::::,: .:::::.::::'s::::::,:ik; • ..,.,k........:,, ,,,,, ••••,.:ge ..: . . , ...\• k a., WEDNESDAY JUNE % •••• Z4. • ' ••••:. .. : ....... FOR SALE HELLO BADGES - for meetings, parties, etc.; stick to clothing for' simple application,. The Lucknow Sentinel. •BIG VALUES AT LOW PRICES See the large selection of fur- niture and mattresses in the downstairs department at RON MACHAN HARDWARE. You will be pleasantly surprised. BEFORE THE AGE OF MIR- ACLES - memoirs: •of a country doctor, by Dr. W. V. Johnston, makes an ideal gift at any time, $6.95 at The Lucknow Sentinel, mail orders welcome. TABLE PAPER - white or col- oured designs for covering ban- quet' or picnic tables, The Luck- noW Sentinel. FREE -- kittens, phone 395-5526. ' SERVIETTES - - new• patterns ' and colours for spring just ar- rived, see them at The Lucknow Sentinel.. FOR SALE - Beatty automatic feed and manure handling equip- ment, stabling and pressure sys- tems. Contact Beatty Farm Ser- vice Centre, Clinton 482-9561. THIRD PRINTING NOW AVAILABLE Norman. Robertson's History •of Bruce County, first published in • 1906, second printing in 1966. PRICE $7.00 Add $1 for shipping and handling We also have available the sequel of this book, The History of The County of Bruce 1907 - 1968 written by Norman McLeod - same price. THE .LUCKNOW SENTINEL FOR. SALE -- twenty halfblood Limousin bulls off test April 13th and May 23th. John Howard, R.R. 7 Lucknow, Ontario 519-529-7348. FOR SALE - Van Dale Silo Un - loaders, George Wraith, Box- 95 Goderich. Phone Residence 524- 7002 or Shop 524-6511. BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Cleaners, Bunk Feeders, Water Bowls, Cow Stalls and Hog Pan- eling. Contact Lloyd Johnston, R.R, 3 Holyrood, ,phone 395-5390. FOR SALE - 45 acres of stand- ing mixed hay, by the acre or bale. Gus Devereaux; phone 529- 7579 or 357-3308. FO SALE - registered Holstein bull f serviceable age; dam claP sified good plus, 7 year old rec- ord - 305 days - 20845 lbs. milk, 3.5 test. Antone Van Osch, R.R. 7. Lucknow 529-7441. FOR SALE - McClary 23" elec- tric., range, automatic, in good condition, needs one element, $25.00. Phone 528-2919 or 528-2601. FOR SALE - used Massey Fer- guson No. 3 baler in good condi- tion. Price $1000. Jacklin Farms, phone 395-2782. • . FOR SALE- 22 cubic foot Woods freezer 4 months old, good con- dition, phone 528-6347 after 5:00 p.m. • TUPPERWARE Your new dealer is Mrs. Joyce. Broome, for showers, home, r club parties,, please call 395-54i. FOR SALE - used Allied bale stooker, good condition, redson- ably priced. Robert Scott, phone , 395-2873. BARN EQUIPMENT - complete line of Acorn Equipment and Clay Equipment for pushbutton farm- ing: Westeel-Rosco Granaries * Zero Milking Systems, Lowry Farm Systems, Amberley, phone 395-5286, FOR SALE FOR SALE - 1966 Pontiac sedan, mechanics •special. Best offer. Harold • Campbell,. Lucknow, phone 528-2293. , FOR SALE - new shallow and deep well pumps in stock; also used Beatty deep well working heads. Pollock Electric, Ripley, phone 395-2982. FOR SALE - hardwood slabs, please order early. Borden Litt, phone Teeswater 392-6895. FOR PIANO TUNING and re-: pairs, contact Barry Pollock, Ripley, phone 395-2982. AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater - Licensed Auctioneers Sales of all types • Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 THE TEESWATER NEWS - is available at The Lucknow Sent- inel, 10c inper copy. If you are in- terested the news of Teeswater and District, pick up a copy. PONY SADDLE $39.95 Big Horn saddles in stock; Open Dominion Day Holiday, July 2nd; THE TACK SHACK Ken and Carolyn Taylor R.R. 3 Lucknow, phone 395-5443 / LORENZ ,- DEAD STOCK SERVICE $20.00 dead horses; $16.00 cows over 1000 pounds. Phone collect 369-2410 Durham. FOR SALE -- one Case 95 bushel manure spreader good condition; 34' x 54' barn to be moved or torn down. John MacKenzie, R.R. 3 Goderich, phone 529-7622. ROY'S ALUMINUM • SALES AND SERVICE, win- dows, doors. For , free estimate call Roy Emberlin; your local. dealer. PICTURE FRAMING our specialty, wood and -metal. Sny- der Photo Studio, Wingham. James Snyder, proprietor, phone 357-1851. WRAPPING PAPER -- Kraft roll, for home or office, 49c. The Lucknow Sentinel. FOR. RENT FOR RENT - furnished, three room apartment on main floor, private entrance, Campbell St., • Lucknow. Apply Glenn Apart- ments, phone 528-3723. FOR RENT --- furnished apart- ment in Lucknow, close to down- town, heated, carpeted, private bath, private entrance.Available immediately. Phone after. 6 ,p.m. Mrs. Elmo Pritcpard 528-2747. FOR RENT - country stone home; modern conveniences; Wingham - Teeswater area; $125 per month; phone Keith Fitz- simmons, broker 3574117. TO RENT - comfortable furnish- ed farm house, quiet setting, 5 miles from Lake Huron, midway between Goderich and Lucknow. Available July 1st te August 12th and September. Phone Lucknow 528-2072. • ( SANDBL-ASTIN6-\' 1 DEMOLITION WORK • • SPRAY PAINTING • ARNOLD •STOTHERS PHONE 5294403 • FOR ESTIMATES COMING EVENTS SUPER CASH BINGO Legion 'Hall, Lucknow, every Thursday, 8:45 p.m. Pot of Gold game -- winner take all. 14 reg- ular games, $10 each. 2 Share the Wealth games. A $30 Special. Jackpot game for $100 on 56 calls or $25 consolation prize. QUEEN OF THE FAIR CONTEST Lucknow Agricultural Society are sponsoring a "Miss Sweet- heart of the Fairs" contest at the Lucknow Public School on Friday, July 6th. Dancing from 9:30 to 1 to Desjardine's Orches- tra, Judging at 10:30. DURHAM KINSMEN MONSTER CASH BINGO - $3,200 in cash prizes each night. Draw each bingo on 19" Color. Television. Last bingo 1973 Grem- lin X will be given away. Next bingo Friday, June 29, Durham Arena. Doors open 7 p.m, Games 8:30 p.m. - RECEPTION , • There will be a reception for Mr. and Mrs. Wray Osborne, newlyweds, in Ripley Township Hall Friday, June 29. Music by Boyd's •Orchestra. Everybody welcome. Lunch will- be served. OPEN HOUSE • Mr. and Mrs. John Coiling will • be at, home at R.R. 1 Ripley to - their friends on ,,the, occasion of their golden wedding on -Sunday, July 8th, 2 to 4 p.m. And 7 to 9 p.m. No gifts please. RUMMAGE SAL E Rummage Sale will be held at Nile United Church on Friday, June 29th at 10:00 a.m. sponsored by the Nile U.C.W. HACKETT PICNIC The annual .Hackett picnic will be held at Ashfield Park on Sun- day, July 8th. Dinner at 12:30. AMATEUR. TALENT CONTEST Sing? Dance? Play an instru- ment? Over $400 in prizes. Enter the Amateur Talent Contest at the Seaforth Lions Summer Car- nival Thurs., Fri., Sat., July 12, 13, 14. For application forms and further information write or phone Marlen Vincent 527-0120 or 527-0373, Seaforth. Entries close June 30th. COUNTRY ROAD. Summertime dancing at COUNTRY ROAD, located 2 miles south of Kincardine on Ain- tree Road. Dance to the popular TALISMAN on Saturday, June 30. Bring .your friends and enjoy yourself. WINGHAM BINGO Wingham Legion Bingo at the Legion Hall, Wingham, Wednes- day, July 4th at 8:30 p.m. 15 regular games, $10 prize each game; 2 share -the -wealth genies; $50' special must go; Jackpot game $1060 on 7 calls with $35 consolation. Admission $1.00. Ex- tra and special cards 3 for 50c :or 7 for $1.00. • . COMING EVO HANOVER HOLIDAY, 1! Western Canada 22d escorted deluxe motor cal leaving August 4 and Si 1st includes Calgary, Di Louise, Vancouver or& Stone National Park: 13 day Maritime Too Sunday, July 15th to 23rd. Also 19 day Neil tours August 11 and Sepli 5 day North Country ill .tour September TI,'1,0 Sault Ste. Marie, Agawa I via train, Mackinac lin Frankenmuth. Arizona - Nevada • tei jet air, motorcoach, tas 15th for 15 days -*I tour. .Phoenix (day exen Mexico) Grand Cony* Zion National Park,14 Los Angeles Holiyw erry, Yosemite Natiuo San Francisco; for Ihn wish a leisure 15 days In Nevada, California, ed Deluxe Tour. Book eet 16 day jet Air Inki Plowing Match tour, sq Oct. 15th to Wexford, spend 15 days touring Scotland and England; All tours by Honore Service, Box 126, Hanoi 3270 or 1-800-265-x600 able, folders on request NOTICE HILRAY FARMS Ll ABATTOIR, HOLY111 The best in Home Grin Fed, Drug Free Beef: Fresh Home Made Sausn tom killing by appointing • Phone 528411 HOUSE LEAGUE • REGISTRATION, Registration for House Ball will- be held on S July 7th at 10 an„at .Park for all boys and years and under, not plt ganized ball. No charge istration. NOTICE Respect for school must be strictly adhen Ball Practices and Ball Unattended children are gl ponsibility of their pard ther there will be no al erages allowed on the Ashfield and West Recreation . HOLIDAY NOT' Lucknow Dry aene closed for holidays from to August Ith inclusive, NOTICE NI . HOG SHIPPI Because of the holiday the regular hog shiPP . Lucknow will be Tuesdo IN MEMORI CHISLETT -- In Ming WAnhde ntshtels: jetgph:I rycoe adrrio And un flames. ID tt, We think of youtadsar.! oTa fvvh oaDuY6grhjatusl YlAo fl sCtyh'oluisg e back Ethe ikilotwii:trdhtwilarteiyaibuts;LtulDF ljughvitilegri daYJeraen,1e'an7 r •