The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-06-27, Page 2, . •.•1,1•III:II••:1)(r; A . !•• !7If • • :•;;; :+" . , • • , .• • ‘• ' • I ;;I ' • • • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 9 • - The LUCKNOW SENTINEL Luotiow, ONTARIO n'floolopay' Town" On ,flw Huron-BrUco• Boundary Second Clam• Mail Registration Number 0017 • Established 1873 — Published Each Wednesday Afternoon Mombor of the C.W.N,A, and 0.W.N.A. SulieriptiOn Rate, $8.00 a year hi advance to the U.S.A., $8.00 • • Donald e 'Thompson, Publisher WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 1972 0•••••••ii*****,••••**********•••••••••••••• LOOKING -BACKWARDS THROUGH: THE SENTINEL FILES , • , WITH MARGARET THOMPSON 6••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*••••••••••••••440 20 YEARS AGOI JUNE 1953 • As guests of The George West- on co. Ltd. ,some 25 grocery retailers and clerks -from Lucknow and vicinity toured - the Weston bread and cake plant at Kitchen- er. The group travelled by spec- 'ial bus, .and included Mr. and • Mrs. Roy Finlayson, Mr. :and Mrs.: Oliver Glenn, Mr.. and Mrs. • Archie Smith, Miss Marie Dun- can, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Baker; Mr. and Mrs. ,Redvers Johnston. • Willard Thompson, all of Luck - now; Mr. and Mrs. Archie. Nich- • olson of iielfast, Mr. and Mrs. • Hobbs of Holyrood, Mr. and Mrs. Needham of Kinlough; • • Archie Courtney ofAmberley, Reg Moore of Ripley, W. R. Chapman of' Whitechurch.and • D. A. MacLennan of Lochalsh. . •An outbreak of hog cholera was, discovered on the farrn-of,Cliff • Hackett in Ashfield Township., .Officials,moved quickly in tarrying out 'Government regula- tions aimed at controlling the. • 'outbreak. All forty-eight head of swine were de.strOyed. - 40 YfA:R.S. Aoo; JUNE 1933 Pioneer days were relived and . visualized at the Memorial Ser- Vice on Saturday, June 17th ' when the Cairn, erected in hon- our Of. the Webster pioneer's, was, unveiled by. Lieut. Colonel Harry IvleGee of Toronto. Fitting tri-. bute was paid by.the speakers, to the memory of Daniel and Susan Webster and their family, • who blazed a trail through the • bush some 'eighty.years previous - The Occasion of the Unveiling was. the 10th annual Webster re- union and picnic' .The •'built by John Webster, a stone mason of Seaforth, stood at the north entranee.to Greenhill, • Cemetery, an attractive stone monument bearing ,the inscription: Erected in honour, of the origina•l members of The. Webster Family, who left• their -native , ' Ireland in the early years of the nineteenth, to hew out for them- ielves and their families, homes. in the, Canadian forest near this spot.• • . . WEDNESIMY, JUNE; • Reeve George Joynt,- assisted by Andy Whitb, present clock to Paul Henderson On behalf of Village' of Lucknow 60 YEARS AGO •JUNE 1913 At the annual meeting of the Lucknow Women's Institute the ' following officers were elected ..to: Op...0:.181eysi Lucknow Community ComtOynity As Pool Staff Look On Freildent Wm. ,Mc' Donato; 1st Vice, Mrs:I I% ThornpsOn; •2nd Vice, Mrs. M., -Mitchell; •Sec: Treas. , Mrs. R. Phillips; District Director, Mrs. A. 'Mc- • • Carroll; Directors, Mrs, A. Mc- Carroll, Mrs. p. McMorran, Mrs. W. Wraith; Mrs. Jesse , Button, Miss Tena M. Robertson.' • Frank Tate disposed of his grocery business in Lucknow to D. C. McMorran. • While planting potatoes with a plow Isaac Morrison, Marshall Graham and T. Newton unearthed a human skull and several ribs, doubtless believed to be that of an bidian whoroamed these parts many years previously. ' DEATH NOR FIXTER, on June 18th, 197 Myrtle (Mernie).Fixter of • West 26th Ave. , Vancouyai C. , age 75 years; survived, one sister Caroline Mac • Ripley , Ontario and nieces nephews; Funeral service w conducted in the chapel, Simnionsl'and McBride Fun • .Directors Broadway at.Mi Streets, VancdOer on Tu -June 26 at 1 p.m. , Rev; G, Struthert, D.D. officiating •interment Burnaby Masonic•' eta -5r; in lieu of flowers, d tions may be 'made to the 9, .Heart Foundation, 1881 if Broadway ; Vancouver 9; PROCLAMATION • • AT THE REQUEST OF THE LUCKNOW. BUSINESS MEN'S ' ASSOCIATION WE WISH TO PROCLAIM Monday, July 2 A PUBLIC HOUDAY FOR TIE VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW • REEVE AND sCOUN( VILLA;91221LOK