The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-06-13, Page 8it. PAWL EIGHT THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL L! CKNOW, ONTARIO SOUTHAMPTON Hockey and Figure 'Skating School 'WEEKLY SESSIONS FROM. JULY 2nd TO AUGUST .3rd Professional Hockey Instruction INCLUDING GUEST INSTRUCTOR FROM NEW YORK RAIDERS OF W.H.A. Professional Figure Skating lnstruction PLEASE REGISTER NOW AS CLASSES • ARE QUICKLYFILLING UP ICE .RENTAL AVAILABLE FOR HOCKEY OR PRIVATE GROUPS BUS TRANSPORTATION OW AVAILABLE FR WEEK OF JULY 16 TO JULY 20 For Brochure Write SOUTHAMPTON HOCKEY SCHOOL BOX 202, SOUTHAMPTON, ONTARIO .OR PHONE 797.2156 ST. HELENS Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Martin are on a two week vacation in Western Canada. Mr..and Mrs. Allan .Miller 'and Mrs. `Frank McQuillin visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Miller: at Alma on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Cranston are vacationing in •the Eastern Provinces. Jim Curran is home from Wing- han and District Hospital where: he was hospitalized for five weeks. Recent visitors with Mr. and' Mrs. Harvey Carrick were Don- ald X. Brown of St. Thomas; Wilson 'Carrick of Fingal; . Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cairns of London; Mr. Pee Wees Lose Two to Week The. Lucknow Pee Wee softball team: played two games this past week. They lost both games by very close scores.. On Thursday night in Belmore the score was 9-8. Sunday night saw them in Chepstow, losing 10-7. Their next home game is to- morrow night, "Thursday. and 'Mrs. Joe Berry and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. 'Taman:, all :of Goderich. Mr. Harvey Carrick is once.• again a patient in Alexandra and Marine Hospital, Goderich. JEWELLERY AND , CHINA OWNERS 1.6 W. JOS. and DEAN E. AGNEW LUCKNOW -= PHONE 528.3532 HohIField Day At Ripley Central School Monday Of_Last Week HELLO FROM GRADE ONE We now have everyoneback who had chicken pox. We hope the "red spots" have finally left our room, On Tuesday we went on our class trip.. We went to' Food. City in Owen Sound. and saw how meat was cut, learned about produce and even saw bread being baked. The baker gave us warm dough- nuts. They were yummy. After that we went to the circus. It was so exciting to see the big, big elephants, the leopards, and. the black panther. The clowns .. were really funny.. After the cir- cus we went to Harrison. Park and saw the swans and animals: Then we headed home. Some of us • were so tired that we slept most of the way. We had a very good time!!! FIELD DAY by Connie Irwin On Monday, June 4, Ripley- Huron CentralSchoolheld their field day. In the morning all the track eventsexcept for the boys' open mile were held. . In the afternoon the field events. were held. The results are as . follows: jun- ior girls 75 yard dash, Jennet Burnett, 11.6,sec. ; intermediate girls 75 yard dash, Brenda Fair. 11.3 sec.. ; senior girls 100 yard dash, Mary Ann Duhamel, 14 sec.; junior girls 220 yard dash, Mary Mackay, 36 sec.; intermed- iate girls 229 yard dash, Brenda Fair, 35.7 sec.; senior girls 220 yard dash', Lou -Ann Duhamel,. 33..7.sec; .girls open,440•yard dash, Lou -Ann Duhamel, 1 min: 28.6 sec.; junior girls relay; Heather;. MacDonald, Sherry Strauss, Elaine MacTavish., and Shelley Mason; ,intermediate girls' relay; Terry Tusz, Lois Rooney; Carol Pollard, and Shelley McFadden senior girls. relay, Cathy Janisse Jane Messenger, Mary Jane Court- ney, and Julie Johnston. Junior boys 75 yard dash, Philip Trepanier , •11.7 sec.; intermed - iate boys 75 yard dash, Robert Regier, 10.9 sec.; senior boys 100 yard dash, Danny Boyd, 13.1 sec.; junior boys 220 yard dash, Jeff MacTavish, 26.4 sec.; intermed- iate boys 440 yard. dash, Ricky Clampitt, lin. 24 sec.; senior boys half mile, Danny Boyd, 3 min. 1.2 sec..; open mile for. boys, Rodger Ludwig;.. junior boys relay, Douglas Quinn, Brian Hudson, Michael Gamble, and Larry• Nixon, 1 min. 18.4 sec.; intermediate •boys relay, Robert Regier, Brian Coiling, Brian Huston, and Doug Peter' baugh, 1 mina 13.2 sec.; senior boys relay, Danny. Boyd, Torn Kempton, Brian Hooey, John Drzazga , I min. 6..1 sec. • FIELD EVENTS • Junior girls running long jump, Mary Mackay, 11 ft. 5 in.; intermediate girls running long jump, Christine Miklos, 12 ft. 11 in.; senior girls running'long. junnp, Laurie Coiling, 13 ft, 7 in.; junior girls high jump., Jennet • Burnett, 3 ft. 10 in.; int- ermediate girls high jump, Shel- ley Hackett broke a record of 4 ft. 1 in. by jumping 4 ft. 2 in.; senior girls high jump, Margaret Mitchell, 4 ft. 4 in.; junior girls triple jump, Jane Farrell broke a record of 24 ft. 3 in. by jumping. 25 ft. 7 1/2 in.; inter- mediate girls triple jump, Dawna Rutledge, 27 ft. 2 in.;. senior girls triple jump; Janice Farrell,: 28,ft. 5 1/2 in.; junior girls ball throw, Heather MacDonald, 85 ft. 1 in.; intermediate .girls ball throw, Sandra Marshall; 104 ft. 1 in.; ' senior girls ball throw , Chris. Bell broke a record of 140 ft..6 in. ,by throwing the ball 147 ft. 7 in. Junior boys running long jump Philip Trepanier, 11 ft. 9 in.; intermediate boys running long jump, John Piel, l2ft. 8 in.; senior boys running long jump, Danny Boyd, 14 ft.. 9 in.; junior boys high dump,, Jeff ,MacTavish broke a record of 3 ft. 10 in. by jumping 4 ft. 2 in.; 'intermediate boys' high jump, .Frank Storey broke a record of 4 ft.. 2 in. by jumping 4 ft. 5 in.;. senior boys high jump, Danny Boyd, 4 ft. 10 in.; junior boys triple jump, Jeff MacTavish broke a record of. 24 ft. 0 in. by jumping 24 ft. 11 in.; intermediate boys. triple jump; Robert Elliott, 27 ft. 2 in.; senior boys triple jump, Larry Farrell, 31 ft. 5 in.; junior boys ball throw, Paul Coiling, 120 ft. 4 in.; intermediate boys. shot put,' Jamie Liddle, 26 ft. 1 in.; senior boys shot put, Larry Farrell, 27 ft. 10 in. • Over all champs and runners up are; .'junior girls' runner . up Jane Farrell with 11 points; junior girls' champ, Mary Mackay. with 13 points;. intermediategirls' runner up, Dawna Rutledge and Shelley Hackett tied with 9 points. each; intermediate girls'. champ,, Brenda Fair with 14points; senior girls' runner up, Janice Farrell with 8 points; senior girls' champ, Mary Ann Duhamel and Lou Ann Duhamel tied with 14 points each; junior -boys' runner up, Philip Trepanier with 10 points; junior, boys' champion, Jeff Mac- Tavish with 18. points; intermed- iate boys' runner up, John Piel and Robert Elliott tied with 8 points each; intermediate boys' charnp, Robert Regier with :11, points; senior boys' 'runner up, Larry Farrell with 16' points; senior' boys',champ,'Danny 13oyd with 20 points . Batteries Charged Up Fast and Right! WEDNESDAY, JUNE • Durham MONSTER 811 Friday, June ai 1;31 p,m� Continuing Fridays July 13, 27, Aug, 11,150 $3200 Cash P, 15 Regular 1 Regular 1" Beat the Kins;;$111 1 Novelty 1 Special'. 1 ' Share,ths.W A Draw Each Nib 19 IN. COLOR and 1973 AMERICAN'. GREMLIN, X on the . Final E Admission $1,11 DURHAM JuniorsSf With A Yi Lucknow has entered'a softball team in W.O.A. petition for the first time; include players 18 to 21y age. For the regular. Schedule team will play in an Int grouping' and started their ule, in' Palmerston one une' an 11-3 win, Whitechutc in the group'; will hares team. Their schedule is: June .7 Lucknow at Pal June 17 ' Palmerston at June 20 Atwdod at inc June 26 :Lucknow at Ani June 27 Teeswater at In July 4 Harriston at Luc July 8 Lucknow at MO July 11 Lucknow at Whit July.15 Lucknow at Teo' July 19 Ripley at Luc July 25/Kincardine at July 27 ,Lucknow at 8 July 29 Lucknow at We'll .give you a "charge" to put bac — your battery's' energy, and well do quickly, correctly, at modest prices, Driv in for better driving. Put New Life in Your Car 1. E. MacDona ,LUCKNOW