The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-06-13, Page 3AY, JUNE' 13, 197 . THE WC:KNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • INOWIRIENIZMWEWEPP. . , PAGE Ttinew. dinnerware filE PLATES' r size 99e 1011 • HOMO= PAPER Swan OWELS • MAPLE LEAF ADDED h AIRS BEE SW FACIAL (200 x 2 PLY) KLEENEX TISSUES 2173 REST Willits TOMATO Juice IlF"Lm CHASE & SANBORN 8* iIEINZ micro KETCHUP.31 "' Gt. Size Qc SUNLIGHT Liquid 49c FEATURE! 16 Fl. Oz. Jar INGERSOLL Cheese SPreud 79c FEATURE,. INSTANT COFFEE 10-0z. Jar NIAXIIIELL•HOUSE s11.88 ,•111/rLb.110 • llOx.Mm NATION MATE BEST BUY! CANADIAN PROCESS 16-0z. Pkg. KRAFT1CHEESE singles 88c : /-= CANADA PACKERS • SWEET PICKLED ROLLS 890 •lb., BUYTVEWEEK • SAICO BRAND. SWEETENED Orange, or Grapefruit JUICES (From Concentrate) 48 Fl. Oz. Tin •RED aud WHITE STORE PHONE 528-3001 Blake, 12 -year-old and Mrs. Howard slifield, has returned War Meinorial Child - gal, London where he ent for almost six wing a tractor accident ilanFinnigan of Wing- therecent winner of heMildtriay Rotary bingo, rlts. Clarence MacLen. !inis were recent visitors George Stuart of LUck- Mrs. George A. 'Lin-. Caineron) Oak.Park, attended the Jewish' • Saturday evening of 4. PlYn:latith, Michi- ttriett7encer, Walled higan at Temple Israel, finer following the BollnY BrooThe k Country young couple Dileytnoon to Peurto 1(1 Brad] • .tSuey Nixon of IldaY with Mr. and Ittou of Belfast. Eldon Miller, an employee of the Lucknow village works depart- ment, has been,off work for a short time after undergoing surgery on his hand in London. Eldy had some problems with a finger which necessitated the corrective surgery. The Lucknow W,omen's Institute will hold their regular meeting on Wednesday evening,. June 20th at 8 o'clock in the town hall. Mrs. Janke will speak on "Arthrit- is" and everyone is invited to come and hear her. Mr. and Mrs., Lloyd Phillips of Milford, Saskatchewan were vis- itors•recentl with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Alton, Lucknow and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. .Barkwell and Mrs. Irene Button of Dundas, Mrs. Mae Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barkwell, Jack and David and Lloyd Barkwell of Toronto attended the funeral of their uncle Frank J. Hamilton, broth- er of Mrs. Evelyn Barkwell and visited with Mrs. Barkwell while here. Herman Lanting, proprietor of Lanting's Bakery, Lucknow has returned to hospital for further treatment. In his absence the store will be closed, David Kreutzweiser of Lucknow and Mike Ritchie of .Wyoming • have joined the full time staff at Ron Machan Hardware for. the summer months. Mike is a brother of Mrs. Ron Machan. ' Mr. and. Mrs. Con Hogan of Ashfield visited with their son Kerry and family of Glencoe over the week end. They were accorn- • panied by Mrs. William Hogan of Lucknow who attended the Hillis -Brady wedding in All Saints Catholic Church in Strathroy on Saturday. Mrs. Hillis is a niece .of Mrs. Hogan's. ' Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith and Billie of Molesworth and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ferguson of Goder- ich were visitors on Sunday in • Lucknow with Mr. ancl,Mrs. Nel- son Raynard. it A* 1111 44,1A VVANT \ Ptti ## ADS 1 A WORLD OF • \RESULTS/ % T3 dr 0 PP ' OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 /O'CLOCK 1, ,77.„ /72:! Lloyd Gollan Died In Toronto ' Lloyd Wilfred Gollan passed away in Torontg on June 5th in his 47th year. was the sort of William Gol- lan and the late Florence Thom- son of Lucknow. His mother, passed away in April 1939. The body rested at MacKenzie Memorial Chapel, Lucknow where funeralservices were held Friday at 2.30 p.m. ' Left to mourn.his passing are his father William of Lucknow, brother Grant of Lucknow, a sis- ter Phyllis' (Mrs. Bill Ryan), May (Mrs.Ron Glazier), both of God- erich; Wilhemien (Mrs. Harvey. Taylor) of Wingham and Margaret (Mrs. Carl McClenaghan) of Whitechurch. Interment was at South Kinloss Cemetery. Pallbearers were three nephews Doug, Barry and Steve Gollan, Wm. Ryan, Ron Glazier and Carl Mc Clenaghan . • Attend Service At Kitchener Mrs. Mary Miller accompan- ied' her son Allan, his wife Lucy and their two girls, Susan and • Karen to Kitchener or, Sunday to attend St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church service. • Mrs. Miller's grandson, Dale Hinschberger, received his first communion. A dinner was sew, ed at the Hinschberger home fol- lowing the service. Dale had the misfortune to break his wrist at school a few weeks ago. • MacDONALD - at Wingham and District Hospital on June 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth MacDon- ald, R. R. 2 Holyrood , a son. STROH - Rev. Don and Louise 'Stroh are happy to announce the arrival of their second son Robert John in Pembroke General Hospit- al on June 5th, 1973, a little . brother for Andrew and a second grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Wm, E. Andrew and Mrs. Walter Stroh.