The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-06-13, Page 1The SE sip Year In Advance -12.00 `Extra 'To U.S.A. Inner Bank Ming Sold To jMcDoflUgb Bank of ,Montreal has sold ding on Lucknow's main 'formerly housing the Luck anch,until the move to the constructed building sever - 10 ago, to Jack McDonagh mow, proprietor of McDon- ' urance Agency. `Johnson, manager. of the Branch of the bank, will to reside in the apart ated in the upstairs of er bank location. McDonagh and his son 1)onagh have been oper- Ix insurance' and real siness from an office in t:B16ek on the main inaction becomes effec - st, rsiry Of tabu Graduate e; Joyce McClenaghan , of Rev. and Mrs. R. C. than of Dungannon, her. Bachelor of Home cs degree on May 24 University of Manitoba , e was a adnate of Brace fislta°a`kes"9ec �'hool Bracebridge, Ont - On Graduate, tend Althouse BETTY COLWELL Colwell, daughter of elwell of Kinloss and.the Colwell, graduated 'University of Western )RThutsday, June 7. tthe recipient of a Bach- tts Degree through the IfScience, majoring in ononues, Ms to attend Althouse College in London in *anon wasreceded ceremony at; Brescia • ethe ggrad• uation were Cutrie Colwell;sister ndmother, Mrs. William 661141r1; Mr, and 'Mrs. eof liolyrood• George Lucknow; Mr. and Mrs. Steri Mr. and Mrs. Don Id M'. and Mrs. Ardill lof Ripley, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 1973 NIurrayM'rrison Awarded Gold Medal And O.A.C. Alumni Scholarship Murray Morrison, son of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Morrison of R. R. 1 Lucknow; .graduated from the University of Guelph on May 25th with a Bachelor of Sciencein Agriculture degree. He is now employed .with Can- adian Dressed Meats in Toronto. Murray received the O.A.C. Alumni Foundation Graduation Scholarship and the Beth Duncan Memorial Gold Medal at the 0.A. C. awards luncheon held on grad- uation day. Both awards were • given for contribution to extra- curricular activities while a maintaining good academic stand - ing.. Murray is shown left, receiv ing the Duncan award. from J. K. Babcock. hircus Attracts Crowd Of 1350 The Royal Bros. Circus brought to town by the Lucknow Recreation Committee on Tues - day night of last week; attract- ed 'a••large crowd to, two perform- ances that evening. ' . 1350 attended the entertain- ment at the local park and the Lucknow Recreation committee realized a profit of about $400 which will go to. the ,local sum- mer recreation program. Chairman Bill Hunter has stated that -he and his committee wish _to apologize for any inconven- ience that might .have been caused to patrons of the circus. There were some complaints by those attending of .the addition-:, al "sideshow" charge, over and above the regular admission. Recreation committee officials had no knowledge of the extra charge involved over and above 'the general admission price until the night of the event. According to circus officials Receives Degr�eAt Queens University David Alton MacLeod received his Bachelor o€'Arts' degree in convocation ceremonies June 2, held in the Jock .Harty arena on campus of Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario. His mother Mrs. Dorothy Mac - Leod of Lucknow , attended. A graduate of Ripley and Dist- rict High School,, David is mar- ried to the former' Arlene Musclow of Bancroft.' They have. two children. Mark and Lisa. He has been teaching near Bancroft for 10 years and is presently prin- cipal of ,Maynooth Public •School. the Lucknow Recreation Com- mittee sold a record number of advance sale tickets for a com- munity of this size. Graduates In London Ceremony. LINDA BOYLE Linda Boyle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Boyle of Lucknow , graduated on Thursday, June 7th from the University of Western Ontario. She received a Bachelor of Arts degree through the Faculty of Science, majoring in Home Economics. • The graduation was preceded by a ring ceremony at Brescia Col- lege. Linda has accepted a Dietetic • Internship at Victoria 'Hospital in London commencing in Sept— ember. . The 'graduation was attended by her parents and sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Boyle, Lorraine and Lorna of Lucknow; grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Salkeld of Lucknow"and by Matt. Plant of London. Singh Copy 15e 24 Pages. TO REPRESENT FOUR AREA MUNICIPALITIES Teeswater W�man' Named Bruce Co. School Member Mrs. Everett (Pearl) Whitehead of Teeswater was recently appoin• ted to the: Bruce County board of Education, replacing Ross Mac Rae of Culross who died last month. A former chairman of the Tees- ' water -Culross public school board she will be the only woman on the 14 -member county board. She will represent Teeswater, Culross, Kinloss and Lucknow. Mr. MacRae 'had been la mem - •ber.of the Bruce board since its' inception in 1969. Previously, he had been a member of the Wingham district secondary school board. Mrs. Whitehead is the former . Pearl Jamieson of 'Ashfield Town- ship. own-ship. Fanshawe Grad Mager Of Library Science Degree. LAURINE MORRISON Laurine Morrison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. Gordon Morrison of R. R. 1 Lucknow , 'graduated with `a Master of Library Science deg- ree from the University of West- ern Ontario on Friday, June 8th. Lauririe begins work as a librarian at Huntington University in Sudbury on July 1st. KEN ROULSTON Kenneth C. Roulston,son of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Roulston of Lucknow , graduated from `Fan- shawe College in London on Maly. 25 with an "A" average. He was enrolled in the Recrea- tional Leadership''course. His • parents attended the graduation. Over 400 Are Registered .For Swirnming Clusses Andy Anderson, in charge of the swimming program at the Lucknow and District Swimming Pool this.summer, reported to the Sentinel on Friday that 412 regis- trations have been received in the various classes with further regis- trations coming in. The breakdown is as follows; CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 New Position For Donald .Andrew. Donald Andrew,. son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Andrew of Lucknow, has received an appointment as assistant Regional Development Consultant ,for the Alberta Land Development Corporation with offices in Calgary. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Raise About $6000 JflKjck.Off for Ripley -:Huron A .very successful "kick-off" dinner at the Sunset 9olf C1ubat •Goderich on Thursday of last week raised a bout. $6000 for the' new Recreation Complex presently 'being planned by the Ripley -Huron. Community *Centre Board. The committee was very pleas- ed, at the support given tL a event and the wide area from which those present came from. Guests atthe dinner included Paul Henderson, Larry Jeffrey and Garry .Doak , of hockey, fame. Members of the provincial par- liament, Murray Gaunt and Jack Riddell, were in attendance. • London Grad SEAN MacTAVISH Jean MacTavish, daughter of Mr. and.Mrs. Donald MacTavish of HuronTownship, graduated from the University of Western Ontario on Wednesday* June 6 with a Bach• elor of Arts degree, majoring in French, Jean plans to attend teachers' college in London in the Fall. l }S. '