The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-05-30, Page 10r' THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, (AWN) Dedication Service Sunday At Ashfield Presbterian Church for Hymn Books A• Dedication Service for the new Books of Praise was held.at Ashfield Presbyterian Church on Sunday. May 20th. Mrs. Jack MacKenzie sang the dedicatiob. hymn, "These Gifts Are Thine". and,special music. was rendered by the Junior Choir under the direction of Mrs. Dun- can Simpson. Rev. Kenneth Rooney deliver- ed the sermon "Sing A New Song". I A list of the books dedicated t are as follows: Four books given by Mrs. 'Rich- ard : West in memory of Mr. Richard West. Five books given by Mrs. Wil- fred Farrish and Family in.mem- ory of Mr. Wilfred Farrish. Five books given by Mrs. Don- ald F. MacKenzie in memory of LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH J. W. Van Stempvoort Pastor Services: 10:00 a.m. Service 2.30 p.m. Service VISITORS WELCOME c LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH. Rev. Robert Nicholls;: B.A. Minister JUNE 3rd Sunday School Anniversary will be held in the form of a congregational outdoor worship and picnic at Silver. Lake camp beginning 11 a.m.. POINT TO PONDER He does notbelieve who does not live according to His belief. Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev. Glenn ,Noble, 'B.A., B.D. Minister Phone 528-2740 1973 IS CENTENNIAL YEAR OF THIS CHURCH JUNE 3rd Sacrament of Communion. and Baptism 10 a.m. Sunday School 11. a.m. Morning Worship The'Centennial Book is amiable at The Lucknow Sentinel, Fish- er's Barber Shop and from Mrs. Ens. Henderson. 1 Mr. D. F. MacKenzie, • Three books given by Miss Mabelle MacDonald, in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Alex MacDon- ald and Mr. Lloyd MacDonald. Two liooks given by Mr. and Mrs. Stuart. Jamieson in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan A. Mac- Kenzie. Two books given.by Mrs. Colin. MacGregor in memory. of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander MacGregor. Two books.. given by Mrs. Col- in MacGregor in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Drennan. Three books given by Mr. Duncan Allen in memory of The MacLeod Family. Eleven books, in memory of William A. and Margaret John- ston, given by the Family and Grandchildren. Ten books given by the Simp- son Families in memory of Dr. A. A. J. and Flora Simpson, Margaret Simpsoiii and Arthur ' \'‘, Simpson. Ten books given by Mrs. Isabel Martyn,. and Allan and Ewan MacLean in.memory of Mr. and Mrs..D. A. MacLean. Six books given by Bill and Jean Farrish and family, Duncan and Peggy Farrish and family, . Doug and Helen Farrish, Sadie and Alvin Gilders and family, Muriel Farrish , Margaret Mac- Kenzie and family in, memory of Kenneth and Florence Farrish. Six books in memory of James and Catherine McDonald who im• migrated from the Isle of Skye 1840 - 50',,given'by their des- cendants. • Ten ;books given by Rev. and Mrs. K., J. Rooney. in memory of Dr. P. .Scott. MacKenzie. One book was presented to the church.by Mr. and Mrs. Henry MacKenzie. . Four books were given to'\the church by Mr. and Mrs. Earl Howes. Rev. Gordon Fish Was Anniversary peaker • •WHITECHURCH NEWS Chalmers Presbyterian Church decorated' with bouquets of spring flowers celebrated anniversary services on Sunday, May 27 with guest minister Reverend Gordon Fish in charge of the service and Mrs. Donald Ross director of. music. ' At the morning service the choir sang, "Master,the Temp- est empest is raying". A trio, Mrs:, Wardrop, Miss Irene De Boer and Mrs. Gibson sang "Each Step I • Take". They sermon by Reverend G. Fish was "For wavering Christ ians a sure and certain call". At the evening service at 8 p.m. the choir sang "Love Lifted Me" and "Heavenly Sunlight". Mrs. Wardrop and Mrs. Gibson sang "I know who Holds Tomorrow", The sermon was a fur'ther message "For wavering Christians to have a sure and certain Faith". Large crowds were in attend- ance atboth services. Lucknow UCW General Meeting Mrs. Raynard Ackert presided for tfie general meeting of the Lucknow United Church Women and opened the meeting with a reading, Japanese Version of the. 23rd Psalm; followed by prayer.. The minutes of the February.. meeting were read by• Mrs. Harv- ey Houston. "Mrs. Ken Cameron read correspondence from several bereaved families and outlined the workshop to be held in Wiar ton on May 28. Mrs. Robert Finlay in giving the treasurer's report stated 111 fees had been paid and $1332.35 raised to date, with a balance of $999.81 on hand. The president announced the following activities, Girl Guide and, Brownie Banquet May 24; invitation to attend Fashion Show in Wingham. United Church May 30th, 8 p.m.; Executive meet- ing May 31, 2 p.m. and that the U.C.W. wouldbe taking the church service on June 10; The offering was dedicated by Mrs. Pharis Mathers. Mrs. Garfield MacDonald reported for Community Friend- ship, stressing the importance of visiting the shut-ins. Mrs. Jim Ritchie of the Special Occasions committee, commented on their visit to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Gra- hams on the occasion of their 50th wedding' anniversary and to Miss Catherine MacGregor at. Pine - crest Manor on her 100th birthday. The. Missionary and Christian.' Education committee was in charge of the program with Mrs. Robert Nicholls convener in charge of the presentation. The ; purpose of Christian Education is that every person, at every stage of his life, may be led to -know to 'love and serve God, as reveal- ed in Jesus Christ. She told of the improvements 'n the -nursery . and made mention f the new; Sunday schedule, lso that •four young people had attended Five Oaks in the school holiday period and found the courses most • stimulating. A panel discussion proved inter- esting with the following taking part Rev. Robert Nicholls, .speak • ing chiefly on baptism and ,the youth group; Mrs. Ken Cameron, the Sunday School;' Mrs. Robert. Irwin, the nursery roll; Mrs. Robert Struthers, the messengers, and Mrs. Gordon'Cayley, the C. G . I. T .. The conclusion to the question and answer period was that many dedicated people. are involved in the total program of the church so that it must go on :and will. Sandra Finlay favoured the meeting with a delightful piano instrumental}. Mrs. Ackert thanked all for taking part and closed the meet- ingwith prayer. WEDN_SDAY, MAY LOWER INTEREST RAIE MOW. AVAILABLE ON 1 st and 2nd Mortgages anywhere in • Ontario on RESIDENTIAL = INDUSTRIAL • COMMERCIAL,. and, FARM' PROPERTIES "Merlin financing on. new construction ' • or land development FOR REPRESENTATIVES IIN YOUR AREA •PHONE SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS AND CONSULTANTS LIMITED , (519) 744-6535 Collect Head Office — 56 Weber, St. E., Kitchener, Ontario WE BUY EXISTING MORTGAGES FOR INSTANT CA MONUMENTS For sound counsel and a fair price on a monume correctly designed from .quality material„rely on SKELTON ;MEMORIALS - Pat O'Hagan, Prop. , ESTABLISHED OVER SIXTY YEARS WALKERTON. PHONE 881.0234 ONT C.G.I.T, Mother - Daughter Party Features Fun - filled Evening For Lucknow C.G.I.T. held a Mother and Daughter Dessert Party in the United Church on Monday night. It was probably one of the most fun -filled even- ings of the year if onemay judge 'by the number of people who laughed til they cried. The highlight of the evening was a mock T.V. ' show from station P.'H; E. W. "Silly Susan" Clark was the announcer and the skits and songs were done by Cathy Jamieson, Benda MacDonald and Mary . . Ellen Havens. It will be. a long time before we forget "Sin Time" the United Church T.V. Show, when Rev Zechariah Snodgrass, B.A. , B. D. , X. Y. Z. P.U. addressed a convulsed con- gregation on the text "Hi Diddle Diddle". Nor will we ever forget "Cinnamon Street" when Aunt Cathy read "Little Ride Hooding Red" 1 to the children. Guests were welcomed and CUstOm. Farm WOrk ' Anhydrous Ammonia Applying PLOUGHING CULTIVATING PLANTING Goderich ' SPRAYING r ! HARVESTING CROP DRYING • • .� 529-7561 LAKE. RANGE ACRES TIMOTHY J. HUNTER introduced by Mrs. Robert o11s and after dessert; pu coffee, toasts were.propos follows: The Queen, Nancy Wan The Mothers, Susan Clar Girls, Mrs. Herb Clark; Church Mary Ellen Hav Reply, Rei+. Robert Nich C. G. I. T. ; CoralynHend Leaders, Roil Glenn Nob A surprise gift of a dol was presented to the four A fter a rousing sing.'s' report of the year's work by Mrs. Nicholls. From 1972 until May 1973 the Luc know • Canadian Guts ing have -raised over $1,0 The biggest project wast ing and selling of 600 Eggs to support a Foster Peru. The girls have also to the Lucknow Swimm' Pool, National and Pray T. , Anglican Women, W.M.S. and U, and U.N.I.C.E.F.. In all, 39 meetings 41 consisting of Bible Story Study, parties, trips, cis Attendance prizes were Cathy Jamieson, JoaS!e, and Nancy Warren, Cora lyn Henderson gra and received a pinarida from C.G.I.T• sented for'the U,C,W.b Robert Finlay. A moving worship se Affiliation with the W. led by Mrs. Gordon CO Mrs, Frank Hawthorne? membership cards andA badges. Thanks wase' all who participated witht?' evening Girls and leaders are to congratulated f r alsple of tun and fellowship and ing P.S. Rev. Snodgrass is rchd. abl e asa guest peache! special appointmentnt the Magnificental entertain foxeasot