The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-05-23, Page 15.1413: my, MAY 43, THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO The Bruce County Board of Education For the year ended December 31st 1972 To the Members of the. Board THE BRUCE COUNTY BOARD. OF EDUCATION Chesley, Ontario. We have examined the revenue fund and. capital fund balance sheets of THE BRUCE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION as at 31st December 1972 and the statements of revenue and expenditure and source and application of capital funds for the year then .ended. Our examination included a general review of the accounting pro- cedures and such tests .of accounting records and other supporting. evidence as we considered necessary in the circumstances. • Inour opinion these financial statements present fairly the finan cial position of. the Board .as at 31st. December 1972, and the results of its,operations and ,the source . and application of its, capital funds for the year then ended, in accordance with accounting principles • generally acceptedfor, Ontario School. Boards applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. Hanover, Ontario 16th April .1973. G. H. Ward and Partners Chartered Accountants License Number 4432 Balance Sheet AS AT DECEMBER 31, 1972 ASSETS .Current Assets Cash Investments, at cost Accounts Receivable Municipalities . - . Other School Boards Government of Ontario Government of Canada Others Due from Other Funds Revenue Other Curr nt • Assets Total . Current Assets 'Fixed Asets • „. Deficit as at January 1, 1969 reduced by Ont. Government Assistance in respect thereof (Note 1) 'LLABILITIEs Current Liabilities• Bank Indebtedness Accounts Payable Municipalities Over -Requisitions (Elementary) Over -Requisitions (Secondary) Other School Boards Trade Payable andAccrued Liabilities Due . to Other Funds - Capital Total Current Liabilities Long -Term Liabilities ' ' Unmatured Debenture Debt and • Capital Loans Deferred .Income Reserve for Working Funds Investment in Fixed Assets Revenue Fund Capital Fund. $• 1,965 $ 850,000 20,311 11,601 1,202,581 5,174 - 1,251 4,012 344,682 $ 2;.096,895 $ . 344,682 16,535,190 102,620 $ 2,199,515 $16,879,872 o . $ 538,567. 198,598 103,968 31,279 677,421 344,682 $ .1,894,515 $ 6,489,905 5,000 300,000 10,389,967 $ 2,199,515 $16;879,872 Approved on Behalf of . the Board: HARVEY 'McCURDY -� Chairman of the Board J. L. BOWERS .- Director of Education NOTES TO. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. The Province of Ontario has assumed the adjusted deficits of pre- decessor Boards. At 1st January 1969,the aggregated deficits, as restated, amounted to $493,804.. To 31t December 1972 a total of $391;184 has been received or included in general legislative grants receivable, leaving a balance of $102,620 unpaid. Z Contingent Liability Under the sick leave benefit plan, unused sick leave can accuniu- • late and employees may become entitled to a cash payment when they leave the Board's employment ° These ac P yment. ° cumulated days, to the extent that they may be used to determine the cash payment to an employee loyee • on terminating amount to $178,236. At the end of the year no provision has been made on 'account of the sick leave benefit plan. ' • Revenue Fund STATEN ENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE For Elementary Purposes FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1972 EXPENDITURE Rosiness Administration Computer Services Itstruction Educational Services Attendance, Health and Food Services (Net Cost). $ 100,983 3,313 3,241,746 118,509 9,991 Plant Operation Plant Maintenance Transportation. Tuition Fees. Capital Expenditures Other Operating Expenditure Debt Charges on Capital Borrowing Non -Operating Expenditure Total Expenditure 419,964 • 459,904 608,215 33,590 286,492 7,832 1,054,029 5,352 RECOVERIES OF EXPENDITURE Other School, hoards Gov't of Ont., Tuition Fees and Miscellaneous Government of Canada Individuals • Other Revenue, . excluding Transfers 'from Reserves P4101 plOrn1EN .$ 6,349,920 169,637 14,270 82,046. 48 . 69,653 • 335,654 NET EXPENDITURE NET EXPENDITURE FINANCED BY:. Gov't of Ont: General Legislative Grants 4;619,214 Local Taxation: • 1971 Over (Under) Requisition $ • 218,831 Local Taxation Raised in 1972 1;374,819' 6,014,266 • 1,593,650 6,212,864 NET OVER REQUISITION REQUIRED TO BE APPLIED TO 1973 TAXATION Revenue Fund $ 198,598. STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE For Secondary Purposes FOR THE YEAR. ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1972 EXPENDITURE Business Administration, $ 82,837 Computer Services 2,710 Instruction 3,191,527 Educational Services 74,510. Attendance, Health and Food Services (Net Cost) 37,663 Plant Operation 331,153 Plant Tvlaintenance 180,508 Transportation 569,742 Tuition Fees 737,027 Capital Expenditures. 330,502 Other Operating Expenditure 6,667 Debt Charges on Capital Borrowing • 243,501 Non -Operating Expenditure 4,881 Total Expenditure RECOVERIES OF EXPENDITURE Other School Boards Gov't of Ont., Tuition Fees and Miscellaneous Government of Canada Individuals . • • Other Revenue,' excluding Transfers from .Reserves NET EXPENDITURE NET EXPENDITURE FINANCED BY: Gov't of Ont. General Legislative Grants ' 4,124,822 Local Taxation : 1971 Over. (Under) Requisition $ 1,672 Local Taxation Raised in 1972 •1;441,602 $ 5,793,228 207,193• 19,546 42,000. 12,720. 47,641 329,100 $. 5,464,128 1,443,274 5,568,096 NET OVER REQUISITION REQUIRED TO BE APPLIED TO 1973 TAXATION.. $ 103,968 Statement of Source and Application .• of Ca Capital Funds P FOR THE YEAR, ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1972 SOURCE Unexpended Funds. at Beginning 'of Year Par Value of Debentures Issued Capital Expenditures from the Revenue Fund Federal Sales Tax Refund APPLICATION Fixed Assets Buildings Furniture and Equipment' School Sites Improvement of School Sites• $ 133,164 690,000 616,994 7,396 $ 1,447,554 $ 821,082 92,155 159,342 2,038 1,074,617 Costs of Issuing Debentures . 815 Accrued Interest Transferred to Revenue Fund 27,440 Unexpended, Funds at End of Year 344,682 $ 1,447,554 1