The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-05-23, Page 14zr` 'r. • ,1,,,i0,;/.1,;.61,1, • TES'. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW; ON`FARIO Married In lucknow Anglican Church SCHIESTEL $t. Peter's Anglican Church, • Lucknow, decorated with baskets of glads, ' mumsand carnations in red , white and; blue , was the setting for the marriage, of Brenda Jean Jardine and David Barry Schiiestel,gn Saturday; May 5th at4p.m. Rev. George Garratt officiated at the double ring _ceremony. The bride is the. daughter of ` _ Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Jardine of. Lucknow. The groom is the son of Mr. and. Mrs. William. Schiestel of Wingham. Given in marriage by her father, the bride chose a long slender gown of snow white crystelette, high victorian neckline, long full Bishop sleeves with deep cuffs, empire waist. Tiny white daisies trimmed the sleeves and down front of dress. Her long cathedral train of pure silk illusion, trim- med around edge with matching tiny daisies, was held by a crys- tal andpearl headpiece. She. carried shasta daisies with blue velvet :ribbon. Mrs. Sherry Reavie of :Wingham, sister of the bride, ' was matron of honour,. She wore , a one- piece .dress . featuring Palazzo pants.with full Bishop sleeves and stand-up collar of red, polyester satin, matching'plaid vest and white crocheted hatwith matching' plaid band. She carried 'a single long stemmed white rose with blue streamers: Bridesmaids were Miss Mary Jardine of Lucknow, sister of the bride; Miss. Cathy Schiestel of , Wingham , .sister of the groom and Mrs. Donna Moffat of Lucknow, friend of the bride. Their dres- ses and flowers were the same as the matron of honour's. Jodie Reavie of Wingham was flower girl. Her dress and•flowers were the same as,the other attend ants but instead. of ,a hat she wore I a plaid bow with streamers in her hair. Wayne Irvine of Wingham, friend of the groom, was grooms- man. Ushers were Brian Jardine, twin brother of the bride, of Lucknow; Tom Irwin and Danny Montgomery, both of 'Wingharrt and friends of the .groom. Mrs. Ann Pritchard was organ- ist. Soloist was Don Hachborn of ,Kitchener who sang "We've Only Just Begun" before the bride came down the aisle; "The Lord's Prayer", during the ceremony ant the "Theme Son' from Romeo and. Juliet" , during the signing • - JARDINE of the register. A reception followed at the Lucknow Legion Hall. Red carna- tions decorated the tables with red candles in' candelabra onthe bride's table. The bride's mother' chose a floor -length . gown of yellow, orange and brown, flowered polyester satin with long. sleeve- less yellow coat, bone accessor- ies and orange mum corsage. The groom's mother wore a floor -length gown of baby blue polyester satin,overlaid with blue sheer, silver accessories and yellow mum corsage. For travelling the bride wore a grey and white Palazzo pant ' ensemblewith black and white accessories. Photo by Snyder The: couple are residing at 63 Charles Street, Wingham, where the groom is employed at Western, Foundry and the bride is emplo ed with Gay Lea Foods. Guests were present from St. Clair Shore, Michigan, Sarnia, Hamilton, Toronto, Chatham, • Owen Sound, Grimsby, St.. Clem• ets,, Heidelberg, Breslau, Elmira, Kitchener, Ailsa Craig, Preston, Neustadt, Woodstock, Wingham, Teeswater, Lucknow. Prior to.her marriage the bride was honoured at a relative shower at the home of her grandmother Mrs. George Jardine; a miscel- laneous shower at the home of Mrs. Don MacLennan of Wing - ham; a girlfriend shower at the home of Donna Moffat, Lucknow and a neighbourhood shower held at the Parish Hall. Family. Gathering Marks Move. A very pleasant family gather- ing was enjoyed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie McDonald of Lucknow on Sunday, May 20th. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Humphrey and Michele, Mrs. Lorna Clipperton and Brenda; Milvert Reid and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cook. The McDonalds were presented with gifts from the family'honour- ing them on moving to their home in Lucknow. All enjoyed a bountiful lunch and a social after- noon and evening together. WHITECHURCH Miss Joyce Tiffin of London spent the holiday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tiffin. Miss. Jeanette Johnston of London spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Clark Johnston. Belgrave and her sister. Mrs. George Young, Mr. Young and. family of Langside. . Sunday visitors with Mrs. Gershom Johnston, Wing - ham were Mr.. and Mrs; Jas. ° Garnier, Mr.. and Mrs. Jack • Longman and Mrs. Johnston's sister ,,Mrs. A. Garnier, all of Windsor; 'Mr. and Mrs; Bob Bear of Allan Park, Michigan; Mrs. Tim Ladadie of Riverview , Mich- igan, whose husband is in Europe; Mr. and Mrs. Doug Longman of Don Mills; Mr. and Mrs. Clark Elliott of Burlington. On Monday Mrs. Johnston • accompanied Mr. and :Mrs: Garry Black of Clinton to University Hospital, London to visit Gershom Johnston, a patient there. The community wishes Gershom a speedy recovery back to his home in Wingham. • Carolyn and Robin Willis of Newery spent the' holiday week end with their grandmother, Mrs. Doris Willis. We are pleased to report that Russel Ritchie was able to return home on. Thursday last•from Wing - ham Hospital. Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Millan Moore were Elwin Moore of Ottawa and Mr. and • Mrs. Garry. Duncan of Port Credit. Mrs. Leola Chadwick, Mrs. Gowdy and Phil Chadwick of London on Saturday brought Ewart MacPherson home to Luck - now from University Hospital, London, where he had been a patient for a few weeks. Enroute home they called on Mr. and Mrs, Victor Emerson and friends at Belgrave and Blyth. Miss Rudi Wybenga of Bowman- ville spent the holiday week end with her parents Rev. and Mrs./ Victor Wybenga and family. Those attending the Bruce. South District Annual at Bel more last Tuesday from White- church were Miss Merle Wilson,. WEDNESDAY; MOR T 1st AND 2nd MORTGAGES BOUGHT, SOLD, ARRANGED, AVAILABLE FOR FARMS, RESIDENTS IMPROVEMENTS, .ETC, n CALL GERALD H. WOLFE PALMERSTON -- 34,3-3632 ALL ENQUIRIES CONFIDENTIAL Arnold Highrnan Realty Ltd, Kitchener, Ontario Mrs. George Fisher, Mrs. Jas.. McInnes, Mrs. Russel McGuire, Mrs. Frank Ross, Mrs. Lewis; Mrs. Jita Currie, Mrs. Tom Met- calfe, Mrs. Elgin Johnston and some accompanied Mrs. Gordon Wall pf Kairshea'from Wingham to Belmore. Visitors with relatives here on Saturday and Sunday were Mr. and ,Mrs. Ken Hayes; Kelly,. Kenny and Kevin of Suttons Bay and Mr. and Mrs., Len Piner and. family of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Emerson, Darlene, Sharon and Brenda of St. Catharines. spent the holiday, week end with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson and were Sunday visitors with. Mr. and Mrs. Angus MacDonald,and family of St. Helens. Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Currie, East Wawa-- nosh•were Mr. and Mrs. Frank McConnell, Mr. and Mrs. Kucha and Carrie, Mr. and .Mrs. Ken Winegarden and family. all of London, and Derrick Dwan of Lucan. Attending a relative shower for bride-to-be Miss, Karen Johnston, whose mother was the former Betty McNeil, at St, Helens Hall . I• N on Saturday evening were Lorne Durnin, Mrs. Ben N aghan, Mrs. Elroy. and Jar law. Lew Culbert of Stratforri Sunday with his aunt ands Mr. and Mrs. Ben McC1ea and cousins Ma. and Mts,' McClenaghan. Mr. and Mrs. John Nk Silver Lake were recenty with his sister,. Mrs, Ory Tiffin and Mr. and Mrs, Tiffin 'and family. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Eva Diane of Hyde Park were and Mondayvisitors with • ents Mr. and Mrs, Bill Eu -Saturday. visitors with Caslick were Mrs. Velma er �f Culross, Mr. and Coultes, East Nawandsh, Biill. Caslick and Mrs, Ge Miller and Tiffany. On Saturday Mr, and Gordon Rintoul and Gayle partied by little Kimberl toul went to Kettleby to with Mr. and Mrs. Leroy and family. Kimberley ed ,and Mr. and Mrs. Ria and Gayle returned home Sunday. t� INVITATIONS • ANNOUNCEMENTS INFORMALS; 4,ACCESSORIES NATION) LET US ASSIST YOU WITH YOUR ,WEDDING PLANS COME IN AND ASK FOR. YOUR FREE BRIDAL GIFT REGISTER THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL