The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-05-23, Page 8Li 'Ass '.ijo,fl THE -LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO RUPLEY AND HURON CREATION COMMITTEE ARE PLANNING TO OPERATE A BUS TO LUCKNOW FOR , wimming Lessons JULY 30th AUGUST 20th Registration -Tuesday, May 29th. 7:30 - 8:30 P.M. HURON TOWNSHIP» HALL, RIPLEY Dies Following Long Illness ERNEST BERTRAM BUTTON Ernest (Freck) Button of Blyth :died Apri1.30 in; Wingham and, .District Hospital. He Was 50 years of age and had been ill for the past year and a half. half. He was, born the 'son of R. J. Button and M. A. Howe in Kin- :loss township on December 18, 1922 and lived in Lucknow until 1968 when .he moved to. Blyth. where:he was proprietor of Biyth •Butcher, Shop until his death. He attended ,Lucknow Public School. He married Ethel Marie Aitchison in Whitechurch oh ;March 25, 1944 and farmed. un- tn. 1950 and then worked in Button's Meat Market in Lucknow from 1950, until he moved to Blyth.. . . He ..was ,a member �f the Unit- ed Church -and of the Lions Clubs in Lucknow and Blyth. Surviving besides his wife are four sons, Roy pf Vancouver and David, James and John, all at home. One sister-, Mrs. Alex, (Margaret) MacNay of Lucknow and four. brothers, Harold of Dun- das , Jack of Kinloss Township., Russell and Bill of Lucknow also survive. His mother, Mrs. R. J. (Mary) Button of Lucknow survives ham. , Funeral service was held from the MacKenzie Funeral Home, • Lucknow on May 2 at. 2.00 p.m. after the' body rested at the Tasker Funeral Home, Blyth on April 30. Rev. C. L. Wittich officiated. Burial was in Green- hill Cemetery;, Lucknow. / Pallbearers were Omar and Gordon Brooks and Jack McDon- agh , cDon-agh, all of Lucknow; Doug Aitch- ison of Wingham and Don McNall and Borden. Cook `of Blyth. Flow- erbearers »were Robert MacNay, Amberley; Don MacNay, Elmira; Fred and. Clarence Button of Dun- das; Brad Aitchison of St. Helens and Steve Button of Lucknow. PURPLE GROVE Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Collins, who became the' proud parents of a little girl on Saturday. - Guests on Sunday: of Mr. and ..Mrs. Don Robertson were Mr. and Mrs. Cameron MacDonald,Mrs. J. C. McNab, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard MacDonald and Miss. Margaret Robertson, all ofluck-' now and Mrs. Martha Huston of Ripley. •• • Mrs. Julie Stgrgard left oh Thursday for her home in Saskat- chewan after holidaying with. . Ivlr.- and Mrs. Bob Thompson and Robbie. Julie also spent a few • days visiting relatives in Kitchen• er. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Patterson and Brenda of Agincourt, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pilch and Kirby of Orangeville , John. Collins o. Barrie, Mr, and Mrs.' Ed McGil- livray of Goderich, Gordon and Mrs. Martha Patterson were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Burton Collins and Margie; NEW TARES Don't drive with tired tires! Let us check them. For an oil change, tune-up or any car need, come to us! 1.1 MacDonald LUCKNOW Grandmothers Day At. K�irshea WI.. Mrs. Virdin Mowbray was host- ess for the May meeting of Kair- shea W.I. held in the hall. The president, Mrs. Clarence Ritchie, presided. The meeting opened with the Ode and Mary Stewart Collect. .Mrs. 'Ritchie welcomed . the 'grandmothers, guests.and members. The scripture from Luke 10 Was readby Mr's. Donald. MacKinnon. ' The grandmothers were each honoured with a corsage. The 4-H girls - The Dainty Designers, put ona demonstra- tion, which they had for Achieve- ment Day. An invitation from Lucknow W.I. to -attend a meet- ing June' 20th was accepted, Also a Tea at Ripley June 18th. The roll call was answered by - a saying of my grandmother. . Mrs. Ted Collyer took the chair for the programme. All joined in singing The Hymn of All Na- tions. A reading "A Grandmother Ls.., by Mrs. Donald MacKinnon and a .solo by Mrs. Philip. Steer, "The Church by the. Side of the . Road", dedicated to Grandmoth- ers; were ehjoyed. Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall gave a full report of the Officers 'Confer- ence held at the University of Waterloo. She reported 1295 branches in Ontario and 143 new members, a 20% increase in the past year, and 637 delegates attended 'the Conference. Mrs. Bob Gilchrist,gave an» excellent report of the District Annual held in Belmore. Mrs. Cliff Roulston gave a read- ing, "Why Grandma Can Be So Gay A contest', take the word _Grandmother and see how many. words you can make from the letters. Mrs. Evan Keith was the winner with 76. Courtesy remarks were given by Mrs. Donald Mac- Kinnon. The meeting closed by singing 0 Canada followed by the Institute Grace. A tasty .lunch was served by the hostess and directors, Mrs. Ted Collyer and Mrs. Donald Mac- Kinnon. NOTE: The June meeting which is the Sunshine Sister meeting will be held Tuesday, » June 19th at 1 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall: KINTAIL Mr. and Mrs. Earl Howes had as guests this week.her two sisters Miss Charlotte and Miss Anna MacKenzie from Toronto. / Mrs . Donald Simpson ,motored to London this past week to visit her mother Mrs. Earl Elliott of Kincardine who is a patient in 'Victoria Hospital. Mr. and Mrs..Finlay,MacDon- ald , George MacDona'ld and. Miss Andrea Culbert motored to'Lond- on on Sunday evening to meet their son Tom MacDonald at the airport. He flew home from Fort. St. John, B.C. after spending the 'past 5 years in the Northwest. Tom will attend the wedding of his twin brother George} and •Miss -Andrea Culbert on Friday evening.' The North Ashfield School pup- ils and teachers were pleased last Tuesday to have as a guest at the school Miss Sherry Pollock of Ripley who is the Ontario Dairy . Princess for .1972-:73. ' Miss Pol- lock spoke on the importance of milk and delighted the ,pupils with stories of her experiences as princess. My apologies tb Mrs, Wilmer Robb, whose name I missed in WEDNESDAY, IYIAyi LUCKNCI'W AND DISTRICT • SWIMMING P001 •.... WILL BE » HOLDING' REGISTRATION AT THE LUCKNOW TOWN -HPLC Saturday, May 26 FROM 10 A.M. TO 4 . P.M. Saturday, June 2nd FROM 9 A.M. TO 12 NOON There will be two summer swimming sessions — July I July 23 inclusive; July 30. to August 20 inclusive. PRICE PER SESSION $15.00 per family. (parents not included) $8.00 for. teens— $5.00» for children Please Note • The size of the beginner sWimmming classes is limited 10 per instructor per period of time. So come early to get time of your choice. The Junior, Intermediate and . Senior classes are not tricted. 1 ON. REGISTRATION DAY PLEASE KNOW SWIMMING LEVELMATTAINED'— TIME PERIOD DESIRED • IN WHICH SWIMMING .SESSIQN YOU •WANT TO BE ENROLLED — (July or. August or both) DON'T ENROLL CHILDREN WHO ,ARE LESS THAN 6 YE OF AGE, LESS THAN 44" TALLOR ARE AFRAID OF THE WATER THANK YOU my column last' week when re= portingthe shower news at North 'Ashfield school. 'Mrs. Robb. was one of the hostesses. Also to Mrsi Bob Courtney and Mrs. Bill - Kempton, who sang a duet •accompanied by Mrs. Lynn Lowry A wedding of interest was held in Toronto ,on Saturday at the Corpus Christie Church for Ella • Bowser to Paul Ferris of Toronto. Guests from: this area were Mr. and'Mrs. Alex Farrish, Mr. and Mrs. Joe MacIntyre», Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vassella and Art and Linda Bowler :ofSfratford . They, also attended the reception which followed at the york Masonic Temple. 1 RUBBER � STAMPS 1:, .FROM LUCKNOW SENTINEL ConsIt Our Bride's. Register PHONE 528.3531 � JEWELL NA SCHMID S. 'CHINA AGNEW OWNERS :� W. JOS. and DEAN E. LUCKNOW --