The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-05-09, Page 42�r• 0 PAG! . EIGHTEEN.,. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LIJCKNOW, identification.. After considerable searching in the bulletin Ontario Weeds, it could possibly be " Galinsoga" a member of the fleabane or daisy family.• Because of its underground stems or "twitch grass root stems" it is very troublesome and for the pres- ent it is not seen,in this area. Ripley D shh pct# High School Forestry dub Plq0700 Trees In, Area, • 3ioOEvergreens.Placed At Dump Site •BY AB. WYLDS Visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Les Wardell on a•recent week end at their family home on concession 4 west in Huron was their daughter, husband, and family; namely Mr'., and. Mrs,. Michael '. Ashton, Barbara., Michael. Jr. , and Carrie Lynn, and also Miss Lois Wardell, all from Bright, located 'between Stratford and Woodstock. • • •.•• Home this past week was .Miss Joy Farrell visiting with `her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Far- rell, and her sisters on concession 10 west. Joy and her friend• Miss Vera Aitken took. a motor vaca - tion trip 'down to Kentucky and while. there they attended the running of the Kentucky Derby at Louisville two weeks ago this :Saturday. She is on. the staff at the district Agricultural office q at Ancaster near Hamilton. •• • • ♦ • • Two Ripley teenagers aremak- ing their way around with the help of crutches due to leg troubles; They. are Miss Pat Fludder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fludder and Jeff Rouse, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Rouse. Jeff spent some time in St. Joseph's Hospital in London and just recently returned to Ripley , also John Walden of Pine River,. who is home now after spending all winter 'in St. Joe's, gets around on crutches.. • • • • * When Ernest Walden was down from Owen Sound a week ago and made a short visit to see. Mrs. Ernie Pollock in. Ripley, he brought along'a weed , whichis 'quite plentiful at his place, for A COMPLETE STOCK OF Fir. 1 ywoa (ALL WATERPROOF GLUE LINE), IN ALL THICKNESSES 1A" -- '3A" — 1/2" - . %" 3/ " SHEATIIING . PLYWOOD 516" in 1/2 %" 3�4 41111111. 4111111110. 411111111roilllills. l4-- EXCELITE .FIBER GLASS PANELS Size 26" a 8' 26". x 10' Forest Green — Sunsoft Yellow Ideal For Patios, Carports,. fences, Room DMders And Enclosures ST. LAWRENCE CEMENT. PORTLAND and MASONRY JOHN W. 'HENDERSON LUMBER LTD. PHONE 528-3118 . LUCKNOW ONTARIO • • • • On Tuesday evening .of last week about twenty, -nine adults of the Ripley Historioal Group took a bus ride to Wingham where they watched the taping of a Circle Eight program at the' CKNX tele- vision elevision and radio station. • • • * • Ray Walden, who lived in Rip- ley about 25 years ago, is retiring from teaching this year. Mr. and Mrs. Walden live in London where he is teaching now. The staff at the school are honouring Mr. Walden on Tuesday, May 29. Ray taught in the Ripley Public School' from 1943 to 1947 and was prin- cipal for the last three years as well as teacher of the senior grades. • • .0 0 • Home from University this past. week is Norman Ball from the University of Toronto with Rev. and Mrs, George Ball. Norman. is enrolled in engineering science there. 0 • 0 * 0 Also home'this post week are Lynn and Elliott Courtney from University with Mr. and Mrs. • Elmer Courtney. ••••.,. Through the rain squalls on Tuesday. of last week, the mem- bers of. the Ripley District High School 4-H Forestry Club planted 3700 evergreen trees on the land filled part of the Huron Township dump on concession six west. On the week end just prior to Tues- day they ues-daythey had planted 4200 trees. at their Own farms. The trees were evergreens - white, red and Scotch pines, white cedar, and white' spruce. The three boxes of trees were transplanted to the site by John' MacDonald using the township truck. Reeve Russ Stanley and councillor Bert El- liott helped to plant during the forenoon. The planting ended in mid afternoon with everyone sopping wet. Those planting were Carman Courtney; Bob Campbell, Wayne. Armstrong, Roy Thornycroft, Joyce Elliott, Kathy Farrell, Sally Elliott, Wray Thompson, Andy Coulas, Brian MacKay, Doug Peterbaugh, Blain Carruthers, and Sandy Pol- lock. Also the club leaders were out. •••• The choir of St. Andrew's Jnited Church held a party for Mrs. George Ball on Saturday evening. The members met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Culbert, the second farm east of Ripley and at the social time they presented Mrs. Ball with a gift. Rev.,and Mrs.. Balland familynhave been in Ripley over. ten years .and during that time they have made many friends'who are indeed sorry to see; them leave our community.. .•••• The monthly report of Ontario' WEDNESDAY, MAY II; R1I..LEY ABATTOIR Custom Butchering Curing and Smoking Cutting, and Wrapping Sausage ,Making — Fast Frewn, HOGS AND CATTLE. ON MONDAYS TTLE, ONLY ON FRIDAYS Have cattle In on Thursday for Friday's kill With Two Big Coolers, Wt Aru Able.'To Hang Your BeeF ,1 To 3 Weeks ; Whatever Your ReHguarements Ars For Home Freezers We Sell Choice Home Killed B eef per and' Lamb In Any Quantity At Lowest Marketing Prtce3 ,: ALL. MEATS ARE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FOR Nit PROTECTION CHAS. HOOISMA, PROP. ABATTOIR .395.2905 STORE 395.2%%'' 'y Probiems. With A Few At -Dump Huron Township Council met on May 7th with all members present. Council decidedto keep the Township dump open on Sat- urday mornings as well as :Mon- days and Fridays from 10 to 5. The dump is still not being kept. Dairy Princess Miss Sherry Pollock of Ripley shows that in mid April she visited with principal Mrs. Audrey MacDonald, staffAnd students of the Kinloss Central Public School at Holyrood and spoke to Grades, one:to five on "Milk". • • • • • On the job paintingthe. white lines marking: out the parking areas' along the main streets. in Ripley.and also the. playground equipment in Gore Park was Burt.,n .McLeod last week: Jim Bonnett left on Tuesday .of last week for Barrie where hehas his same job back as last summer. .•‘.•• •• •• • • as neat as council would like, dumping is taking place at th gateway where several names people were found in the g at These people were notified of ihe offence and if second off es occur, action will betake' Council passed a resolution` withdrawing theappeal to the Ontario Municipal Board with respect to the apportionment' the .County rates as this appe to be settled with the county, Council voted to start the, summer meetings at 9.30 a. in hopes of getting them thou in a respectable- time. General accounts of $4,796, road accounts of $5808,66 and Municipal Drain accounts of $3,856.52 were ordered paid,:_ 3700 pine trees were plant the used part' of the Township dump by the Forestry Club of Ripley High School supervised Albert Wylds. Glenn Farrelltreturned the 1 tax roll showing taxes uncolle ed .of $18 245.84. • ,. Council adjourned to meet again on. May 21 and June'4th. "EARL TOUT, CLERK; • AUTOMATIC COOK/NG with a ihortm Range clMrf(f111r�I�IYlyrrWt,, Combined push button timed .appliance outlet. Infinite switches — just dial the desired temperature. Tilt -up -- oven oven elements for easy, cleaning. Plug out elements and one removable drip bowl and ring. Timed appliance outlet - venient for breakfast coffee. Extra large storage drawer, movable door -- conveniently pulled out of the way for cleaning. Recessed cooking platform — spillguard edges pre spilling liquid onto floor. Greer ' TV.1 And Eiectris