The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-05-09, Page 38is Ii If t4a it I'. 1,c tf I4 s ti 1 oyf there, boaters! • for you.. .and, your boats is important.. As morejoaters take to• lakes and rivers every year, 100.1110,1 0041$0. THIS LUCKNOW SINTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WHITBY Callyour CIAG representative . for year-round boat protection and other insurance needs. .AUTOMOBILE' —• LIFE HOME PROTECTION'. FARM . FAMILY LIABILITY ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS BUSINESS 'SNOWMOBILE BOAT CAMPER -'TRAILER LUCKNOW CIAG INSURANCE 1•ti \" 1. 1%, 1 :AT 1. •. t • ti LEY HURON NEWS GRADE' 2 • Chicken -pox has finally invad- ed our room. This week Shawn Rowland,, Jeff Scott and Janice Needham have all appearances of having had a number of dots plat - ed on their fates. • Congratulations to Kevin. Boyle on receiving, the trophy for the - Most Improved Tyke in1viinor Hockey League of Ripley. . We say welcome to Diane Lev- esque from Brigden who came to our room this week. We are sorry to hear . Miss Campbell, our music supervisor, had .the misfortune to break her wrist. The entire school had a giant bar' -b -cue last week and we would like to' say Thank You. to all who made it possible. Rumours are around we might • attend a circus performance in early June. ' BAR-B-CUE.by.Heather Boyle On Friday, May llth the. Ripley • Huron School body there to hold a playday for the.Nova Scotia students thatwere visiting our school from Sydney River:. The • • weather did not agree with our plans and it rained. As schedul- ed we went on with the hot-dog. barbecue. Three teachers from Ripley and three teachers from Sydney River plus some Grade 8 pupils tookcare of the barbecues. All classes had a good meal of . hotdogs and then ice-cream cones distributed by other teach- ers. each-ers. We all had a good day even though it did :rain ! ! ! KINDERGARTEN We are happyto have Miss Margaret Ann Courtney, a stud- ent from Early Childhood Educa- tion; Training Course in Sarnia. visiting in our classroom this week. She is observing and teaching part time. Our friend, Constable Gaeler came to speak to us again about Walking Safely on the Highway. We had five fascinating visit- ors on Thursday in the form of baby baby raccoons.. Everyone had a turn holding one and,we. enjoyed learning about our little friends. Friday was an exciting day for many little people as they regist- ered for the fall term in Kinder- garten.:: Four ;ChiIdren Baptized Sunday DUNGANNON NEWS. Four babies were presented for baptism' at. Dungannon United Church on Sunday with Rev. Clarence. McClenaghan conducting the service and vows. These were Dennis John, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rick. Park; ' Heather Lynne, daugh- ter of Mr.• and Mrs. John MacDon- ald; Paula Dawn,.' daughter of •Mr. and .Mrs. Dennis. Vanderburg; and Jacqueline Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jirn Culbert. Spec- ial music was given by the choir and included a selection by the Errington Family. The sermon for this Christian Family Sunday was entitled, "The Homes That Make or Break Us". SUCCESSFUL TEA & BAZAAR On•Saturday afternoon, quite a succ' ssful Tea and Bazaar was held' in Dungannon Sunday School rooms sponsored by the U.C.W. and assisted greatly by the T. and Explorer girls and their leaders. Mr. and' Mrs. Ronald Altonand •boys, Randy, Blair and Kent of Lucknow visited with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Alton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stewart and children from Lambeth spent the week end .,with Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Stewart. • Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Payne and son- Leonard, who recently sold . their farm near Flesherton, visit- ed last week with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Chisholm and family prior.to leaving for the West. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Irvin visit- ed Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stirling/and Dar- lene :at Thamesville. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Eedy from. Mississauga and Mr. and Mrs. - Bob Ott and Matthew, were home for the week end with Mr. 'and . . Mrs. Irvine Eedy and, Martha. Rev. Clarence McClenaghan attended London Conference held in Windsor during thepast week. Frequent week endvisitors to their summer home (the former TEES WA TER AYS Friday, Saturday, Sunday, May 18, 19, 20 FRIDAY. NIGHT SUNDAY AFTERNOON 9 p.m.: — Pipe Band Concert By Teeswater. Highlanders SATURDAY NIGHT 9 p.m. -- Entertainment,' Bar and. Dance at the arena MUSIC BY CANDIDA ENTERTAINMENT BY AL AND DAVE p.m. --- Rodeo and Western Games WILD COW MILKING ; STEER UNDECORATING . .QUARTER MILE DASH PARADE CLASS. BARREL RACE ' ROPING 5 ,p.m. - 7:30 p.m. -- Beef and Pork Barbecue at the' arena ALL YOU CAN EAT • Shop for Broncho Bustin Rodeo Specials In All Stores RODEO DAYS IS SPONSORED BY THE LIONS CLUB, CHAMBER Amummieemy OF COMMERCE AND FIREFIGHTERS. PROCEEDS FOR FURNITURE' FOR THE ARENA. .4 WEDNESDAY, MAY li These weeds can turn your fields into jungles. OutfNIG 'T ox is a post -emergence corn 'herbicide you apply to weeds after they show. up: And no residual effects from one season to the nest. So you can rotate. Drops with no fear of herbicide carryover. • Oult ASAoultpnil Cb.mloala Company Umltd, Winnipeg 1, Ylinitoba. Canada DiM,ibutd by PlbwrCompany. in Ont.rio and Qualm. OUTFOX IS AVAILABLE FROM RACKETY BROS, FARM EQUIPMENi LUCKNOW PHONE 525.3SX Dungannon school) are Mr. and Mrs. Jim Reed of Toronto. Mrs. Joe Marks (nee. Margaret Scrimgeour) of : Windsor, also Murray` Scrimgeour and. Marion Simmons of Tillsonburg, called on Mrs. Minnie Jones and Melvin, on Sunday. Miss Jean Stothers spent the, week :end at the home of her par— ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stothers and Jim. Jean has completed a special course in Fanshawe Col- lege and begins a new position in London Postal Service as sec- retary to the manager of market- ing. Ruthie Bere from Windsor was home for the Mother's Day week end. Mrs., Lorne. Eadie and Douglas visited Mrs. J. M. Reed and Giry in on Sunday. ; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wilson of Goderich were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Webster on Sunday. Several relatives from the Luck- now ucynow area .were pleased to be in attendance Friday evening in London at the Retirement Tea honoring Mrs.' Grace MacIvor following 35 years teaching. Mrs. Henry Bradley of Goderich was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stothers on Sunday. Mrs. Elvin Adkin and daughter Helen and Marjorie from Dresden spent a few days recently. with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Reed and boys. Miss Wanda Wilson has com pleted her studies at London Teachers' College and has returned home for the. summer months. Mr. Harry Fowler, Clinton, also Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fowler of Goderich were guests• of Mr. and Mrs, Dynes Campbell On Sunday. .$1562 Raisedi Canvass For T Cancer Society' The canvass of Lucknow and District for 'the Canadian Cann Society amounted to $1562,4 about $254.75 more than col ed in this area last year. Those who canvassed hill; were: Mrs Elmo Sanderson, Ruth Thompson; Fred Laming Mrs . Bru.c e Hamilton, Miss ge Thompson , Mrs. John Kreutw, er, Mr. and Mrs.' Lloyd Ashton Mrs. Clarence 13e11, Mr. Jim Naughton , Mrs. Don: Thome ilvIrs. Gordon Cayley, Mrs, 8' Sanderson, Mrs. Roy Emberlin; Bill .Schmid , Mrs. Bob Strath- Mrs. Bob Shepherd, Mrs. Elmo Pritchard , Mrs. Bill Hunter, Joe MacMillan, Mrs. Peter Donald, Mrs. M. H. Corrin Jack Treleaven. Canvassing in the rural a were; Mrs. Vernon Hunter, Robert Irwin, Mrs. Doug Mc The Kairshea Women's Mini Mrs. James Burt, Mrs. Ted er, 1 -tarry Lavis,-Mrs. Frank Kenzie, Mrs. Evan Keith, Mil Clarence Ritchie, Mrs, Bob christ,: Mrs. Lloyd MacDouga Reid's Corners Women's Intl and helpers: Mrs. Ernie Gibson 'Margaret A. Funston, Edna Dopald , • Anna MacTa C Marion Lowry, Nancy MP M. Courtney, Helen jrWin, Scott, Patricia Lowry, Harold; Thompson, Edna Boyd, Gayle Lowry, Gordon Farrell, Evnlyd Elliott.