The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-05-09, Page 33RESDAY,, MAY 16, 1973 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ieveral.CoOkcid:ents Cause Of Injuries Treated At Wingham. Hospital ts, Maud Sherwood , Lucknow Idmitted to hospital May 14 fractured left ankle resulting a fall at home. Ilford Kuepfer, R. R; 5 Brus- received painful lacerations s right hand when he caught and between the tractor and er. enneth Johnstone, age 20 , sow was driving his car, May wit went out of control gavel causing the car to ;on Highway #4, 3 miles of Blyth. Passengers in the received treatment: James e McManus, age19, R. R. 2, nSound, admitted to hospit- th scalp laceration; Kenneth ston, age 21, Lucknow. , ad - ed to hospital via ambulance internal injuries and frac- left rac- left collar bone; Peter Chisholm, age 20, Lucknow, ad- mitted via ambulance with pos- sible ,baek os-sible,back injuries. The accid- ent was investigated by Wing- ham O.P.P. Foulon. Brian Skinn, age 20, Wingham, lost control of his car May 11 on loose gravel and struck a tree on the•9th concessiaon of East Wawa - nosh. •He was treated for injured left ankle'and released. Miss Julie Henderson, age 15, Wing - ham, a passenger, was treated for lacerations and abrasions to face and an injured left leg. Miss Faye Walden, age 15, Wing• ham, was admitted to hospital with injuries to left hip. Miss Brenda Ablett, age 16, . Wing - ham , ing-ham, was admitted to hospital with multi -lacerations to the ' face and an injured left foot. In rupr *Or .wdrur KINCARDINE VED. - THURS. -'FBI: SAT. MAY 16474849 him IMO Ths.N-filoie beet -.MIM. 1e nowa captivating motion picture. s., w Earl Hamner, Jr:' • Richard M. Sherman Robert B. Vienna! w Irwin Kostal r.Hury N..wm Al Debbie Reynolds 'as Charlotte, Paul Lynde as Templeton, Hew Gibson as Wilbur kbera 8 WdBam Hanna 'aaee h Charles A. Nichols & Irmo Takamoto e..nnn. o..... Edgar M. Bradman In Cob, tof PLUS II we want. is to be ha • JackWild Mark Lester DUSK TO DAWN SHOW SUNDAY MAY 20th AIAEllicANINTLANITION.L.....-wk*->"' EDGAR ARAN POE'S RASTQI•MCE OT TRS MACMRE riasc uE OF 7HE RED:DEATH ^rsiwtcowatr _VINCENT PRICE • lti•W ffcPIES Y[TAO[@011 &ARTOIIIRTAARRRI 'ANDREW PRIME.• BRENDA 'SCOTT +I arirA r•NORMANRIRT •GERAI.DYDAN • stwor MfTROCOLQl { YPLU8 ti. COLOR.. NO. .AEERICANNit RNAEIONAI.._n.N• IN UES. WED. IRNYN. AIR MaCLEAN'S •lIG4.,0 VINCENT PRICE ROBERT QUARRY MAY 21 -22-23 ,1�N+clEAN'S F(ARI:, 7111 • ""aew.. yNE�MAN H(V pN 0041A;�Naw �acIeao s (FEAR IS THE KEY" VERNON: .,. I.r0".4'kl Y 0190.1 AlG 014610. Mu. o 1O4 U00 A 1.; 4 w 1. M mq A.Q.tl 111R•MA i� ll'IN11 11';•slut) 1111118'11 Irl the 111N 11;IC. tt, 1tui that's the 111thhes,totthem. • "Last of the Red. Mot Lavers" j Sally Kellerman Menet Taylor UNaellEV riftSpiipSanOID' �Dd PAGE MINI OPENS ; �i AT 8:00 SHOWS f START AT •, DUSK • DMITTANCE R•STREf,E D II VIA'S W AO of on. 11. li.'.. r. ///m/////////////////MEN.ONEY and MURDER! w.., •' •SOQAO.-.1.-11 1 ....,.,.. • I!) BARBARA HERS EY ": ,A>:6L(z, EXR Y'1` BERTHAro #4574410' DRIVE-IN • GODERICH HWY. 8 AT CONCESSION RD. 4 • PHONE 5249981 is .o. AY, o� FEATURE �:� DUSKTO-DAWN MARATHON' HQR1IOR•RAPIA! ��cY�rf�.or.. ALL AGT/o�!/st., to SPECTACULARS Jim Brown plus SLAUGHTER RIP TORN A. •.c� 1,ar. o..w:...J1M BTEI.LA STEVENS ASEVEN. ARUS•HARIER ; ~ — P1(JoUCTIOH T ` • nom• ADULT ENTERTAINMENT FRANK SINATRA IN Dirt �Dingus Y Mage . ... _ mow es. ... or. • ....... 4 4 vestigated by Wingham O.P.P., Foulon. Mrs. Ethel Day, R. R.. 1 Wing- ham was admitted to hospital following a car collision at the intersection of Victoria. Street and Josephine Street, Wingham. She received facial lacerations, injured left wrist, handand leg. Driver of second car, Roy W. Taylor, R. R. 2, Lucknow, was not injured. The accident was investigated by Cpl. Zimmer and Const. Daer. Jo -Anne Henry, age•10, Wing- ham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Henry, was riding her bicycle,on John Street near Jos- ephine Street when a car ;coming out of the la.neway behind the Manor Hotel struck the child. She was treated for abrasions to her left hand and released. Investig- ated by Wingham Town Police Doug Foxton. James Krohn, age 21, Brussels,. was hitch hiking on Highway 86 by the Zetland Bridge whenhe was struck by a car. He was brought into hospital via ambu- lance mbu-lance and treated for dislocated right shoulder. Investigated by Wingham O.P.P. Balzer. A car driven by Kevin Town- send came own-send'.came in collision with a car apparently driven by Kevin Hastie and rolled over in a ditch On Huron County Road 12, 1,1/4 miles North of Wroxeter. Neither driver required treatment. Taken to hospital by ambulance were passengers: James Yeoman,' age 16., Wroxeter , with a fractured. collar bone, head injuries and in-. jured,right arm. Miss Glorria Ruttan, age 17,' Wroxeter, was treated for multi -lacerations. and abrasions to the back. Arthur Gibson Jr.', age 16, Wroxeter, received facial lacerations and abrasions. Dennis Dolgos, age 16, Wingham; received head and facial lacerations. Investigated by Wingham O.P.P. Foulon and. Wittig. ' KintaiI Lady Has 93rd Birthday" KINTAIL NEWS FLARE UP Congratulations to Mrs. Effie Collinson of 'Kintail who cele- brated her 93rd birthday on May llth. Mrs. Collinson is quite spry and active in spite of her years and entertained a number of friends on Friday who called to wish her well. Mr. and Mrs. Ewen MacLean spent Sunday in Petrolia at the home of her mother Mrs. Frances Williamson. • Dinner guests on Mother's Day at the home of Mrs. Emile Mac- Lennan were Mr. and, Mrs. Finlay MacLennan of Huron Township, Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacLennan of Wingham; Mrs./Bruce Millar of Stratford, John and Annette Mac- Lennan of Stratford.. Johnny Mac- Lennan is an actor in the Shake- spearian Festival play "Ophello". , He was chosen from a large group of boys to play the pait. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mac- Lennan of Stratford, formerly of Lochalsh, and; Mrs. Emile. Mac- Lennan's grandson. • ENTERTAINED AT HURONVIEW Pupils from the Senior grades at Brookside Public School went to Huronview on Thursday even- ing to entertain with music and skits taken from their Spring Concert. Miss Margaret Simpson attend- ed a wedding at Delhi on Satur- day. DOUBLE ;WEDDING A double wedding`took place in St. Moritz in Switzerland when Agnese Guaeagnina and Gerardo Vassella and Carla Vassella and Dario Guaeagnina exchanged vows on Saturday, May 12th. .They are flying to Canada on their honeymoon and are expect - e& to arrive Monday, .May 14th. They will visit with their rela - tives Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vassella of this community and at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. Carl Vas - sella of Hanover. Glen Ferguson, Guelph, Gary Kaye of Stratford, Miss Jan Simp- son of Toronto and Miss. Margaret Simpson of Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Dalton and Jennifer were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Simpson for Mother's Day. •ilNYoN 1HE PLUS SIMS uRT nnHAAARif THE SQUARE PHONE 524.7811 AIRCONDITIONED .' WCL 16 'Thu.11 FrL 18 TML RANK OROANITATIiN MI[f•NT$RENTADIcK sat 19 int f.►...J.y McIIRA• � 9•Sun. 20 Men 2I •Tue.,L2 Th •0.1,11'x1.:1 -••111n• .R.w ii....n-Y.-Y•Nr... , _ "",1 Is new • eaplivaRIN• molten .b*1 • r,. Eat'HNIVO,F WdwOIA Sremun ion 6 Reran w.•"""..•». Awn Aosta Cnablh. Pal Lame at Te1.pStan, HRW °Ihsm as YAW .....JAM Nem W•an Haw.... MAIN AN ds /asTWle.N ..,w:..EdooM B0*10 mco,. • Wei 23 Pty. 24, tri.25 so.26. Sun. 21 ... 1{l! This Is the weekend they didn't play self. NOMINATED lelivurause BSP,CTUREE A JOHN BOORMAN FILM Starring JON VOIGHT. BURT REYNOLDS "DEUVERANCE" PANAVIs1oN I, o Starr w NE ^ AE qT it • RONNY COk Screendar �ir James OderrBased on his novo Prrduud and Nemo tp JfAm 9oormn 0,.. r • •