The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-05-09, Page 12;p THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO RRAY'S GENERAL STORE Phone 395.5062 HOlyrood CLARK'S BEANS WITH PORK 14.OZ. GREEN GIANT CREAM .CORN 14 OZ.. 2-49c MIR • DETERGENT 2-49c 2's 79c FULL .LINE OF HARDWARE AND FENCING EQUIPMENT FamilyGathering On 55th Anniversary DUNGANNON NEWS Mr. and Mrs. George Rivett celebrated their 55th' wedding anniversary at their home on Saturday, May 5, with a large family gathering. Miss Debbie Hodges and.. her grandmother Mrs. Harry Watson of Nile, are on a motor trip, West as far as Saskatoon. Mrs. S. •B.. Stothers,, from Luck - now, Mrs. Dick Passmore from Ottawa and Mrs. Irwin Carruthers,, Julie and Andrew, Goderich were dinner guests of Mrs. Orland Bere and family Saturday evening. Frank Thompson attended a Secretary Managers', Conference '.: on Mutual Firewriters' Associa- tion at . Bolton on Tuesday and Wednesday. Thirty were in attendance at this conference helc in the beautiful United Church camp near. Bolton. Nile Bridal Pageant., Program and Teaheld at Brookside School on Saturday pleased the large attendance. On Saturday Mrs. Eric McNee and little Brenda went by bus to Sudbury for a two week holiday with relatives there. On Friday evening a family gathering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Graham McNee on the occasion of the latter's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Graham McNee accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hayden and Laurie, of Port 'Albert visited Mr. and Mrs. John Ribey and family at Port on Sunday afternoon. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs.. George Errington and to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Purdon whose brother-in-law Ernest Button, of Blyth, passed away Monday, April 30. Roger Pentland commenced work on Monday with Hydro with Stratford headquarters. Mrs. Cecil Blake and Barbara spent Sunday in Galt -Cambridge with Mr.. and Mrs. Bill Blake and Becky. At the Presbyterian Church in Dungannon there is to be the t official closing service on Sun- day afternoon, Family Day, May, 13, at 3.00 o'clock with every'-' one welcome. s • • At the United Church on May 12, there . is .a S pring Tea, bake and apron sale, as well as crafts and candy by the Explorer and C. G.I.T. groups, who also assist. the U.C.W. by decorating and serving. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Patil Eedy on the, birth of a baby boy on Saturday, May :5 , 1973. Russell Johnston is in University Hospital in London. We hope he is soon able to return home. RIPLEY HURON NEWS KINDERGARTEN On Tuesday. our Morning and Afternoon Classes went to Ripley District High School to watch the dress rehearsal for their Var- iety Night Concert. Everyone enjoyed the programme espec- ially the singing and the play. Thank you for inviting us RDHS. This week we have been looking at filmstrips of'the Easter Bunny, reading Easter stories and talking about the real reason for Easter. On Thursday we dyed, our eggs. pretty colours and had 'an excit- ing Easter Egg hunt. GIRLS BASKETBALL by Debbie McFadden. / On Wednesday, April 18, the Ripley giris started the playoffs in basketball. Team three elim- inated team two and team four eliminated team one. On Apr.: 27 the finals start. This is,for the tabs. ' The tabs are won b� total points of two gates. The captains of the two tea;,,:. ,r, t. ''t finals are Terry. Tusz a i`ic :r.ia.+ a e: Mitchell. GIRLS BASEKTBALL by Mary Ann Duhamel On May 2, the deciding game for the Girls Basketball champion- ship was held, between the two teams. The captains were. Margr aret Mitchell and Terry Tusz. The first game was tied, 8-8 and the secondgame was won by Terry's team with the score of 8-4; Basketball is now over .with Terry Tusz's team winning the tabs. BAYS BASKETBALL by Chris Mc- Garvey . On Tuesday,. May 1st, Team 3 with captain Larry Farrell 'defeat- ed Tear. 1 with captain Mark Stanley by a.score of 2-0. This gave Team 3 the Basketball Tabs. Earlier in the playoffs Team 1 elr:irated Tea;' 2.with captain Nanny Bc,d and Tear - ,3 .., defeat - e/..e• Tear h s' 4 •,u- captain Jeff' .r ,e• f, - to starting the socrn.as the Hea.-.e: wW �rnes drier. Officers Elected For Water System WkIITECHURCH NEWS The spring meeting of White- church Water System with 35 - signers was held on Thursday even. • ing May 2nd in ' Whitechurch Community Memorial Hail with an attendance of 13. In the absence of the chairman John Jamieson, the secretary, Mrs. Victor Emerson opened the meeting and called for a chair- man from the audience. Elwood Groskorth presided until the arriv - al of John Jamieson. 'The minut- esof'last meeting were read by Mrs. Emerson. Elwood Groskorth gave the treasurer's report, show- ing receipts $4796.14, expenses $2415.82, balance $2380.32. • Elwood Groskorth informed the attenders the pump house roof r needed to be tarred, woodwork needs •painting , reservoir needs KINCARDINE On'Tuesday, May 1 Constable Poland investigated a single ve - hicle accident on Gone. 7, Kin- cardine Twp. An eastbound ve- hicle operated by Michael Dean, Downsview swervedto miss an animal on the roadway and enter- ed the ditch. On Saturday, May 5, Constable Whitelaw investigated an accid- ent on #21 highway north of Und- erwood. A vehicle operated by Pierre Papineau , Hydro Camp struck a deer which was on the roadway. Constable Renwick investigat- ed a single vehicle accident in Ripley on. Saturday, May 5. A vehicle on Huron Street operated by Paul Arnlinger, Kitchener left the roadway and struck the Royal Drive -In. The front of the rest- aurant was extensivley damaged. SUN IS STRONG SPRING HAS SPRUNG GONE THE ICICLES TIME FOR BICYCLES Everyone writes rhymes in the spring time andthe above prompts the Ontario•Safety - League to urge cyclists of all ages, to give a thorough;check of all components before 'putting a, bicycle on the, road this spring. ▪ Lubricate chain and bearings with a good oil or grease; • Check handlegrips and handle- bars;' Check brakes; Look for loose pedals;. - Replace bent, loose or missing spokes; • '• - Look for wear, cuts or bruises on hires. ' The Ontario Safety League warns parents not to let their children drive bicycles that are not fit to size. A. bicycle too big for .its rider is harder to steer, pedal, brake and. more important.. ly, dismount from when the need arises • Young' bike drivers should be able to reach the ground com- fortably with the ball of the foot when seated upright. D. A. R. BURGESS, Public Information Officer. what better GIFT for... ...than some/bis, talk ROM FROM JOHNSTONE and SON FURNITURE LUCKNOW cleaning and the floor inside needs painting. 'This year the maintenance corn mittee of Elwood Groskorth, Al- bert Coultes, Russ Chapman, and Walter Moore are to look after the minor repairs and if they do work themselves, they be paid at same rate as outsiders. The fees are still to be received at Willis.'store, Jamiesons store an' at Elwood Groskorth's.home. The system is to'be flushed twice a year at'north and east ends.. The water is tested 2 samples per month from the well, 4 sap'. PHONE SI pies per month from the diff' ent homes. This work is td carried on by passel Chap Officers elected werepresid� John Jamieson; 1st vice press Dave Gibb; secretary, Yale' 'Emerson; assistant, Randy treasurer, Elwood Groskorth; ectors are Fred Tiffin, Dalt' Schultz, Wes Tiffin; mainte' Elwood Groskorth, Albert C Russel Chapman., Walter auditors , Grace. Coultes, Ag Farrier; alternate, Randy Sc The meeting adjourned by tions 10 PAK with every S40 purchase of CO-OP oils and greases Your CO-OP has all the oils and greases you're going to need all season long.. HD -7, the motor oil for just about every"crankcase, D -MO for diesel engines, automatic transmission fluid, Trans Hydraulic Oil and Lubco and Lithium Greases, S why not order them now and get a ,Lubco • 10 'pak free! Offer expires May 31, 1973, "Registered Trademark' District Lucknaw Phone 528-2125 Oils and Greases your needs are staying ahead of y