The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-05-02, Page 23ESDAY, MAY 2, 1973 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Sunday Morning Destroys Huron lan, Two Departments Respond THIS WEEK BY AB the Ripley Fire truck hous'- new Huron Township 'building it sounds new lige to hear the fire whist - lug from the north east of Ripley at the east end of Street, past Mrs. Mae house. Twice on Mon - last week it:sounded as fire ed the large barn at the John Van der Veen on the de of Highway 86 , just Lochalsh. This is the the late Rory Ross, just Gordon Finlayson's place. w at time of writing, lock Sunday, morning , , the whistle has again and the fire truck has the main comer in Ripley ded south, The barn on W, J, Roulston place, one astof Olivet church, was ed by fire. In the barn and edwasra 1965.Meteor wagon. The'barn was by Eldert Geertsma who the next farm east. Mr. Glen Hodgins live in the i It was the former home and Mrs, Herman Anger ed to Wingham. Luck- e Department was also at e, • , • • • M Ripley Huron. Legion and Auxiliary held their • spring banquet last Satur- ning in. the Legion Hall. nquet was well attended ral people here for a oming week end - such and Mrs. Frank Currie of , Angus McLennan' of and Dr. and Mrs. J. B. IN RIPLEY WYLDS Tindall, .down from Kincardine. The turkey banquet meal was supplied by the ladies of the Ripley Women's Institute - Bill •McCreath was inaster of ceremonies following the meal. Singing two duets were Mrs. Elaine Pollock and Murray Culbert with Mrs. Mary (John C.) Mac- , Donaldat the piano. ,. Ripley Huron Legion Padre Rev. John Hill of Reid's Corners des- cribed his recent tour of the Middle East and illustrated it with a showing of his fine collec- tion of coloured slides. Mr. Hill's talk was most interesting and informative. All three resident ministers and their wives were'in attend- ance at the banquet, namely Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth Rooney , of. Knox, ,Rev, and Mrs. George Ball of St. Andrews and Rev. and Mrs. John Hill of the .Pine River Bethel.area. 'The committee of Legion, mem • bers in charge of arrangements for.•the banquet. were Clarence Pollock, Murray Farrell, Bill Mc Creath and Don McLay. Presid- ent Mrs. Donalda (Jack) MacLean received the vote of thanks for the .fine meal and made a suitable reply on behalf of the ladies of the Institute. • * • •t* Ontario Dairy Princess Sherry' Pollock was awarded the Tommy Cooper Memorial award for her contribution to Agriculture in Bruce'and Grey Counties during the past year. Announcement was made last week jointly by the Owen Sound newspaper and radio station. Sherry was home this •` past week end. a a 0 • • The 'funeral service for Mrs. Annie Nimmo of Kincardine was held Monday afternoon from the Linklater Home. Mrs. Nimmo, who was in•her 98th year, passed. away last Friday at Gateway ;Haven in Wiarton. Survivirig is her son Charles and family of Kincardine. She was predeceas- ed by her husband Thomas and son Lester, The former Annie , Poulton, she was also predeacesed by her sisters Bertha and Lizzie. The Poulton family moved down to Ripley from Kincardine in 1880, and lived in the house in Gore Park which the railway sup- plied for her father as Ripley sec- tion foreman. Later, with her husband as cheesemaker, she liv- ed at the Clark's Cheese Factory, later the Ripley Chemical plant on concession 12 in Huron Town- ship , before retiring to Kincar- dine. Mr. and. Mrs. Oraen Rock and three sons Robert, Richard and Ronald spent Easter week end at Deep River with Mr. and Mrs. - Ivan Emmerton and family. They also visited with Mr. and: Mrs. Raymond Lemoing who re- cently moved from Ripley to Deep River. -• • a * •' Miss Sandra MacCharles, R.N. of London spent Easter week end visiting with her mother Mrs. ,Noreen MacCharles in Ripley.. While here they attended the Ripley District High School Var- iety Concert. • • •. a * William Robertson of Agincourt PAGE • TWENTY-THREE ARNOLD'S' ono R.R.7 Lvelmur— Lanes —Phone 529-7248 S•11:211140311.L..4& SUNSPUN SOFT MARGARINE, 1 lb. tub __v 36c MODERNE TOILET TISSUE, 2's 34c DEL MONTE GREEN BEANS 14 oz. tint ._ Z for 53c SEED POTATOES, CORN, BEANS, PEAS, AND ONION SETS IN BULK . CRAWFORD MOTORS CHRYSLER - DODGE - PLYMOUTH WINGHAM ONTARIO PHONE 357-3862. 1969 PLYMOUTH ,4 door sedan, automatic with radio 1968 FORD Custom 2 door, 8 automatic, power steering and brakes 1967 CHEV % ton V8, with radio, • van type box 1966 FORD % ton pickup 1965 CHEV 4 door sedan 1960 MONARCH 4 door sedan, power brakes and steering. and radio and Toronto visited over last week end with his brother Bobby a and sister Mary Robertson at the family farm, concession .10 , Hur- on Township. He also visited with his aunt Mrs. John Robertson and Miss Christena •Robertson in Ripley. • • * •, •• Mr. and Mrs. Les Ross of Kes- wick on es-wick'on Lake Simcoe were up to Now • it; 'the \Time to Pion Your SPTIng SEEO GRAIN & GRASS SEED SEEDING PROGRAM plies of top quality seed grainare limited this spring due to rwet harvest season last year. Order your supplies now! FERTILIZER Your Co-operative offers you a complete line of quality fertil- izers. Contact them now and arrange for _delivery or pick-up of your spring requirements.. • Custom spreading and equipment leasing Got a tractor but no spreader? Need your fertilizer applied fast? Then see your CO-OP ,and arrange the fertilizing service you need. Department of Agriculture recommendations as a basis, will recommend a mixture of high quality name -variety These with be blended with prescription accuracy in the ve CO-OP Seed . Mixer., QUALITY AND SERVICE ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT 'COMMODITIES OF YOUR LOCAL CO-OP. THAT IS WHY IT PAYS TO•SEE YOUR C0=0P FIRST. Convenient pick-up cuts costs Your CO-OP BULK SERVICE CENTRE is stocked with fertilizers that meet your requirements, ready for immediate pick-up. .ALSO AVAILABLE AQUA ANHYDROUS FOR YOUR CORN REQUIREMENTS now District Co op PHONE 528-2125 Ripley with their mobile motor home and spent the past week end with Mr. and Mrs. Niels Frederik- sen on Malcolm Street in Ripley, This past, week end, saw a cold, wet and dark opening for the speckled trout fishing season at midnight Saturday morning and then the "spring ahead" to day- light saving time was made at, two. o'clock Sunday morning. • •. • • • Mr. and Mrs. John Coiling sold their home farm at the corner of the fifteenth and fourth. concession - two blocks south of Ripley. The reported three way purchase of the farm was made '• through Lloyd Hutton's Real Estate Agency in Kincardine. • * ..a * 0 Mr. and Mrs. John Inglis and 'family are back in Ripley after (spending, the winter in British Columbia. They are getting ready to move to British :Columb is and so are offering their home . here for sale. For some years now Mr. Inglis has operated a tile ,drainage firm based in Ripley. Their repair shop has been the Virden School on the fourth con- cession west in Huron Township. 0 a * * * With the area farmers'out work- ing theland• and doing spring seeding, Harold Courtney's seed cleaning plant in Ripley has been a busy spot handling and clean- ing grain, treatingclover and grass seed and supplying seed. • •• * • • Mr. and Mrs, Leslie; Wardell attended the funeral of their eous• in Frank Mills at, St. Marys on Saturday. His wife was formerly Mrs. Valeria Culbert of Kincar- dine. 'Their home was in Mitch- ell.