The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-05-02, Page 16BUTTON'S MEAT MARKE LUCKNO'W HOME GROWN BEEF BY THE HALF OR QUARTER FRESH PORK HALF OR WHOLE CUSTOM KILLING HOGS AND CATTLE ON TUESDAY BEEF ONLY ON THURSDAY • LICENSED ABATTOIR — GOVERNMENT • INSPECTE1 0 PA011 SIXT111111 • THE LUCKNOW TINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MA KING RIDGE WHEN COMING TO BUY PARTS PLEASE' BRING THE MAKE AND MODEL NUMBER OF YOUR. ENGINE — IT' WILL HELP US HELP YOU. Purple Grove WI Hold Banquet . • The Purple Grove Women's Institute held the May meeting in the community centre. It was the annual banquet of the Sunihine Sisters/ and the 4-H club girls served a delicious turkey dinner. There were 20 members sat down to a table decorated with spring flowers. Mrs. Victor Gawley and Mrs. Donald Robertson presented each • member with an Easter ' bonnet, and there was a colourful parade around the table, as they sang "Easter Parade". • , Mrs. Earl Elliott was. at the head of the table, and she wel- comed everyone. Mrs. Donald Gillies•thanked the 4-H club girls for serving the banquet. Mrs. Donald Reid was secretary, and business was dealt with. The district annual meeting'is May 15 in Belrnore. ,The delegates to attend pre Mrs. Donald Mc- Cosh, Mrs. Earl Elliott, Mrs. , Francis Boyle and Mrs. Donald Reid.? Mrs. Donald Robertson Was con vener. Each month of the year ,was with a reading or 'a sing song. Mrs. Burton Collins conducted two contests. 'Each member 'received the Sunshine Sister gift and drew names for another year. Mrs. McCosh gave a humor- ous reading./ Mrs. William Arn- old spoke on'the founding of the institute and how much good work, it has done through, the years. The June meeting will be .held ,June 8 at the Community Centre, O'Keefe have comp London. Annie Van Diepe first year at Western Um Kathy Hogan a d Marianne d their. rsity, has, completed her final year at Western and Frank Van Diepen- beck has completed his course atl Fanshawe College, London: Paul . Fravrle has completed his first year at Waterloo,'University. John Sheardown has corripleted his term in the Recreation Course at Conestoga College, Kitchener and is now employed back on Recreation at the. Phys - chiatric Hospital, Gocleridh. ' Mrs. John Miltenberg was a patient in a hospital in Kitchener this past week. John and Steven Howard and Terry Dalton attended the Ontario PerformanCe Plus Bull • 'Sale at Guelph on Saturday. The sale was sponsored by the Ontario Beef Cattle. Performance Associa- tion. John O'Neil and sons, Joseph and Peter.Of Jackson, Michigan, spent the week end at their cot- tage at Huron Sands and, also visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Howard and family. . ° Mr. and Mrs. Pete Van Osch and family visited with Betty's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Beck- er of Mildmay bit Sunday. Shoana Martin, infant daughter' of Mr. andMrs. Jim Martin is now home from University Hospit- al, London. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Frayne and family, were Mrs. Albert Kraehmer of Listow- el, Mr. and Mrs. Jim McCaffery and family of Kitchener and Miss Linda Scoular of Toronto, knew red carpet has been in- stalled in the Sanctuary of the Kingsbridge, church which certainty helps to enhance the beauty and warmth of the church. Several from this area were among those who completed the St. John's Ambulance Course at Brookside School on Thursday evening. . , Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Austin accompanied Alvin Moran to London on Sunday to visit with Mrs. Alvin Moran, a patient at University •Hospital. Mrs. Lulu Fitzgerald and fam- ily and her mother Mrs. Murphy of Stratford spent the week end at't-their cottage here. Mrs. Cliff Austin has returned to her home here after spending the winter months with her fam- ilies. , • Mrs. Airie Van Diepen entered Victoria Hospital on April 30th, where she will undergosurg Sunday dinner guests with and MrS, Antone Van Oschi tunny were Mr. and Mrs, .and Heffernan, Jerry lieffen of Stratford, Ray Hefferndni Mitchell,• Miss Blanche Bilodeau of Waterloo and Mj and Mrs. Jack Van ()soh, The spring formal was hel the Goderich District Collegiate on Friday event Diane Crawford, daughter° Mr. and Mrs. Horace Craw Was crowned QUeen, Mary' Rooy, daughter of Mr, and John VanRooy of Kingsbridgi was one of the seven pretty chosen: for the Queen contes Lucknow Machine Shop PHONE 528-3835 h • And we would be pleased to service and repair your gardening equipment Get pollution off your chest. Ontario is a fast-growing province— 'more people, more Vehicles, more factories: more machines every day. With that' growth comes: the threat Of damage to our environment. Pollution of all kinds. - The Ministry of the Environment is Ontario's guardian of our air and land and water. • Here's who we are and what we do: Air Pollution. ' 1. We monitor the air for pollution and order corrections if unacceptable levels occur.' 2.. We track down strange, odours in the air and 'many thfrigs you can't smell and eliminate them if they are dangerous. 3. We investigate suspected air. pollution injury to people or property. .A.We.a.re responsible for noise pollution and are creating enforceable noise control measures. Land Pollution. I. We deal with all the leftOvers of our affluent society—the industrial waste, pro- cessed organic wastes, and ordinary garbage. And regulate its transportation arid disposal. 2. We study recycling as an aid to reducing quantities of waste and to avoid depletion of our natural resources. I We control the use and application of pesticides which are unacceptable for pollution 'reasons. Water Pollution. 1.We protect all of Ontario's water sources froth pollution. 2. We develop and control surface and., ground water resources. We watch all potential sources of, industrial' and agricultural water pollution. 4. We plan. build and finance modern .seWage.and waterworks facilities forOntario . . municipalities. ,.5. We supervise all private waste disposal' syStems. Ontario,has sonic of the most corn- 'prehensive legislation in North America'to protect our environment/But it will take the effort of everyone' to solve our pollution problems. , • Won't.you help? 'ENVIRONMENT ONTARIO i Ontario Ministry of the Environment. 'Ron. James A, C. Auld, Minister. Everett Biggs, Deputy Minister, .N.:ou need our help, or yoU'd like to get a pollution prOblem off your chest. here's who you cal l: Water 985 Adelaide Street South. London. Ontario Phone: (519) 673-1230 Air ' 135 St. Clair Avenue West, TorontO, Ontario. Phone: (416) 965-1971 or Zenith 3-3220 Land • 135 St. Clair Avenue 'West. Ttironto.'Onta rio Phone: (416) 965-1071 For more informat;on ,-,r1 the Minhtit and iv, programs .i,vrite: Information Services Branch, 135 St.' Clair Avenue WeSt,TorOnto MO 115.