The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-04-25, Page 18OF GOOD USED CARS I 1973 CHEV El Camino, N8, low ,mileage 1973 PONTIAC Le 'Mans 4, door, V8 automatit, power . deer and brakes 1973 CHEV Impala 4 door hardtop, fully equipped 1973 cif EvELLE,, 2 deer hardtop 1973 FORD Galaxie 500 2 door hardtop, V8 automatic, la steering and brakes 1973 FORD Galaxie 500 4 door hardtop, automatic, pov steering and brakes ' 1 1971 CHEV Impala, 2 door hardtop, V8 automatic,.powcri steering and power brakes • I 1971 PLYMOUTH 2 door hardtop, V8 automatic, power atel - • , 2 = 1971 DODGE frolaro 2 door hardtops V8 automatic,' steering and brakes 1970 CHEV % ton 6 Cylinder 1970. FORD Custom 500, 4 deer V8 automatic 1970 FORD Galaxie `500,4 door hardtop, power equipped 2 1970 CHEVELLE itationwagons, 4 door, V8 automatic, steering 1969 CHEV panel, automatic, .power steering 1968 CHEV van, *levy duty equipped 1967 PONTIAC Grand' Parisienne, 4 door hardtop Wel":.#49•34.4.4":":****:" power brakes 4.4 CAR SALES LTD; PHONE. 5441 YTH Visiting with Mrs. Ross Martyn in Ripley and also at the Bruce Beach family cottage were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Martyn and Mr. and Mrs: Rod MacLennan of Toronto. • * * « • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, PJCKNOW,. ONTARIo, WEDNESDAY, qp i presented their annual variety concert. They are to be congratu lated, on a fine performance as well as their talent and enthus iasm in presenting the concert. President of the Student Council, Cannon Courtney welcOmed those 'in attendance. The student choir sang five numbers. ;Prelude mus- ic was played by Gail 'Messenger, Debbie Tranter Sally Elliott and. Greg Liddle with Jim Dore playing the guitar. 'Gymnastics, including tumbling and horse exercises, was directed by teach er Reuben Burnett of Pine River. A comic number entitled "Three Bears" was well staged. by Janice Reeves of Ripley and Nancy Mc- adze of Olivet. Donna Needham danced the Highland Fling. Five girls of the Glee Club including Miss Debbie Corrin of Lucknow along with Debbie Tranter, Bonnie Boyle, Liz MacKay and Kim Farrell sang a group of songs. Intermission music was played by Beverly Smith while. the stage setting was made for'the drama play "Here Come the Brides" dir- ected by teacher Brian Esch and Sally Harrison. Taking part in the play were Bruce Nicholson, Jim Farrell, Bob ,.amp bell, Arlene Trainer, Anne Stan- ley, Ken MacLeod, Marg MacKay, Janice and Julie Reeves. In " charge 'of make up 'for the play were Dianne MacKay, Donna Needham, Margie Collins and, Nancy McGuire and in. charge of props Sally Elliott and. Kathy Far- rell. This play had been present- ed in the festival at Port 'Elgin. In charge of the music this yeai were. Joan Ferguson, Marg MacKay and Sally Elliott. The students are to be congratulated on the way in which they train themselv es in this department. /This re- porter was glad -to be back "home" on Thursday night to be in 'Charge. of admissions at the door. Among the many here for the occasion , were' Mr. 'and Mrs. John McMur-t, Etchy of Lucknow and Mr. and Mrs: Esch of Toronto, Brian. Esch's parents who made, the special trip up to Ripley. :TREES DESTROYED CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 On the West *side of sideroad num- ber This is the reforested farm to the north of Mts. Bette Mac- , Leod's home. Here the dead grass among the evergreen trees had caught on fire. The site of the fire and the condition of The ground made it impossible for chief Doug Liddle and. Alvery Hayes to get anywhere clOse to use the engine. So the 'eight firemen, Doug Liddle, Al- very Hayes; Lloyd Wylds, George MacLean, John Dodds, Gordon Seca.. John D. MacKay and Ted. Rouse used shovels, brooms and hard work to put the fire out. The officer, in charge of the Natural Resources Department at Wing: ham and the firemen estimated about 3750 trees on a three and a quarter acre area were destroyed.' Jacob Rohrer, who owns the 50 acres on the west half of lot six was burning piles of bulldozed willows and it is thought that embers earned by the wind caus- ed the outbreak. • • S • 0 A Regional Fire. School is being held this week in Walkerton. Special fire fighting equipment is being brought from Gravenhurst. for inspection and demonstration. On Monday evening the Huron Township Council inspected it. Attending the Training School from Ridley are John D. MacKay, Alvery Hayes and Doug Liddle. On Thursday evening the town of Walkerton is holding a banquet for those at the Regional School. • $ • Early last week the streets of Ripley got their first spring sweep- ing and cleaning. On-the job were Jim Bonnett, Ernie Stauffer, Jerome Strauss, Peter carter and Mel Arnold. Also Gore Park, in the centre of the village, was raked and cleaned. Jim Bonnett, Using the village, truck, hauled away the dirt and debris. • • * • • • • Ben Farrell of the Clark's dist- rict on concession 12 in.Huron Township recently returned home after spending the winter in British Columbia. A great tenor singer and a member of the fam- ous Clark's quartet of past years, Ben attended the annual variety concert of the. Ripley District High School where his granddaugh ters Kathy and Kim, Farrell took part., He spent the winter since the first of February in. Vancouver with his daughter Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harrison. , i • • Last Thursday • afternoon eight white whistling swans settled down for a rest 'on a pond on the back of the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Farrell on the tenth conces- sion west just to the east of the Bluewater or • HighWay, 21. Son Bill Farrell reported that later in the evening they flew south, per- haps to 'rejoin the group which generally settle in Ashfield town- ship each spring. • • * * On Wednesday and Thursday evening of last week the students of the Ripley District. High School . • . 0, •• • • • Up from London for the Easter week end were •Mr. and Mrs. Paul Harris from St. Joseph's Hospital in' London visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Greer in Lucknow. While here Paul and Bunny called over to Ripley on Saturday morning. Both are in charge of sections of the large laboratory department on the second .floor at St. Joe's. Recently Paul was awarded his "Advanced Certification in Med- ical Technology" and• is presently the Charge Technologist in, the .haemology department at St. Joe's with• about tentechnicians in it. His wife Bunny is the Charge:Technologist in the Path- ology Department where they • examine slides of various body tissues. Next door to her depart- ment Courtney MacDonald of • Ripley works in the bio Chemist. ry Department.. It was very nide to meet Paul and Bunny and talk over'St u Joseph's Hospital again. • * 0 • . • OLIVET Several' from this area attended the Ripley District High' SO'hool Variety Concert on Wednesday and Thursday evening of.last week. Mrs. Gordon Mauer and Todd of Huron Park spent the holiday week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Oscar White and May. Mrs. Martin McNeil and Bob of Williamsford visited on Satur- day with Mr. and Mrs. Ted White and Allan. David Jolliffe of Toronto spent a couple of days last week with Mr. and Mrs. David 'Rigg and Adon. Congratulations to Mr. and • back.on Satuiday afternoon.. • • • * * Mr. and Mrs. John MacDonald and their son and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacDonald, all of London visited with his sister Mrs. John Robertson and Miss Chris Robertson on the week end. • • • • •. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Munn of Stoney Creek, near Hamilton, were at their Bruce Beach cottage and visited in Ripley. Gordon undergoes surgery to his left eye this' Friday in the Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital in Burlington. Gordon is head of the mathematics department at Saltfleet Collegiate and taking his place teaching there for the next two months will be Henry J'. Down, formerly of Kincardine. * • • s' • ' Mrs. 'Glen Hodgins on the of a baby. boy on Saturday ing in Kincardine Hospital Visiting with Mr. .and Oscar White. And May on S Were Mr. and Mrs, Wane and, Paul of Wingham, kir Mrs: Doug Mciore Eddie, ael and Darren of Ripleya and Mrs.. Ted White and Dave Million and Mr, .1 Bill Million of Goderich on, Friday afternoon with? W. R. Hamilton and Mr, Ray Hamiltbn and Wendy! Mrs. Gina Romagnoli, I and Danny of Toronto spa holiday week end with MI Mrs. David' Rigg and Ado COMMENCED WORK INL Jack McGuire commen work on Monday with G, Sales 'and. Service in Luc Mr and Mrs. Lewis St London visited With Mr; Ray Hamiltdn and Wendy Mrs ! W'. R. Hamilton on Mr. and Mrs. jack Mc and family visited with Mrs. Robert Engel, Mail Robbie on Sunday evening their cottage 'at the Lake, Harold Stacey of Barrie Friday and Saturday with Mrs. Ray Hamilton and Mr. Stacey is a brother Hamilton. Bill Black of London w for the holiday week end parents Mr. and Mrs; WA1 Mack. These weeds can turn your fields into jungles. Outfox is a • • RIG T.1{. post-emergence corn( herbicide you apply to weeds after they show up. And no residual effects from one season to the next. So you can rotate crops With ho fear, of herbiCide carryover. Gait Agricultural Chamicala Company Limited. brinnipag 1. Manitoba. Canada Otatribuird by Mbar Company in Ontario and Ouotao. OUTFOX IS AVAILABIllm HACKETT BROS. FARM EQUIPMENT At their Ripley home. for the Good Friday. holiday were ,Mr. and Mrs. Jim Moirier of Hamil- ton. Jim and Anna May went PAGE . EIGHTEEN