The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-04-18, Page 21TDOEffi YOU NAVE If YOU 00 ITIA Y0.040 *Rep e SUNOCO GARA LUCKNOVi PHONE 528411. KELLOGG'S CORN FAKES, 16 oz. pkg. 46c CLOVER LEAF COHOE SALMON, • 1/2 lb. tin AJAX WINDOW CLEANER; 20 oz. tin 69c 68c It was reported that all litera- ture concerning the proposed sen- ior, citizens houing unit had been mailed out. Council authorized $751 sign :for the front of the Mu al Office.: • a A bylaw was passed limiting the weight on the Havelocy Street bridge between Elgin, and Canning to a 20,000 lbs. gross vehicle weight. Literature and prices on lawn mowers was presented discuSsed but no decision purchase. WE ARE CELEBRATING OUR - . 7 - 80th ANNIVERSARY IN THE FURNITURE BUSINESS DROP IN AND LOOK OVER,OUR . , 2 PIECE CHESTERFIELD . SUITI 'BARGAIN PRICES EYERY .DA• .:LUCKNOIN •••••••••••••—i•simi‘ „„„„„„„„,„„,„„„,,„„,„,„„„„„„,„,„„,„„„„„,„„„,„„-„,„„„„„„,„„,„„„„,„, .101INSIONE, and. S FURNITURE IePOKIVOIN SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO erne: Tweray. ..uniatmor iL Lucknow Concert Band , Play Bruce County Schools Last Week On Thursday, April 12, at 9.00, the public school members of the LtIcknow Concert Bind left Luck- now for a tour of various schools in Bruce County. They arrived at the Ripley- Huron Central Public School at 9.30 for their first performance of • the day. After this, they went on to Port Elgin where they play- ed for about eight hundred pupils at, the Port Elgin-Saugten Cent- ral Public School. After the performance, the band members hacr4an hour to eat their lunch and tour the school. They then viewed the excavation site of the Nodwell Indian Village which is being reconstructed just out- side Port Elgin. Next, they journeyed to the Mildmay Carrick Public School arriving at about 2.00. After the program there, they went to Walkerton where the group were given an. hour and 'a half to shop and haie supper. The juniors were joined at Hillcrest Central in Teeswater by the senior members of the band .for a short concert at, the school's open. house. A tired but happy group arrived back at Luclmow at about 10.00. AUTHORIZE PURCHASE CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 ham, Reeve Joynt told Mr. Lyons that any moves made' by council were not intended to hamper plans to erect 'a building, but that they were done in the interest of pres- erving that 'area as prime residen- tial deyelopment which, in the long run, would benefit the Lyons• family. "We are interested in control of that area so lots can be soy' by, you and houses built" was the comment of the Reeve. Some other points were brought forth by Mr. Lyons concerning, damage to his property when the -new water well was installed. He was promised that these would be investigated.. Asking about a road into the new home of Frank Scott, Mr. Lyons was told that council were obligated to do this but had been advised by•Mr. Scott that he did not plan to use this home during the Winter and so had left the road work until this spring. Mi. Joynt said the road would be taken to the Scott residence at' present, and:if more 'development takes place in the area, it will be extended.. • Harry Lavis appeared before council to discuss a Water drain- -• age problem which exists on Rose Street in the village. He feels that tree roots might, have damaged tile in an existing drain on the street causing a serious problem for residents' on the street.- The-'Reeve stated that he would check with the works department and have the matter investigated. BOSNIAN - SNOWDEN Mr. and Mrs. Ernest _Snowden; R. R. 2 Lucknow, wistito announce the engagement of their only daughter Lit* Marie to David Janies Bosnian, son •of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bosman, 13e1- grave. The marriage will take place on Saturday, May 19 at 3. 3 0 p.m. at Donnybrook United Church. PRATT - MacINTYRE Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Mac- Intyre of , R. R. 5 Lucknow are pleased to announce the forth- coming marriage of , their daugh- ter Barbara Theresa to Mr. And- rew Paul Pratt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Colin Pratt , of Ancaster. The wedding will take place at South Kinloss Presbyterian Church on Saturday, May 12th at 3 p.m. ROBINSON - McDOWELL Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McDow- ell, Belgrave, Ontario are pleas- ed to announce the engagement of their daughter, Janice Ferne, to 'Mr.. Larry David Robinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robinson, Belgrave, Ontario. The marriage will take place May 5, 1973 at.? p.m. o'clock in Blyth United Church. a parade with a. Kitchener Drum and Bugle Corps, the pool open mg, a barbecue and a band at night. .* • WEDNESDAY,, APRIL Stanle A bylaw authorizing the struction of the swimming] financed by the Lions CO, also passed: • 1 -Councillor Whitby was 0 ed t'o look into the probabil of securing and flying the town hall. Thanks were expressed Council for floral remernbr on their anniversaries from and Mrs. Harry Nixon, Mt Mrs. Percy Graham and fro Bank of MOntreal for allot remembrance on-the. openi their new branch. 4F1Piefici "IL S; SEED POTATOES, CORN, BEANS, PEAS, AND ONION SETS IN BULK S GENERAL STORE Lanes -:--- Phone 529-7248 N • c 9, • THE MESSAGE OF EASTER, IS A MESSAGE OF HOPE FOR TO-DAY AND THE DAYS TO COME Fire.Chief,George. Whitby of Lucknow appeared before coun- cil on several matters concern- ing the fire department. A firefighter's school is being held for a week at Walkerton April 23 to 27. Chief Whitby ad- vised that two members of Luck- now Fire. Department,' Ross Irwin and Terry Rathwell, would attend as representatives of this depart- ment. He suggested allowances of $125 per week per man plus mileage for the two men who would have to take time from their work to*attend. Council . authorized the money plus 140 per mile travel expense. Fire Chief Whitby requested the purchase of a Power saw for use by the department at an estimat- ed cost of about $300., Council approved this expenditure. The saw, with special cutting blade, would enable the 'Fire Department to cut the top off a car in an ,emergency to release an injured victim : It would also enable• the department to quickly cut a hole in a roof, something that is, not possible with the present equip- ment. Approval was granted the Fire Department to motorize the reel for the small red hose atop t.the truck. Jim Boyle will do ' this work. The reel has always been operated by hand with some difficulty at times, and it is pres• ently slipping which makes it dangerous for men to operate. • Reeve Joynt *reported that Paul Henderson day had been set 'for Saturday, June 23 with the Lions and Legion co-operating to pro mote the day. On the plans are •