The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-04-18, Page 11'ALL PRICES - EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING.SAT.. APR. 2'l • .• • CLOSED GOODIRIDAY -•OPENALLDAY THURSDAY •. RIPLEY MEAT' MARKET RIPLEY 3 9 5-296 Custom Farm Work Anhydrous Ammonia Applying • SPRAYING HARYES CROP DR 5205 LAKE RANGE ACRES TIMOTHY HUNTER PLOUGHING CULTIVATING PLANTING Gederich FRONTS OF BEEF LB./4C ."REEZERCE H.-FILLEIt SPECIALS _CHOI EREFORD BEEF BEEF CHUCKS "19C THESE PRICES INCLUDE CUTTING, WRAPPING & QUICK FREEZING NO, EXTRA CHARGE BLADE, CHUCK OR SHORT RIB ALL BEEF LEAN 50 LB. LOTS HAMBURG LB. 75c ROASTS 0.851 BLADE STEAKS LB.9 5C I BRAISING RIBS LB.75 - :YOUNG BEEF LIVER SIDES BEEFLB. olt• WEDNESDAY, ApRIk. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • H ..400 Atsembly Marks education Week BUTT OR SHOULDER WHOLE - OR HAI CHOPS' LB.89cl PORK LB. 59 An assembly with all classes participating marked' Education Week at Kinloss Central Public Schbol. After the singing of 0 Canada, the Bible Striry was read by Rene Duiker.. Michael Hayes was the announcer for this assembly. ROOM 4 A ski't by the Grade 2 boys "The'Dog House" was performed by Jerry Ward, Paul Macintyre, Douglas Ross, Richard Duiker, David Exel, Robert Kerslake, Er- ' .ic Haldenby. A skit by Grade 1"'What'Are You Looking At?" included Leader - 'Lawrence Clarke and Dale Hayes, Monica llarternink; Michael Jansen, Kimberley-Mc- • Arthur; Marc Ackert, Cathy Stanley, Debbie Stanley, Wendy . FOrster,•Timmy Ward, Brent Sutton, Debbie Hedley, Heather /vloulton, Helen Maclntyre. • • Mexican Songs • "Chiapanece and "Come Senorita" were sung / by the.Grade 1 girls and Grade 2 girlS,(Elaine Moulton, Jennifer Tait, Linda Ann Bushell). ROOM 1 Anne Doelman read the'poem "Bunny Ears" which was. dramat- ized by Wayne Phillips and Rod- , ger Forsyth. "Bunnies in Spring" was given by Heather Stanley. • An orche-stra, using instruments froth around the classroom, was made ups of Kirnmy Jo Bolte, Theresa. Jansen, Kimmy Sutton, Perrin Dore, Joey Tiffin, Richard Day, Brenda Hayes and Tommy. Downey. , "An' Easter Rabbit". play was written and dramatized by Con- nie Stanley, Karen Eckenswiller, Michelle van Boven, Linda vander. Klippe, and Lisa Husk. ' Noot-Chee and the Paddle, 'a play front the Grade 3 reader was acted by Richard McArthur, Scott Fawthrop, Ross Kerslake, Catyn Nicolson, Connie Stanley and , ,Michelle van Boven,_ ROOM - GRADES. 3 & 4 Room 3 presented the following numbers: The Barnyard.Song with, Marty I3olte, Tami 'Griffiths, - Collette. Kenyon, 'Mary Stanley, Sandra Smith, Ivonne Harternink, Arthur Clarke, Judy Ward, Nancy Haldenby, Dianne. Bushell, Bon- nie Clark, Brenda Phillips, Bon- nie Hall, Jeannette Duiker and the whole class as, singers; Play . "Get Up and Bar the Door with Karen Young, Dale Gilchrist, Allan Eadie .and Brian Murray; Mr. Froggie and Miss'Mouse's Romance" in song, David Williamson, Karen Young, Carol Bannerman; Lori Symes,.Ronnie McFarlan, and the whole etas. as singers; "The Luck of Benny Boo" play. with David Young,' Lois Hanna, Wayne. Murray," Michelle Edwards, Teresa Murray and David Williamson. ROOM• 2 - GRADES 4 & 5 This is EducatiOn Week. Our room would like to. show you some of the ways that we can get involved in education in,our com- munity as well as in our school. Student Skills were demonstrat- ed by the following:Reading - Laurie Sutton'and Lynne Nicolson; Writing -,Laurie Sutton; Arithmetic - Jamies Young and Pat Malley; Spelling - This was a spelling match. Murray Gil- christ acted as teacher. Team I' was. Janice Thompson and Mary Ann Ritchie. Team II was Btuce Hedley and Lea Anne Haldenby; Arts and Crafts - Susan Fawthrop and Carol Wilson; Parent Teacher Interview - Judy and Mary Helen MacDonald gave ' a humorous int- erview. Judy was the "parent" and Mary Helen was the teacher; Debate - "School - Good or Bad" Bruce Hedley was moderator. Those on the good side were. Alice Vander Klippe and Kenny McFarlan: The bad side was represeted by Briar! Bushell and Beverley Bell; Community Activities: K6c key - Jan Van BOven was referee for "a short game of flOor hockey. Team I was Paul Murray and Jim Smith. Team II was Blaine Morningstar and Mark Haldenby; Band Janice Thompson played a number on her' recorder; Mus- ic Lessons Alice Vander Klippe played' a. piano solo; Pioneer: Girls - Members of the Pioneer Girls sang iheir club song. "Reach for the Top" was on a Geography theme. Questions were taken .from Mexicp and Australia. Moderator was Alice Vander Klippe. Team I - Darren Vali Boven, Nancy Maclnnes, Charlie Hodgins, Linda Moulton; Team II - Marilynne IvIacIntyre, Sharon Bolte, Randy HayeS, Murray Gil- christ. Music - The songs "The. Old Rugged Cross" and "Were you there?" were Sung by all the'pup- ils in the room. 'ONTARIO DAIRY PRINCESS Miss Sherry Pollock, Ontario Dairy. Princess has been invited to speak to the classes on Monday , April 16. We are all looking forward to this. KINTAIL Mrs. Harvey Hagedorn of. Ear Falls in'North Western Ontario, has b'eerv/isiting in' the commun- ity this past week, and with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mac- Donald of Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Gciur of Deer River, Minnesota, visited this week with her sister and brother-in-law Mr. and' Mrs. Earl HoweS. Mr. and Mrs . Ed Williamson • .of Wyoming. visited Sunday with his sister Mr. and Mrs. EWan MacLean. • • AliO visiting at .the MacLean home on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Allan MacLean of Coiling- wood. Their son Duncan Mac- :Lean is in his last year studying. Business Administration at Ryerson College, and their daughter Lexie, has become a registered nurse. Mrs. Rhetta MacLennan spent last week in hospital in London. She returned to her home on Fri- day. Preparatory service will be held Friday evening in. the'Ashfield Presbyterian Church with Com- munion service to' be held on Sunday a. tn, at 11 o'clock. Many from here attended the. Spring Variety and Minstrel • Show at Brookside school on Thurs- day and Friday nights of last iaeek. They reported an enjoyable evening both nights. Pupils and teachers of Kings- bridge St. Joseph's School have prepared an operetta "The Magic Beanstalk" to be presented Tues- day of thii Week by Grades 5 -8., Install Officers At W.I. Meeting Lucknoi4 Women's Institute held their April meeting on Friday, April 13th in the town hall. The president, Mrs. A. J. Wilson open- ed the meeting with the 'opening Ode and, the Mary Stewart Collect The program was made up of the reports 'from the Secretary- Treasurer and the conveners of •the different committees. Mrs. 'Charles Steward reported for. the "Cheerio" and thanked the ladies fOr'remembering Her while she was sick, Mrs. Harry Nixon thank ed the Institute for the plant they received for their sixtieth , wedding anniversary. As this was the'last meeting of the• year, the president finish- ed up the business and then turn- ed. the meeting over to Mrs. 'Phil- ip Stewart who broUght in the new slate of officers: Past' President , Mrs. Alex MacNay; President, Mrs. A. J. WilSon; 1st Vide, Mrs. Walter Alton; 2nd vice, Mrs. George Whitby; Sec . -Treas urer, mrs. w1VIr n Helm; Omar Pianist,' Asst, Wes Ritchie; Atistant, Elk Robinson; Cheerio Com„ •Chas. Steward and Mrs. Ne MacCallum; Pinecrest Man Mts. Frank Miller; Federate News, Mrs. Wni.. Helm; a ers of Standing ,Committees Agriculture and Industries,. Sam' Gibson; Citizenship an WOrld Affairs, ,Mrs, Alex iv Nay; Education and Cultuta activities , Mrs. Gordon Fish Family and. Consumer Affa' Mrs. Evelyn Barkwell; Reso Mrs. Hwaard, Barger; Curat Mrs. Gar field MacDonald; Relations officer, Mrs, Wes Ritchie; Representative to lea Haven, Mrs. Alex Mac The .officers Were install the roll call was answered, paying of fees/and each m drew a new' sunshine sister another year. The theetin 'ed /with the singing of the' and the Grace and all sat a bountiful pot luck suppel Each member found her su sister and exchanged ing another year to a suce close. • • ...PORK SPECIALS • HOMEMADE SAUSAGE. LB. LOWER.INTEREST:RATES NOW AVAILABLE ON St 'and 2nd Molitgages anywhere in Ontario on ' RESIDENTIAL - INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL and FARM PROPERTIES Interim financing on new construction °or land development FOR REPRESENTATIVES IN YOUR AREA PHONE SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS AND CONSULTANTS LIMITED • (SI!) 7444535 Need Office —Si Weber St. Ef, Kitchener, Ontario WE BUY EXISTING MORTGAG ES FOR INSTANT CASH • LOIN PORK CHOPS....$109 -,PAGIP TWELVE, LOSS CENTRAL P.S.