The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-04-18, Page 3ED RITE FOOD STORES LIGHT Fl Or. Tin Chunks 45` til):. Ku. 2 r gly -or o u 4 TTI 1 ""g•88'Dinner DRITE , ASSORTED VARIETIES tEANI '1/2101. NEST BUY! — PREMIUM 1 1/2-Lb. Tin IFT'S: HAMS* 3.99 BEST BUY! — PURE Strawberry, Cherry, Black Current 9 FL. Oz. Jar • • SMITH'S JAMS 39c FEATURE!- SWEET MIXED B. I-CK'S PICKLES FEATURE! ARGARINE, Blue Bonnet 3; Fl. Oz. Jar' 2-Lb.'Pkg: FEATURE! -. REDISCOVER WHITE FACIAL OTTIES Tissues ETERGENT 200 200 x 2-Ply Pkgs. K LI I 4-; mmuunuommummummtummuummummummmusimmumummomminnas U R. Oz. Oho 1.6 r LILIES 4 and 5 Blooms $2,49 eager cavbe beatell CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL; LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ommilimisimalillIMINISIMMISIMIIIMIIIIMINIMINIORM1111111111111110111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111M11011101111;111111101MMINUMINSIMIIIII 1. EASTER t ;Ito ara PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE ...WITH A SMILE! kinerware sulIe wun CANADA DRY . POP CASE OF ti) 70 24 TINS 4..s " MAPLE LEAF 6 to Pica. II BUNS 43c REST BUY! — FLAVOUR CRYSTALS •ALLEN'S ORANGE 5 34;H: 75c 18, 1973 U. • • • DEVON BACON 87 lb. pkg. THIS WEEKS FEATURE C U P PAGE MEI BEST BUY! — 12" x 25-et. Roll MAR . Dn. BALLARD'S 6F $ 'OD 15 110z. •.0i FOIL1111RA THIS THURSDAY 8 A.M. TILL 9 P.M. CLOSED FRIDAY Bug geWeeN MAPLE LEAF MILD .CURED RINDLESS 1-Lb. Pkg. STUART Noun 39c n n n - It N n • • n n VVHITE PHONE 5281001 . mmillommtimmommimniimounmummourinummisimumummiumummununionion STORE .411\ 111 11111111111MBINNIMIIMIBMIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111111111 Ashfield is Hospital, a patient t Moffat of yes and 11.ondon • d Leo :know on la in Elospital, a am and aday, and Mrs . 3 Gorier- Miss Jean Osborne, accOmpan- ied by Mrs. Evelyn Huston of Kitchener, left Toronto by' motor for the Western Provinces recently, Miss Osborne has a nephew living in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Miss-Osborne was a former High School teacher' in Lucknow and Mes. 'Wes ,(Evelyn) Huston was a former resident here: " KILLED IN FLORIDA CONTINUED :FROM PAGE 1 of the former Anna Mae Blue and granddaughter of Sadie, and the-late George Blue of Detroit, formerly of this community. At the, time of the accident Michele was, visiting with' her paternal grandparents who reside in Florida. Michele; who,was in her 19th year, was well known in this area , especially among the young people, as She had spent part of each summer since she was a child at the home of her cousins Mr. and Mrs. Finlay MacDonald, and attended the MacDonald reunion. Of a friendly and outgoing nat- ure, Miss Parets will be sadly Missed by a large circle of friends. To her Mother and her sister Lisa"the cordinunity extends their deepest sympathy. After' service in Detroit on Tuesday, the remains was brought on Wednesday morning to Lochalsh Rev. Glenn Noble of Lucknow • Presbyterian Church officiated at the committal serviceat Lobhalsh Cemetery at'12 noon. Social Evening For Maxwells A social evening in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Maxwell was held at the Holyrood Township Hall on:Thursday night of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell have sold their Holyrood General Store to Mr.. and Mrs. Donald Murray and Jack will' establish a, photo- graphy business in Ingersoll, a trade he practiced before purchas.' ing the 'store just over two' years ago. The presentation of a'mirror was made by` Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Murray on behalf of Holyrood area friends. ' Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell have a family of five children, Dawne Tom 6; Bob 3, Leslie 2 and , , Jan 1. Mrs., Maxwell is the form- er Laurette Fischer of the Tees , water area., Honour Ladies Upon Retirement Staff members from Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home met on Tuesday, April 10th to honor Mrs. Fred Gilchrist, Mrs. John Jordan and Mrs. Philip Steer who have retired. The ladies spent a pleasant evening at Mrs. Don Cameron's home in Lucknow. Mrs. Steer, Mrs,. Harry Lavis, Mrs: Ivan Con- ley , Barbara and Rosalea Camer- on entertained with musical numbers. Mrs.. Gilchrist and. Mrs, Lloyd Moffat had readings and Mrs. Jim McNaughton gaVe a humorous monologue.". A bountiful lunch, including a birthday cake for. Mrs. Gilchrist, was very much enjoyed by all. The three ladies were present- ed with gifts by Mrs. John Crow• ston. Mrs. Conley and Mrs. Moffat. Mrs. George Newbold Wished the ladies well and each .gave a fitting reply,