The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-04-04, Page 22ashw...00 indow Units In .,A Design' and Style To' Suit Your Home PLASTORAMIC UNITS_ As Low As $31.55 TREMCLAD RUST-PREVENTATIVE PAINT CARPETING CDSHIONFLOR AND LINOLEUM voua cotinz# HOME ritcomriNo CENTRE . PINLAY NCO 1.010,, . LUCKNOW, ONTARIO AND PAINTS MO) ,, DMPI Lucky anon Conte# etittre AY& si,.. free booklet If you'd like to win a. color television; stainless steel - cutlery service or valuable cash vouchers towards the cost of brighten- ing your home , with the latest Suny,vorthy Wall- fashions then we are definitely it! •Come on down now and enter as often as you like. And get FREE, while supplies • last, the new Sunyvorthy decoMtor booklet. • "SunwOrthy Environ- ments" just crammed with bright ideas to brighten up your hoMe. But hurry! C:ompetition 'closes June 1st! THE .L.KICNIOW'SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • WEDNESDAY, APRIL. MEDIUM CHEESE2extra special 1 lb. 85c JELLO JELLY POWDERS, 3 oz. pkg. 4 for 49c OLD 'S STORE GENERAL • FIR. 7 Lucknow — Lanes S FP lEiC I A, L. Phone 529-7248 500. Easter Eggs In Aid Of Their Foster Child in Pon,' WILL CONTINUE CONTINUED FRO/M PAGE 1 story about Ripley and Huron area Federation of Agriculture leading a protest-meeting when it was learned that Mr. Courtney's mach- inery franchise was to be discon- tinued. The Federation felt that the franchise was vital to farmers and received good support on the question. • A meeting was held and a com- mittee formed"to meet with the, company. The day before the committee was to go to London for a meeting with the firm, a call ,to Mr. Courtney advised.him 2 for 49c that a parts and' serVice depot would be. continued. The committee. met with Inter- national the following day and,' were told.th,at it had never ,been the intention of the firm'to leave the Ripley. area without service and.that ,they will 'continue with Mr. Courtney supplying parts and •service.. It is still their intention . to establish a new product .dealer-• ship in the area, at which tune ' • Mr. Courtney, would. lose the exist ing arrangement. • , Many letters of protest' were sent din from, this aria and, it is the, intention ofthe company to an-. saver each one indWidually. The sale Of Easter eggs made by the Lucknow Canadian Girl's in Training will go towards sup= lucknow bady Died At Brucelea port for Their foster child in Peru. This is the second year the C. G. ' I. T. have ma,de, decorated and sold the eggs, Last year they sold 420 eggs and have made 500 this year. Most of the work was done by the girls during the wint- er school break with the complet- ing part of the project done last week. There are 21 girls and 4 leaders involved in the t e T. project . Pictured above left to rii are 'Mrs, Bob Nicholls, Ludt one of the leaders in the pro Susan Clark, 15, daughter o •Mr. and Mrs'. 'Herb Clark of' Lucknow and Cathy la IllkS0 J6, daughter of Mr.. and tilt's Stuart Jamieson of Lucknow, BRIMFUL TEA, 19 oz. NOW TAKING ORDERS FOR SEED POTATOES Pli VEMENT MRS. JAMES E. CULBERT ' The death of Mrs. James E. Culbert of Lucknow occurred ai Brucelea Haven, Walkerton on Monday. March 26 in her 84th yeir. She was born in Ashfield Town- ship on OctobV, 1889 a daugh- ter of Robert Fitzgerald and Marg- aret Egan. On June 23, 1915 she and James E. Culbert were ,married in Ash- field Township.. They celebrat- ed their 50th wedding anniversary, in 1965. Foy the past four years Mrs. Culbert has been a resident of B.rticelea Haven, Walkerton. • She is survived by her huSband, three datighters and one son, Mrs. Gordon (Beatrice) Will of prant. ford , Mrs. Roy (Jean) Teeft of Dunville, Mrs. Gordon (Shirley) Brooks of Lucknow Ger- ald Culbert of ,of Mills; eleven grandchildren, two great grand- sons and one sister Mrs. A. S. (Frances) Teeft of Dunnville. Mrs. Culbert was predeceased by a sister Mrs. Bert (Laura) Finnegan of Lucknow and a brother William Fitzgerald of betroit. • The funeral Service was held at MacKenzie Memorial Chapel, Lucknow on Thursday, March 29 at 2 p.m. Rey. Robert Nicholls, of Luck- now United Church was minister. Pallbearers were Lome Farrish, Robert Helm , Fred Emberlin, Elmer Culbert, Ab Murray., Bruce Hamilton. Temporary entoMbment was in. South, Kinlost Mausoleum with final resting place Green. hill Cemetery. . IT STOPS' RUST ONE COAT COVERS NO PRIMER NEEDED ••••••11•11 NoW, Right Over . Rust With Ti-eniclad FOR GUTTERS • METAL .ROOFS METAL FENCE LAWN FURNITURE , FAR.M .MACHINERY' , 1,1)111tX 'HENDERSON LUMBER LTD. • Phone 528x3118 Lucknow INFATINS