The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-04-04, Page 20• Tile L.KKNoi/ SENTINEL Ist/cKINOW, ONTARIO wEDNEsofty. Appg om Home Hardware Stores 0Beauti-Tone,<••7available only at Home Hardware Stores. Every can of Beauti-Tone paint • Is guaranteed by your Home Hardware Store. Beauti-Tone is made especially for Canadian climateS. 0 PAGE,IINIENTY—•1 ' • Vetriiit Mqn Well Known Here. WILLIAM BLUE • 4. William Blue passed away in Detroit. Michigan. on Sunday, March 25th following a brief ill- ness.- • •A "son of the late James Blue and Mary, MacLellan, he was born, Huron. Township Septembq 21,1892, • ' • • • He moved to- Detroit in 1916, In 1920 he married Ethel Ander- son., She survives along .with one .daughter Mrs., Donald (Margaret) GillesbY and six grandchildren: He is also survived by 2 sister's... Mr ,Saris. Geddes and Mrs, Lloyd Irwin, andAwo brOthers .Jack Blue and Donald Blue„•all of Ripley. One daughter', Helen.predet eased, him two rponths.previously; also two sisters Mrs. „Grant. (Annie) MacDiarrnid, 'Mrs, Elyrner • . (Bessie) Reavie and one brother. George Blue. • • • Mr.. Blue served in the First • World War in the Field Artillery ,Of the U,S,A,'arrny,„'', • • • He was a member of Westmin- ster Presbyterian Church arid. was an.active. worker .in its organiza tions. He was a 7life member of• Highland Park Masonic, .LOdge • #468. • • • Dr.- Sweet' conducted the .fun,er- 41 services at the:Harper •Mulli-''• gan funeral hOme on the 27th of March,His retired men's club, CondUcted a short service prior •to the service. .• .Pallbearers were 6 nephews, . James .Blue ,.Allanjtwin, Jack • Blue,Eugene Blue „'.Donald Blue and -Roy Stanley: , . Final:resting place was in , White CliaPel•Memoria1.,..darderis, Detroit. • .. , • .., Those attending, from. .... a dist ance•Were cDonald Blue; .Toronto; Jack Blue ,,Listowel; Mr. 'and • ,Mrs. Roy. Stanley and Mr: and'', . Mrs. Huntley. Gordon of London; Mr. and Mrs. •Carneron-,MacDon-- . aid arid.Elymer iteavie of Luck- now; .Mr. arid .,Mrs. Jack Blue, and Mrs,., Donald Blue, Mrs. •• Sam Geddes, Mr, and ,Mrs. Lloyd -.Irwin„ .Mr„' and Mrs. Allan IrWin, Joan Irwin, Neil MacLennan. Mr.' and Mrs. Jack Stott ,• Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. Stott and J.. C. MacDonald, all 'of Ripley, Ontario. • • .• • Will Retire From Preaching WHITECHURCH NEWS Honoured On • 25th Anniversaiy . DUNGANNON NEWS Congratulation.s to Mr. and . Mrs. Harvey' Culbert who cele- br.ated their 25th wedding anniv- ersary* March 27.. On Saturday evening a dance was held inthe Agricultural hall in their honour. Mr. and Mrs. Don Aubin and children of Carripbellville were here for the occasion and made , other calls on a few •of their form- er friends in this comniimity. Mr. and Mrs. George Book from Loreburn, Saskatchewan arrived on Wednesday and Mrs. Isabel Muillin of Lucknow returned from Florida to be present. Mrs. Book and Mrs.. Mullin are sisters of Mrs Culbert. On Sunday evening Mrs. Ken Ohm (nee Bev Culbert), Ken and little daughter Heather had an anniversary dinner for her par- ents. Other guests were Lynn Culbert, Audrey Brrington, God- erich and Neil Dale of Clinton. . May I again say thanks to those in our community who phone me With news items before Monday noon each week, and also to Mrs. ,Alvin Sherwood, Who assisted with reporting during my holiday. Jeffery Austin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Austin. is well again and able to be out playing these • spring-like days. Mr. and Mrs, Bob Ott and Mat- thew from Kitchener were home this week end with Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Eedy and Martha,. Mr, and Mrs. JOhn MaCDoriald and baby Heather were guests of Jim.Little on Sunday and made other calls in the village. - Mr, and Mrs. mike Carney from Guelph have been home week ends with the latter's father, Frank Pentland, and assisting dUr - ing the maple syrup seasoh. Mrs.. Melinda Nivins of Clinton has visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Errington. Norman Culbert of •oderich is in Goderich HOspital,having had a heart attack on Saturday. His grandmother Mrs. Annie Be.re , is in same hospital, Where • she has been a patient since be-• fore Christmas. We think also of Mr: Arthur Elliott who' is still hospitaliZed following' a stroke, Many from the ,Dungarinon area attended the Fashibn Show in Auburn on Wednesday evening, and enjoyed their, fine presen- tation: . Alvin Sherwood and other rela- tiVes attended the funeral of his uncle, Charles Sherwood, in • Detroit on Tues.ilay. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Culbert,, Mrs. Howard Culbert , 'Miss Linda Young and Mrs. Dan MacInnis were "among those who attended the Fashion Show presented at Cenu:alia Wednesday and Thursday. Cathy Culbert has been a student there this year. Jim Culbert, 4th concession, Ashfield is completing his Licen 7 sed Mechanice•cours.e at Guelph .. by taking another .ei2ht. week's . courSe. • Congr, atulations and Jim Culbert on the birth of a baby , girl-,'Jacciutline Elizabeth., on • Ale)'-andra Marine and C;eneral . Hospita hono., Lorne had Mr . a tic!, „jonas.gb, , . Chcnic Kir itla , Z , nd • Blake; 44) opAINT SALE« F a ellco-a-year Offer DURING THIS SALE ONLY, . DURING THIS SALE ONLY, omit:mg QUART AT THE • BUY QNE GALLON AT THE REGULAR PRICE, AND GET REGULAR PRICE,,AND GET THE NEXT QUART FOR 9NLY THE NEXT GALLON FOR ONI. Gallons - $9.38; or 2 for 510.38 Quarts - $2.78; or 2 for $ 3.28 Exterior Oil Gloss Exterior Latex Gallons - $8.88; or 2 for $ 9.88 Quarts - $2.78; or 2 for $ 3.28 Interior Latex Gallons - $7.98; or 2 tor $ 8.98 Quads - $2.58; or 2 for $ 3.08 Interior Semi-Gloss Gallons - '$9.78; or 2 for $10.78 Quarts - $2.78; or 2 for $ 3.28 Prices quoted for white only. May be tinted your choice at a, slight extra charge. e also carry the latest designs in both Sunworthy and Waldec Wallpaper APRI. NG "to fit your budget" COL NIAL PTCHWORK ROCK.ERS $79.79 SWIVEL ROCKERS AND RECLINERS Black - Coral - Brown - Green Vinyl FROM $59.95 BOSTON ROCKERS (Finished) $33.77 2 PCE. CHESTERFIELD sun' • Of beautiful Hendon' and longwearing 'nylon ALL MODEitATELY PRICED SEVERAL DAVENPORT SETS & SPACESAVERSI CHOOSE FOM a— FROM $79.95 MATTRESS AND BOX SPRINGS FROM $39.95 Mr. Karl De Koeijer on Sun- day informed the United Church at the service that he was retiring from preaching at the end, of . .June. . • Visitors on Sunday with. Mr. • and Mrs. Gershorn Johnston were Mr. end Mrs. Jim Johnston, List- owel , Mr. and Mrs. Garry .Black, . Clinton, Mr. and Mrs'. Ken . Lovering and Jason of Stratford. , . On Friday, Kenneth)lkis, Mrs: Annie Irwin and Mrs. Wm. Bolt of Mitchell were call- ' efs on their cousin Miss Annie • Kennedy of Wingham. , Mr. and Mrs. E. W. 5eecroft 'and Karen and Hugh Sinnamon were Sunday visitors', with, Mr. .and Mrt. Glen Sinnarrion oW Wingharn.' . . Saturday 'visitors with M.r. 'anC Nts,'kintoul were 1.'2„ an Gordon Mr. and• Nts. Dave Cherbt:tze: of WInsham.. • Mr. and 'Mrs,. N'orrnan 1 day visitors wizb an: 7 it Walter Elliott inc.; , a • .with Bill Forszer \. ' and farnily Mt Lambeth 54" „. FOR THE SPRING. BRIDE. KITCHEN STOOLS BATH SCALES ' CARD TABLE SETS — LAMpS AND CLOTHES HAMPERS TO MATCH CHECK OUR BASEMENT F4R BIG VALUES LUCKNOVV yizwam cosai -tm-160 '8' CHECK YOUR APRIL SALE BILL FOR ADDITIONAL BARGAINS ‘11.1-7 r<aMARammwtkolagg RON MACHAN 04. PHONE 528-3008 +1'